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Moonlight Magician


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^Every project ever.  Sweet, we both agree, glue sucks.  Unfortunately, there are like, no better options.  I could go on about tape too, since this is the "hates" thread, but it's too late for a rant like that.  

ugh yes i could go on forever about tape too -- especially the ones where if you tape something wrong and try to take it off, the whole paper comes off with it -__-

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Yes... I actually put things above thr book to keep it down XD

I hate coffee (sorry to anyone who likes coffee)

Oh my gosh, I thought I was weird when I did things like that!  I sometimes do that with my clothes if I'm just like "screw ironing, that's old school".


I don't really like coffee either, because I have to stop by the restroom thrice as often as usual, but it does make me feel grown-up when I drink it.  And coffee does smell nice, I must admit.  Looks like I'd have trouble being a ghoul (*ahem*Tokyo Ghoul*ahem*).


Me before I take a sip: godot-sniff.gif

Me after I take a sip: Godot_Worried_with_Mug_2.gif

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I also hate tea...

And honestly I hate all hot drinks XD

Aww, I actually like tea...

Well, it's almost never the right time for hot drinks.  I only ever drink tea when I eat out at Asian restaurants and I only drink hot cocoa when it's snowing.


Ah, in order to stay on topic, I hate those itchy tags on shirts and sweaters.  I was wearing a shirt like that today.

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Ah, in order to stay on topic, I hate those itchy tags on shirts and sweaters.  I was wearing a shirt like that today.

definitely agree about itchy tags... so annoying -__-


i hate it when I accidentally put a paper in a folder so that when I take it out, it has a fold DX

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