kEa-cHiI 1 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 i really want to know why... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parkur 165 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 This is in the wrong section, but I'll reply anyway I don't like ran for a few reasons, first of all, I find her character, her "angel" image, to be annoying,I can't stand a character with such a generic image Secondly, she's not directly involved in the main BO plot, making her irrelevant Shinran, and romance in genreal in DC, bores me, and she's half of that She cries too much, someone get that girl a box of tissues Gosho makes her karate too strong, seriously, bending a street pole? She's just aoko with terrible hair her fans are amazingly annoying, like, they encompass everything that i hate about anime fandom, they even go out and make ran mouri facebook pages, and it's amazingly annoying to a casual fan when I see obsessive crap like that and of course, she's been fooled throughout the entire series by a pair of freakin glasses however, as i've said before, i think her being killed off, and watching conan go through a downward spiral, would be amazing 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kEa-cHiI 1 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 On 10/22/2011 at 6:59 AM, Parkur said: This is in the wrong section, but I'll reply anyway I don't like ran for a few reasons, first of all, I find her character, her "angel" image, to be annoying,I can't stand a character which such a generic image Secondly, she's not directly involved in the main BO plot, making her irrelevant Shinran, and romance in genreal in DC, bores me, and she's half of that She cries too much, someone get that girl a box of tissues Gosho makes her karate too strong, seriously, bending a street pole? She's just aoko with terrible hair her fans are amazingly annoying, like, they encompass everything that i hate about anime fandom, they even go out and make ran mouri facebook pages, and it's amazingly annoying to a casual fan when I see obsessive crap like that and of course, she's been fooled throughout the entire series by a pair of freakin glasses however, as i've said before, i think her being killed off, and watching conan go through a downward spiral, would be amazing waaaahhh...sorry... uhm... where should i post it? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parkur 165 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 General Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lovestruck 70 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 I don't like her. I don't hate her either. But her hair pisses me off :V And she's still waiting for shinichi? Damm'it she's not a human. Well, I can't stand characters who are too dramatic like her. And as par-chan said. *Wrong section alert* 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kEa-cHiI 1 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 i really want to know why... [due to my stupidity, i put this topic in the chatroom section... thanks for correcting me Parkur-san!!!] ;-) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
harrieth.dc 2 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 for me.. the thing that I don't like about her is that she's very weak when it comes to her emotions though she's very strong physically... but this I guess is given cause every person has their own weaknesses... and the rest about her is I like very much! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black Demon 466 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 I don't hate Ran as much as many people do, but that doesn't mean that I like her. Reasons for that: 1. Like Parkur said above, she cries too much. About this reason, I personally think that it was because of Gosho's "failure" in drawing the readers' sympathy towards the character. In the past, from the beginning to the end of Vermouth arc, I actually felt sorry for her. I felt her pain and her sadness. I even admired her strength when she tried to hide her tears from everyone, and still acted naturally (Volume 33). But now, Gosho is just making her cries more and more annoying. She cries, but the way Gosho portraits it makes me hardly feel anything. I don't even see her sadness. 2. Gosho makes her role much less significant then it was supposed to be. She's the 2nd main character after Shinichi, but she has absolutely no role in the development of the main plot itself. The scene where Gosho made her jumped in and saved Ai was rather random IMO (I don't know about the rest of you but that scene made me admire Vermouth much more than it was to Ran). Even for the normal weekly cases (which some people called "fillers"), her role is nothing more than to call the police when a murder occurs. Because of that, it doesn't surprise me when some people think that her image is more "faded" than other characters like Ai, Kazuha, Sonoko... or even Akemi Miyano. 3. One of the most important reasons is her personality. How can I say ? It's too "general". If someone asks me to describe the most unique (but positive) element I find in Ran and not in other char., I'll be speechless, since I don't even know the answer. That's right. You can hardly find things that are unique about her character, even when she's the 2nd main. (The fact that she cries too much or fears of the supernatural doesn't count because they're negative). I don't care about the recurring ones, but as the lead female character, having no (or few) specialty is also Gosho's "failure" in portraying her image. Of course her highlight is always the "Angel" part, where she saved people who was about to kill her and such. If that was real life, then I would worship her like a goddess for such action, because that's something you don't see everyday. But this is IN Conan Universe, where every good character is likely to do the same thing. The proof is that if Ran hadn't saved Vermouth, Shinichi would have done it anyway (after all, the "there's no reason to save" speech was his). Also, if it hadn't been Ran following Vermouth and saved Ai, but instead another good character, they would also have rushed out to protect her from Vermouth... Therefore, Ran lost her uniqueness. 4. Sometimes, Ran used (or was about to use) her Karate without thinking, which only adds more negative points to her character. E.g. in Volume 55 (Eri's secret case), where she almost kicked her mother's guest right on the face even though Conan told her it was a misunderstanding. And in Volume 61, she "successfully" kicked at Okiya's face without even letting him finishes his explanation. Who in the world attacks people when she herself was the one who asked "Who are you?" just like 1 second ago ? (File 638 - page 8) She's lucky that he isn't Yusaku or Yukiko's acquaintance who borrowed their house. 5. Last but not least: Her hair-style. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarpetCrawler 280 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 I think this is less "why don't some people like Ran" and more of "why don't some people like a certain type of female character", because honestly she shares traits with a LOT of fictional female characters. A lot of the Ran hate is actually kind of silly, but I'll go over it later today. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LittleDragonfly 2 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 Maybe... Just maybe, if Ai hadn't made her debut then Ran wouldn't have been *hated*, since those two are ALWAYS being compared by fans. Some of them may go like this, "Ai is cooler, smarter, more suitable to be Shinichi's love interest..." while "Ran is too "angelic", too violent, macho, has low intelligence (not sure where do they take that from), blah blah blah...." *oh here comes the endless Ran-Ai wars~...* Have to admit Ran's a bit Mary Sue-like, but I have no reason to hate her. I love her even 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wakarimashita 137 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 Quote her fans are amazingly annoying, like, they encompass everything that i hate about anime fandom, they even go out and make ran mouri facebook pages, and it's amazingly annoying to a casual fan when I see obsessive crap like that The thing is, that obsessive crap (which I think is a bit odd) is used by a good portion of the anime fandom. Not that it makes it any better, but for every manga/anime/character you'll have these hysterical obsessed and usually intolerant people who mainly stick to saying : 'This or this is the best manga/anime/character everrrrrrr' or 'so so so epicccccccccccc' or 'your opinion sucks if you disagree'. You meet people like that in all fandoms : manga, anime, music, movies, tv shows etc... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black Demon 466 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 On 10/22/2011 at 10:55 AM, Wakarimashita said: The thing is, that obsessive crap (which I think is a bit odd) is used by a good portion of the anime fandom. Not that it makes it any better, but for every manga/anime/character you'll have these hysterical obsessed and usually intolerant people who mainly stick to saying : 'This or this is the best manga/anime/character everrrrrrr' or 'so so so epicccccccccccc' or 'your opinion sucks if you disagree'. You meet people like that in all fandoms : manga, anime, music, movies, tv shows etc... In my country there're even fan-club FORUMS just for Haibara (or Ran, Kid...). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rukia Kurosaki 357 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 I don't mind Ran, although she's not my favorite character. She constantly interrupts Conan's showdowns with Kid or deductions, but has taken down quite a few criminals to make up for it. I dislike her anime-generic gravity-defying hair, but her personality allows her to empathize woth even the culprit and she interacts well with other characters. The fact that she hasn't discovered Shinichi's identity, despite her suspicions, is due to Gosho's intention of revealing it to her at the end of the series, or returning him to normal without her ever knowing. She's an anime girl, and has been waiting for Shinichi forever, so yeah, she's gonna cry. I have several personal reasons not to hate her. 1) She's been faithfully waiting through everything, and although on occasion she's broken down, Ran has never betrayed Shinichi. When I think of her character, I realize that my bf being an hour away and not seeing him for 2 months is nothing compared to what others are going through. 2) Ran is Gosho's interpretation of the character, and though we are speaking of her as though she were alive, she is nothing but a manga/anime character. I only ever "Hate" a character if they are working against the 'hero' or hurting others. Ran is doing neither of those things. 3) She is taking care of Conan. She worries about him, protects him when he needs it, and is altogether his guardian. Without even knowing fully who he was, she took him in, and is a kindhearted, if overly sympathetic, person. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheBlackTac 70 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 I don't hate her nor like. It's just annoying that she always cries because her boyfriend is missing. :/ Haibara has the worse situation. She lost her parents, her sister got murdered by the Black Organization and all that she have is The Cassette Tape that her mom left. And also Conan which that she loves him. I bet Ran cries for like 10 times? I'm not really sure to how many times she cried but I'm pretty sure she cries a LOT. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moonlight Magician 98 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 One reason that's definitely true is that the "some" you're talking about are AiCons. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parkur 165 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 On 10/22/2011 at 5:05 PM, Moonlight Magician said: One reason that's definitely true is that the "some" you're talking about are AiCons. Oh god not this crap again You don't need to be an aicon to not like ran Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief 197 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 Actually, I think Ran's character is actually a loveable character. She fits to be a perfect wife in reality. Perhaps we need to rethink about her character from Japanese girl's point of view. Also, we need to understand that that this anime has been a pretty long series. At that particular point of time when her character has been established, her character was actually a portrayal of most normal girls in high school. And at that time, the idea that girls are weaker than guys are still around. Girls like her are more or less thought to be normal. So the idea to make her strong in something like karate was actually to make her a little less normal. However, now, the situation is totally different. People do not think like this anymore. Girls are now a lot stronger than they used to be. Therefore, looking at girls like RAN now makes her a very plain character. Her actions now are deemed irritating and annoying. However I will still support her! Just because this girl still possesses the values which I believe in. To me, a person is smart or cool or beautiful or weak in heart is not as important as what I deem to be a value. So I don't dislike her. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kim-Chan 41 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 Ran is actually my favorite character. To me she's a normal girl with a huge heart. What's wrong with her character is beyond me, considering I love her personality to be honest.. But what I mostly hear is that Ran's image is too "perfect". She flaws don't stick out enough as a character. I've heard people say they don't like how she cries over Shinichi so much. That they don't like her to show a highly above average 'wait' for Shinichi? Some don't like the idea that she's too Mary-Sue. Some don't like how she's too plain. Some just don't like her hair :V It's truly just a matter of preference people have in characters. Some don't like Ran since she's too girly, sensitive, or sweet. Some prefer or do like her character. End of story. Everyone just has a different point of view when they look at a character. I personally like Ran, so ehh. That's just how I see it. P.S. It doesn't matter if you're ConAi or ShinRan, it shouldn't really effect your feelings towards a character. If it does then I think that's nothing more than you being close-minded and bias :V 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheBlackTac 70 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 On 10/22/2011 at 5:05 PM, Moonlight Magician said: One reason that's definitely true is that the "some" you're talking about are AiCons. Didn't I said something about what I wrote that I'm AiCon? So that I hate Ran? NO. On 10/22/2011 at 5:19 PM, Parkur said: Oh god not this crap again You don't need to be an aicon to not like ran It's true that I'm an AiCon. But I just said that it's just annoying. I didn't say something like I hate Ran. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AJ M. 204 Report post Posted October 22, 2011 Why do people not like Ran? Because those who don't like Ran only focus on the her drawbacks (though human nature in general are always more attentive towards the negatives). If someone ONLY sees Ran as an irrelevant, emotional, and annoying girl with a horn-like bang, then he or she is simply ignorant because in reality, her good qualities outshine her bad ones. For example, Ran is selfless, humble, kind, strong-willed, a great cook, and a kick-ass girl (with a horn-like bang). I don't know about you, but those qualities scream "likeable" to me. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black Demon 466 Report post Posted October 23, 2011 On 10/22/2011 at 5:05 PM, Moonlight Magician said: One reason that's definitely true is that the "some" you're talking about are AiCons. Not all of them. As for me, I hate AiCon/ShinShi, I even made the "Vote for a non Conan/Shinichi boyfriend for Haibara" topic. I also don't like Haibara very much in general. On 10/22/2011 at 7:31 PM, AJ M. said: Why do people not like Ran? Because those who don't like Ran only focus on the her drawbacks (though human nature in general are always more attentive towards the negatives). If someone ONLY sees Ran as an irrelevant, emotional, and annoying girl with a horn-like bang, then he or she is simply ignorant because in reality, her good qualities outshine her bad ones. For example, Ran is selfless, humble, kind, strong-willed, a great cook, and a kick-ass girl (with a horn-like bang). I don't know about you, but those qualities scream "likeable" to me. Of course if you lists something that is positive about Ran, there will be many to talk about, since she's a good character. But this topic to ask why would someone dislike her, it wouldn't be a surprise if all things said here are negative points. I don't know about others, but as for me, even though I don't like Ran, I still acknowledge her good side. And once again, I personally think it's Gosho's fault in making her crying scenes kind off annoying, while they are actually very emotional in the past volumes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tengaku squared 291 Report post Posted October 23, 2011 There are a plethora of reasons why people hate Ran. Most of the reasons, Parkur already mentioned. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AJ M. 204 Report post Posted October 23, 2011 On 10/23/2011 at 1:30 AM, Black Demon said: Of course if you lists something that is positive about Ran, there will be many to talk about, since she's a good character. But this topic to ask why would someone dislike her, it wouldn't be a surprise if all things said here are negative points. I don't know about others, but as for me, even though I don't like Ran, I still acknowledge her good side. And once again, I personally think it's Gosho's fault in making her crying scenes kind off annoying, while they are actually very emotional in the past volumes. I don't recall any of her crying scenes as annoying (she rarely sees a guy whom she secretly loves and when she does, he leaves without her acknowledgement). If anything, it's her screaming during cases that's annoying. And still, for what reason do you not like Ran? Like I said, those who don't like her tend to only focus on the negatives, even if she's an all-round likeable character. You say you have some consideration for her good side, but you don't have a legitimate reason as to why you don't like her. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black Demon 466 Report post Posted October 23, 2011 On 10/23/2011 at 2:21 AM, AJ M. said: I don't recall any of her crying scenes as annoying (she rarely sees a guy whom she secretly loves and when she does, he leaves without her acknowledgement). If anything, it's her screaming during cases that's annoying. And still, for what reason do you not like Ran? Like I said, those who don't like her tend to only focus on the negatives, even if she's an all-round likeable character. You say you have some consideration for her good side, but you don't have a legitimate reason as to why you don't like her. I find her crying in recent volumes emotionless, she drops tears, but I don't see her sadness anywhere (which can easily be felt in the past), that is the annoying part. But let's just say again that it was only my own personal feeling. And as for why I don't like her, even though she has many positive points ? It's because Gosho makes her negative ones more often and too obvious, to the point that you just cannot ignore them (e.g. the screaming part that you mentioned). It makes many readers hard to only consider her good qualities. Also, I acknowledges Ran's courage, kindness... (which btw many characters in DC also have, not only her), and assume that all of my comments about her personalities not "good" enough to dislike her; I really don't like it when she, at times, uses her Karate on people without considering the situation and not even letting them finish their explanation (Okiya's case). You may not think it's an "good enough" reason to dislike a character, but I do. Because at moments like that, all of her kindness, sweetness... are gone. All you see is an aggressive, violent teenage girl, thus completely damaged Ran's image. I actually wouldn't care that much about Ran if she never acts like that (which again is also Gosho's "failure" in portraying her character). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AJ M. 204 Report post Posted October 23, 2011 On 10/23/2011 at 2:50 AM, Black Demon said: I find her crying in recent volumes emotionless, she drops tears, but I don't see her sadness anywhere (which can easily be felt in the past), that is the annoying part. But let's just say again that it was only my own personal feeling. And as for why I don't like her, even though she has many positive points ? It's because Gosho makes her negative ones more often and too obvious, to the point that you just cannot ignore them (e.g. the screaming part that you mentioned). It makes many readers hard to only consider her good qualities. Also, I acknowledges Ran's courage, kindness... (which btw many characters in DC also have, not only her), and assume that all of my comments about her personalities not "good" enough to dislike her; I really don't like it when she, at times, uses her Karate on people without considering the situation and not even letting them finish their explanation (Okiya's case). You may not think it's an "good enough" reason to dislike a character, but I do. Because at moments like that, all of her kindness, sweetness... are gone. All you see is an aggressive, violent teenage girl, thus completely damaged Ran's image. I actually wouldn't care that much about Ran if she never acts like that (which again is also Gosho's "failure" in portraying her character). Ummm.... have you watched the London arc? Her crying near the Big Ben tower was one of the most emotional scenes I've seen of her. She has bottled up her feelings for so long that, it may seem that she doesn't care sometimes, but in a matter of fact, she does. She has actually been progressively more emotional every time she has seen Shinichi (Diplomat case to Desperate Revival to Shinichi's True Face, Ran's Tears to the London Arc). So not sure what you meant there. Well, that's a first: not liking Ran for her aggressiveness. I think her fierceness in karate cancels out the "innocent, goody two-shoes" aspect of Ran that we tend to see most of the time. And not to mention, she only misused her karate like two times (if I recall). As for the Okiya situation, do you blame her for attacking a potentially bad person who happened to be in Shinichi's house? She wouldn't ask "Why who are you sir and what brought you here?" Using her karate skills is better safe than sorry. I do respect your opinion and all (and everyone else's opinion at that), but I just question some of your reasoning... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites