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I hate people who won't listen to what somebody has to say JUST because they are a child. :(

I hate when people stereotype the more... feminine girls. I suppose I hate it when people think all girly girls talk like this: "OMG! BECKY! LOOK! AT! HER BUTT!" XD or that they are all weak or they all cry when they break a nail or that they're all superficial.

I hate it when people tell me "BUT IT'S SO AWESOME!" and try and force it down my throat.

I hate it when girls refuse to wear heels or a skirt or a dress for just one night.

I hate it when people forget the saying "the meek shall inherit the earth." xD

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  On 11/26/2011 at 1:01 AM, IHKF said:
I hate it when girls refuse to wear heels or a skirt or a dress for just one night.

oi oi, what if the girl isn't really used to wearing high-heeled shoes, skirts, or too girly dresses? <_< you can't force a lady to wear things like that, even if you want her to. And, us girls, hate it when we're forced to do something we never wanted to do in the first place.

Sorry for being too defensive.

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  On 11/26/2011 at 2:33 AM, dorothy-chan said:

Sorry for being too defensive.

Don't be sorry... I was going to call her out on that too... And I'm not even female XD

I was also going to tell her that depending on your age, the first thing can be quite legitimate. Though I tend not to listen to anyone that is less than a certain age on CERTAIN subjects due to lack of available knowledge or in ability to comprehend. There are things in which age is necessary, and though I try and value everyone's opinion, I have learned that kids under the age of 13 tend not to lie, but also tend to not know what they are talking about 75% of the time (though it isn't their fault, they are working off of limited knowledge) and kids 13-18 pretend like they know what they are talking about and make it seem like they are more knowledgeable than they really are. Which in my opinion is more annoying than adults not paying attention (which they usually do, but write it off based on their perception, which in their experience tends to be right a higher degree of the time. Though if a kid has proven themselves to be clever that can change)

note: this is all based off of PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, and I apologize if I offended anyone in that statement. If it makes you feel any better, the internet offsets a lot of things, and the kids on here at least do their research, or are (for the most part) clever (at least from what I have seen).

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^oh, IHKF's a female? Didn't know about that until you wrote 'she'. :mellow:

anyway, do you really have to explain a lot like that always? XD not that I mind but... I can't comprehend anymore some of the things you were trying to explain.

~I hate being in a state where I can't understand things anymore. D:

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Just to clarify I was talking about the older females who refuse to wear ANYTHING that could POSSIBLY be seen as "feminine" even if it's just for one night- like prom or a an important interview. XD In short I hate girls who have the "Rebellious Princess Syndrome".

And yes, I am a female. XD

I hate it when people hate Justin Beiber because he sounds like a girl. He hasn't done anything wrong in his career so far- no reason to hate him. :)

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  On 11/26/2011 at 4:56 AM, IHKF said:

Just to clarify I was talking about the older females who refuse to wear ANYTHING that could POSSIBLY be seen as "feminine" even if it's just for one night- like prom or a an important interview. XD In short I hate girls who have the "Rebellious Princess Syndrome".

And yes, I am a female. XD

I hate it when people hate Justin Beiber because he sounds like a girl. He hasn't done anything wrong in his career so far- no reason to hate him. :)

There are plenty of reason to hate him. Please read my posts in his thread...

By the by, I don't hate him because he sounds like a girl.

Thanks for that clarification btw.

I hate people who take everything so personal...(for no reason)

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@IHKF - It still didn't justify the things you said earlier which got me slightly vexed. And just so you know, I never attended our high school prom before because I didn't want to wear a dress and a pair of high-heeled shoes. But I guess it doesn't necessarily mean I'm the 'rebellious' type. D:

btw, I don't hate JB cuz of his voice. :) I just don't like him. I like his songs, though. They somehow make sense. :mellow:

I hate people looking at what I'm doing.

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I hate the 'up-and-coming new celebrities of the future' aka my sister and my cousin.

EDIT: Actually, I don't hate them as much as I hate their attitudes.

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  On 11/27/2011 at 1:04 PM, dorothy-chan said:

I hate the fact that I'm small. :mrgreen:

by that you mean Age or height ?

I hate it when good anime series are stopped in between without satisfying result .like HSD,SR. and many more.

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