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Detective Conan World

Umh... ah... I... *confused*

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I decided to make this one because there was something has changed my life "a bit"

Now, I'll tell you about me... Yeah, any question just ask at here, I'll answer ^^ (just don't ask my BWH ok :P???)

Umh, my character:

- 65% is like this person:


Yumeji Fujiwara, yeah, I'm like this guy, because...

I decided, that's why I'll do it...

- 25% is this person:


Hina from Penguin Brothers


*smiling like the sun*

- The last 10%:


Hinata from Naruto, yeah... No, exactly is:

Hinata in Gothic style (my friend's thought about me -.-")


Well, I'm from Vietnam, a fan of Kiddo-sama (Kaitou Kid) and I'm ShinRan (won't change)


Ask any question if you want...

P.S: don't welcome me :P

I hope think this thread will have no answer :P

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Hey, even if you've been here a while, I'll still welcome you!

And now, I give you the Yoyo & Cici Welcome!!




Hello, and welcome to DCW!!JFBQ00154070129B.gifyociexpress08.gifyociexp86.gif

I have a bit of advice: Don't be like me and disappear for months the day after you join. JFBQ00125061225b.gif

I'm Sherlock Lupin. I'm THE Master Procrastinator and Trickster Extraordinaire, and I'm DCW's Yoyo & Cici Specialistyociexp88.gif. I have a lovely habit of calling IdentityUnknown Prye instead of Pyre. I suggest you don't do it because it aggravates dear Pyre. Some call me SL, some call me Sherlock, others call me Lupin. Come up with your own name if ya like.icon_e_biggrin.gif

We're not too crazy hereJFBQ00218070525A.gifJFBQ00173070312A.gifyociexp99.gif, and we love DCJFBQ00163070213B.gif.

I'm sure you'll enjoy being friends with usyociexpress01.gif, and if you don't...JFBQ00217070524A.gif

Just kidding~!JFBQ00241070914B.gif We're not trying to scare you away... is it working?yociexp108.gif


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