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Detective Conan World
Detective Rohit

Did you SMILE today?

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I did, I think.  I've been having a very strange day and I can't quite figure it out.  Something happened that should have affected me more than it did, and yet I'm here on DCW going about my daily life.  I even smiled.  I shouldn't be smiling.  Maybe tomorrow, but not today.  Am I broken?  Or have I finally found----?

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I didn't smile, but I did laughed.  I laughed when I saw one squirrel in hot pursuit of another as my car drove by the front lawn of a school.  They nearly kept up with the car, which was bizarre.  I really needed a laugh like that. 

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Im sick too :(

But I should smile :)

Or else people will worry about me and start asking me stuff (which I don't want to answer)

So I should SMILE

and as they say "smiling is always easier than explaining why you are sad"

Aww :(

You don't have to fake your smile when you're on DCW ^^ Just saying that :)

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