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Status Love

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Okay! I'm finally posting this. I made a status and I said whoever commented on it, I would make a topic and say what I love about them. <3

Sorry I couldn't come up with a better name... ^^


1. Nutcase

A relatively new member to DCW who seems that she'll fit in perfectly. <3 Very creative and awesome~! I LOVE her sense of humor. It makes me laugh~!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~!!

2. IdentityUnknown

SAKI-CHAN. I LOVE YOU. <3 *steals* OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~!! You're an incredible person, and I wish I could meet you in real life. That's one of my life dreams and goals. <3 You're supported me through everything I've gone through. Thank you so much. <3

3. Kid the Phantom Thief

Kid~! <3 There is many wonderful things about you. I've talked to quite a few people, and they only have good things to say. :DI'll admit that you used to annoy me a bit when we first met. :P

You're an amazing friend!! <3 And you'll always be Denmark. XD

4. True-Tears

I love you. <3 Never say that again. Or I will hunt you down and make you promise to never say that again. <3 You're an amazing friend~! <3

5. Sparks

One of my favorite reviewers. <3 I'm glad you joined DCW!! :D I appreciate all the help and support you've given me... Thanks so much!! <3

6. yungching

A recent member who joined almost a month ago~! :D I'm glad I met you. You seem like a great and inspiring person! :D You're friendly and I hope that we can become friends~! ^^

7. Nobody

Ama-chan. I love you. So. Incredibly. Much. <3 You're an amazing and inspiring person. I'm so glad that I met you... You're on my list to find as well... :twisted: My fellow witch lover!! <3 I hope that you can update your stories soon... I must say, I dislike your username... :V Because no one is ever a nobody. <3

8. Anime Girl 4 Eva

My fellow anime lover!! :D I'm so glad that you came back on. ^^ I'm really happy that we met~! I miss talking to you... <3 We need to talk more often!! :D

9. Ayame Tantei Kanna Natsumi

Yu-chan~! <3 You're an awesome person. I'm really happy I met you. <3 You're a great friend.

10. Parkur

(Even though he didn't comment. :V) PAR-PAR IS SO AWESOME THAT HE GETS A SPOT HERE. <3 I LOVE YOU, PAR-PAR.


If anyone else wants to, make a status about this and for the people who comment, make a list and post it here! :D

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If you're so heart-broken, then make your own status about this and do what I did when people comment. :P Post it here!! XD

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If you're so heart-broken, then make your own status about this and do what I did when people comment. :P Post it here!! XD

I DIDN'T SEE IT! ;___________________________;

I think I will! Maybe. :mellow:

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Okay! I'm finally posting this. I made a status and I said whoever c

2. IdentityUnknown

SAKI-CHAN. I LOVE YOU. <3 *steals* OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~!! You're an incredible person, and I wish I could meet you in real life. That's one of my life dreams and goals. <3 You're supported me through everything I've gone through. Thank you so much. <3

I LOVE YOU TOO. <333333333333333333333333 ...But no stealing! D: ;______________________;

I would love to meet you IRL as well...but I guarantee that if you met me, you'd have to ask me who I was at least twice because I'm probably very different from how you imagine me.

You're welcome. <3

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@Saki-chan Then I would. <3 I most definitely would. I will find you. That's one of my life goals. To find Saki-chan. <3

@Par-Par ...You, Moho and Saki-chan. I love you guys. <3 So much.

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@Saki-chan Then I would. <3 I most definitely would. I will find you. That's one of my life goals. To find Saki-chan. <3

@Par-Par ...You, Moho and Saki-chan. I love you guys. <3 So much.


:o We're a love...uh, pentagon! :V

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Seriously, guys. I'm going to find all of you in real life. That's my primary goal before I die.

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*meh* It ain't my fault I don't have time to go on DCW and check status updates! D: I use my iTouch! No statuses! And at the time of your status, I was at Math Club doing an AMC 12! (and failing along with everyone else... Why must it be so difficult...?) Enough with my whining. I won't do the status thing. :P I'm bad at listing stuff like that. XD I had a hard enough time listing them when my best friend moved away...

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Okay... D: Sorry about your friend moving away... >.< One of my closer friends moved away this summer... He might come back though!! :D

Well, Aya-chan, you should still try. :V For the heck of it.

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I know I should make a status for this, but... Easier just to do this. :V

1. Mohorovicic

I'm just grateful to have met you. Thanks.

2. IdentityUnknown

Since we first met, you've been such an amazing friend to me. <33333 Thank you.

3. Forever Lost

I love you. <33333 You've always been there for me, giving me advice and help whenever I need it. Thank you so much.

4. Koizumi Akako

You're awesome. Nuff said. <333

5. ShizranBo

Neechan~~ *hugs* You're such a good older sister figure for me~ I hope one day we can meet~~

6. Cammy3131

I have been and always will be touched by how much you trust me. <33333 You're an amazing person and I hope you stay that way.

7. Balthazar

You're cool. Stay that way. I enjoy our conversations, though they aren't as often as before.

8. ANTI-APTX4869

Both of you are great friends to me. <3

9. AiLoveConan

You're such a good friend/stalker. <333 But I wished you would like hugs more... ;_______; :V

10. Aeyra

Pretty sure it was you who had first introduced me to DCW through your fanfic~ Thank you, because or else I may have not found this amazing site and befriend so many wonderful people.

11. akane

I'm so happy you joined DCW~~ Thanks, though I would prefer you on more... :/

12. Zelious

You sure have given me a lot to think about. Get back on sometime.

And I'm done! \o/ Geez, that took some time...

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