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Detective Conan World

Are you Alice?

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You're Alice!

Sorry for double posting, but you're not Alice if you apologize for it in the post!

Alices aren't attentive, so you didn't notice this!!!!!

Alice, I finally found ya!

(P.S. Where do you think I should put the Math thread?)

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You're attentionally/accidentally quoting yourself. Did you read Alice's adventure in Wonderland ^^? She is the ideal Alice and she talks to herself a lot!!!

p.s: I thought we can discuss it personally but I cannot leave comment on your profile! I think that you should put the thread in chatroom because there's a small title "talk about anything here" :P

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*sigh* its vertebral coloumn and spinal cord if you have to go into specifics. Spinal cord is enlclosed in the vertebral coloumn.

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(I found that song really creepy *shudders*)


I know it would be most interesting if I was the Alice you were looking for, but I am afraid you are mistaken. The real Alice is someone else, someone among you. 



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I said among you, not among us. Hmm...maybe you're Alice, and you're just trying to mislead us. scaredtodeathplz.gif?1

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