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Why do some people not like Ran?

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  On 10/22/2011 at 6:59 AM, Parkur said:

This is in the wrong section, but I'll reply anyway

I don't like ran for a few reasons, first of all, I find her character, her "angel" image, to be annoying,I can't stand a character with such a generic image

Secondly, she's not directly involved in the main BO plot, making her irrelevant

Shinran, and romance in genreal in DC, bores me, and she's half of that

She cries too much, someone get that girl a box of tissues

Gosho makes her karate too strong, seriously, bending a street pole?

She's just aoko with terrible hair

her fans are amazingly annoying, like, they encompass everything that i hate about anime fandom, they even go out and make ran mouri facebook pages, and it's amazingly annoying to a casual fan when I see obsessive crap like that

and of course, she's been fooled throughout the entire series by a pair of freakin glasses

however, as i've said before, i think her being killed off, and watching conan go through a downward spiral, would be amazing

If this is what you are thinking...may i ask you? Why did you still read/watch this series?

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  On 10/22/2011 at 7:56 AM, harrieth.dc said:

for me.. the thing that I don't like about her is that she's very weak when it comes to her emotions though she's very strong physically... but this I guess is given cause every person has their own weaknesses... and the rest about her is I like very much!

everyone have their own weakness... but if you ask me, i would say Ran is strong as not many people can handle such a situation especially to your loved one. Every person have their own emo time... Crying is a way to release

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  On 11/4/2014 at 4:59 AM, Kate Chiew said:

If this is what you are thinking...may i ask you? Why did you still read/watch this series?


Because it's a MYSTERY series and some people only watch it because of that. Just like me, I'm on more for the Mystery not much for the plot.


  On 11/4/2014 at 5:04 AM, Kate Chiew said:

everyone have their own weakness... but if you ask me, i would say Ran is strong as not many people can handle such a situation especially to your loved one. Every person have their own emo time... Crying is a way to release

I would agree that Ran is strong coz she was able to wait this long. And the thing here is she cries too much not that we hate that she cries coz everyone cried or cries at least once.

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Hello , people .

Clearing one thing out . This post is open for Ran Lovers AND Haters too ! You are free to express your opinion !! But , i do NOT appreciate bashing AT ALL . Just clearing :)

The title says it all . People have reasons to hate a character but some people stated that their ONLY reasons to hate Ran are because she cries a lot . What's wrong with crying ? Besides being her love interest Shinichi is also one of her best friends , so it's obvious that she will miss him .

If one is emotional , then it is necessary that the person is boring too . Ran is emotional person , but also a very strong character . Her parents are separated , she was deeply hurt but has also learnt to cope up with this loss . She is such a kind person too , it is clear in some cases . She tries to get some girls justice herself .

I am not saying that people HAVE to like Ran .

Am just saying that hating a person just because the person is emotional is strange .

Here ends my post people :D

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Ran is a nice character,I really liked her in the begining,but since DC is a very long manga, I think she became a bit more boring than she used to.

I'm sad that her main purpose is to be the hero's lover,but well she's not that bad.

It's just there are other characters that I find more interesting and realistic.

Also crying isn't a bad thing...but at this point I'm not moved when Ran cries,mostly because Shinichi only disappeared for 1 year,and he still call her very often,she saw him in person several times,so sometimes I can't understand Ran's sadeness.It's not like Shinichi is dead.


But she is a nice character,I love her interactions with Sonoko,and with Ai,(too bad Gosho doesn't focus enough on their friendship)

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crying isn't a bad thing...but at this point I'm not moved when Ran cries,mostly because Shinichi only disappeared for 1 year,and he still call her very often,she saw him in person several times,so sometimes I can't understand Ran's sadeness.It's not like Shinichi's dead

Its what they call true love<3
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm so glad that this community partly respects that.

I speak Japanese, so I get to watch the anime without any trouble, but I have realized not so long ago, that

There is a big, massive clash between the ShinRan people and CoAi people on Japanese forums, and most of them are

"Ran should die" "We don't need drills" "She's too mainstream and boring" "Go to hell"

"They are destined to be together" "Who cares about CoAi" "Dream on"


I respect both "believers" (At least that's what they call themselves) but this is just too much.

I know that both couples aren't possible at the same time, but there is no need to completely bash the other clan to their pleasure.

It's stupid. On the other hand, in my opinion the CoAi people are immature compared to ShinRan. Why? Just because it's not the main plot, they don't need to insult the other clan! ShinRan just states the main plot and they completely ignore the insults. Because some of them do respect Ai as a character.

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I personally don't like the CoAi pairing for many reasons, most of them are personal though. I just don't see any romantic connections between them at all, and also the age difference is one of the main reasons why I dislike the pairing. It's not too big, only a few years apart, but a teenager dating an adult is a bit... strange for me, even if Shinichi is considered as an "Adult", He's only a "Young Adult", 17, and is still in Highschool. I just don't go with the flow on Conan x Ai, due to having personal problems associated with it. However, many will disagree with this seeing as how big the CoAi fanbase is.


Anyways, I see Conan/Shinichi and Haibara/Shiho as just close friends, I don't see any chemistry with them being a couple much, but this is just my opinion, and anyone who feels free to disagree with my opinion can do so.


One of the reasons why some people do not like Ran is mostly because most fans feel like she's just a filler character and they feel like she's not needed for being apart of the main plot of the series. I would like to say that I really love Shinichi x Ran, and basically ShinRan in general, I also support Yaoi pairings of Detective Conan, but I'm not going to discuss this here due to off topic reasons and such,  So, I actually like Ran and her feelings for Shinichi.I feel like when Gosho created this character, he was trying to give show how hard it is to keep feelings for someone you love all bottled up inside, and trying your best not to cry about it. I also like Ran because she is a very caring, and strong girl, and just because someone who is 'soft' cries a lot, it doesn't mean that they are weak. I actually believe that crying and tears makes one stronger in the inside. I also see her as a character who takes on one of the strong female leads in a plot, and titles with females who are very important to the story and have strong leads, is one thing I support. I also see Ran as a character who supports women and young girls and encourages them to do their best in a relationship, even if you have to let out some tears.


However, this doesn't mean that everyone here will agree with me. This just means that I support ShinRan for many reasons, one of the main reasons is that I feel like Ran's relationship with Shinichi is more close than Haibara, due to Ran growing up knowing Shinichi since she was small. Of course, This doesn't mean that Haibara and Conan don't have a relationship, but I just personally don't see any romantic relations, just a strong friendship as all.


Btw, I really love friendships between a Male and a Female, and this is why I support Haibara and Conan as friends. It shows that not all Male and Female relationships have to turn into a romantic relationship, just because they are the opposite sex. This is mostly the main reason why I support the Conan and Haibara friendship.  :)

Edited by Moonlit Flower

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First, some things need to be cleared up before I begin:

Ran would be fantastic as a real life friend. She's loyal, trusting, and friendly.

However, we're talking about a fictional realm where a character's makeup can consist of endless possibilities--therefore, these characteristics of her's are easily overshadowed by the traits of other characters. Her's are uninteresting, insipid, and unoriginal. Heck, even Sonoko and Kazuha show more personality than her nowadays.


Most people tend to forget that DC has been running for over 20 years now. Where's the character development? Why is Ran still sitting on the sidelines? Why does Ran seem more like a side character rather than a main character?


Surely, 20 years is enough time to generate some character development, right? Apparently not, because her character has actually retrogressed. 


This is what she was like before:

  Reveal hidden contents


Ran's distinguishing trait as a headstrong character was traded in for the role of the damsel in distress, and that's my problem with her.


Frankly, I don't know where Gosho is going with this because now I can only picture her as a housewife.

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  On 11/29/2014 at 3:22 PM, Moonlit Flower said:

I personally don't like the CoAi pairing for many reasons, most of them are personal though. I just don't see any romantic connections between them at all, and also the age difference is one of the main reasons why I dislike the pairing. It's not too big, only a few years apart, but a teenager dating an adult is a bit... strange for me, even if Shinichi is considered as an "Adult", He's only a "Young Adult", 17, and is still in Highschool. I just don't go with the flow on Conan x Ai, due to having personal problems associated with it. However, many will disagree with this seeing as how big the CoAi fanbase is.

Shinichi is 17, and Shiho is ~18. It's an age difference of one year, give or take. For all we know, they are only a few months apart, and maybe Shiho's closer to Shinichi's age than Ran is. Since this is an approximation (Gosho hasn't stated the exact ages/birthdays yet), and the time flow in DC is unnatural to start with, I don't think that's such a big problem.

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Although Ai/Shiho is my favorite, Ran character is also great.

It's just peoples taste and preference on what kind of character they want.

In the beginning of DC I'm all about Ran, she's perfect for Shinichi no other girl is suited for him but Ran.

But when they introduce Ai it caught my interest because of her background and attitude that makes me curious. Then I just saw a possibility that this female character also was suitable for Shinichi even they don't have the same kind of passion as Ran and Shinichi have.

Its also frustrating to be on the side in which you know that you can't win.

Ran was great as it is Gosho should just come up with a story that makes Ran more interesting.

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ran's growth to a damsel in distress (and totally helpless most of the time) is what makes we irritated. even when sonoko in danger she had more courage than ran.  <_<


i feel like out-of-season-halloween is the last time ran is being brave. or is it just my feeling?

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  On 11/30/2014 at 2:35 AM, kirsch said:

Shinichi is 17, and Shiho is ~18. It's an age difference of one year, give or take. For all we know, they are only a few months apart, and maybe Shiho's closer to Shinichi's age than Ran is. Since this is an approximation (Gosho hasn't stated the exact ages/birthdays yet), and the time flow in DC is unnatural to start with, I don't think that's such a big problem.

She's 18? My Apologies. I always thought that Shiho was 21. :P I'm not too good with the ages of characters on Detective Conan. However, there was a fansub that said that she was 21, but that was just a fansub, and they may could have miscalculated it. (Or maybe I was confused on what Haibara was telling Conan on episode 130.)

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  On 11/30/2014 at 2:38 PM, Moonlit Flower said:

She's 18? My Apologies. I always thought that Shiho was 21. :P I'm not too good with the ages of characters on Detective Conan. However, there was a fansub that said that she was 21, but that was just a fansub, and they may could have miscalculated it. (Or maybe I was confused on what Haibara was telling Conan on episode 130.)

lol, either way the ages end up averaging out when they get older. 17 with 21 would end up being 38 with 42 so the age difference wouldn't have been that disconcerting anyway.


Haibara probably wasn't lying, so I think it's safe to assume that she's 18.

I also don't think that Gosho would want to isolate Conan by making her much older or younger.



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  On 11/30/2014 at 10:28 AM, Kurara-chan said:

ran's growth to a damsel in distress (and totally helpless most of the time) is what makes we irritated. even when sonoko in danger she had more courage than ran.  <_<


i feel like out-of-season-halloween is the last time ran is being brave. or is it just my feeling?

So true... Gosho has stated in an interview that he wanted Ran to be a "strong" character, but instead, she's become the "damsel in distress". Sonoko's a bit more independent than her, and no matter how annoying she could be sometimes, I feel like she's a better character than Ran.
  On 11/30/2014 at 10:03 AM, HellAngelsDaughter said:

Although Ai/Shiho is my favorite, Ran character is also great.

It's just peoples taste and preference on what kind of character they want.

In the beginning of DC I'm all about Ran, she's perfect for Shinichi no other girl is suited for him but Ran.

But when they introduce Ai it caught my interest because of her background and attitude that makes me curious. Then I just saw a possibility that this female character also was suitable for Shinichi even they don't have the same kind of passion as Ran and Shinichi have.

Its also frustrating to be on the side in which you know that you can't win.

Ran was great as it is Gosho should just come up with a story that makes Ran more interesting.

... I can't tell if you're AiCon or not xD

Anyway, I'm a ShinRan, but that doesn't change the fact that Haibara beats Ran anytime in terms of character.

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  On 11/30/2014 at 3:44 PM, kirsch said:

So true... Gosho has stated in an interview that he wanted Ran to be a "strong" character, but instead, she's become the "damsel in distress". Sonoko's a bit more independent than her, and no matter how annoying she could be sometimes, I feel like she's a better character than Ran.

... I can't tell if you're AiCon or not xD

Anyway, I'm a ShinRan, but that doesn't change the fact that Haibara beats Ran anytime in terms of character.

Sonoko's personality has more depth making her funner to watch than Ran. Gosho really need to improve main characters

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  On 11/30/2014 at 3:52 PM, Meitantei Kiddo said:

Sonoko's personality has more depth making her funner to watch than Ran. Gosho really need to improve main characters

Yeah. Sonoko would seem like a shallow sidekick for most of the time, but it's those moments when Ran is in danger or their friendship is being questioned I really admire her.

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  On 11/30/2014 at 3:44 PM, kirsch said:

So true... Gosho has stated in an interview that he wanted Ran to be a "strong" character, but instead, she's become the "damsel in distress". Sonoko's a bit more independent than her, and no matter how annoying she could be sometimes, I feel like she's a better character than Ran.

... I can't tell if you're AiCon or not xD

Anyway, I'm a ShinRan, but that doesn't change the fact that Haibara beats Ran anytime in terms of character.

Im either way. Character wise I'm a Haibara Ai fan.

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I personally think that for a series, especially as long running as DC, a strong character is needed to add spice to the plot and to maintain the thrill. In addition, variations in the character's personality would make the anime more interesting.


However, as for Ran, we have almost seen the same personality as far as the series goes. Damsel-in-distress may work in typical shoujo mangas but just not in DC. I like Ran but I want to see her other side too. How far can she go without being saved every time. :P

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  On 12/6/2014 at 1:50 PM, astraculpa said:

How far can she go without being saved every time. :P

Never, it seems. Every single movie, including Movie 19, has proven that.

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