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How many words per minute do you type? I know Saki-chan can get up to at least 90 WPM... I'm around 65 WPM.

Dunno... I've gotten maybe 65-70 WPM, though I don't know right now what I'm at.


and its because of a game that concerns killing zombies :mellow:

I became a fast typer because of DCW~~

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IU: that is insane :V

*points to mom* I blame her. When I was in 1st grade she plopped me in front of the computer, gave me around 50 lines of gibberish that she had printed out (aka, randomly typed in and messed around with) and then told me to copy it letter for letter. One year, the required typing speed was something like 32 WPM. Three people in our class were 32 WPM+, this guy (E), my teacher (:V) and me. I had something like 62. But that was a while back, so...

@Misaki: ...D: ...Wait, Mark still stalks me? :V And isn't Mark "not stalking you properly"?

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i think maybe its cuz of IU's spams on KtPT's page (?)

cuz she like typed 10 comments every minute :mellow:

EDIT: @IU:i now understand why ur keyboard is stiff :V

:V Actually, I did post my typing speed somewhere....months ago...in the forum games...sometime in like April or something when someone was asking about it...

... D: That's my sister's keyboard! I was borrowing her computer since my laptop was confiscated! D:

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:V Actually, I did post my typing speed somewhere....months ago...in the forum games...sometime in like April or something when someone was asking about it...

... D: That's my sister's keyboard! I was borrowing her computer since my laptop was confiscated! D:

i see~~~

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*points to mom* I blame her. When I was in 1st grade she plopped me in front of the computer, gave me around 50 lines of gibberish that she had printed out (aka, randomly typed in and messed around with) and then told me to copy it letter for letter. One year, the required typing speed was something like 32 WPM. Three people in our class were 32 WPM+, this guy (E), my teacher (:V) and me. I had something like 62. But that was a while back, so...

@Misaki: ...D: ...Wait, Mark still stalks me? :V And isn't Mark "not stalking you properly"?

He might. :V

He has more drive to stalk you than me. After all, I'm not his lover. :V

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I think my typing speed is up to 100 WPM on a computer, but I'm reasonable with my iTouch as well. :3 And Chelsea, if I tried, they'd all come out sounding the same. *sigh* And I don't like repetition..

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I think my typing speed is up to 100 WPM on a computer, but I'm reasonable with my iTouch as well. :3 And Chelsea, if I tried, they'd all come out sounding the same. *sigh* And I don't like repetition..

incredible O口O! 

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7. Nobody

Ama-chan. I love you. So. Incredibly. Much. <3 You're an amazing and inspiring person. I'm so glad that I met you... You're on my list to find as well... :twisted: My fellow witch lover!! <3 I hope that you can update your stories soon... I must say, I dislike your username... :V Because no one is ever a nobody. <3

*plans to ask some of her friends here to stop calling her by her real name so Chels-chan can't locate her on FB* :rolleys: XD

EDIT: I changed my display name. I hope you're happy now. :)

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Okay! I'm finally posting this. I made a status and I said whoever commented on it, I would make a topic and say what I love about them. <3

Sorry I couldn't come up with a better name... ^^


1. Nutcase

A relatively new member to DCW who seems that she'll fit in perfectly. <3 Very creative and awesome~! I LOVE her sense of humor. It makes me laugh~!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~!!

2. IdentityUnknown

SAKI-CHAN. I LOVE YOU. <3 *steals* OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~!! You're an incredible person, and I wish I could meet you in real life. That's one of my life dreams and goals. <3 You're supported me through everything I've gone through. Thank you so much. <3

3. Kid the Phantom Thief

Kid~! <3 There is many wonderful things about you. I've talked to quite a few people, and they only have good things to say. :DI'll admit that you used to annoy me a bit when we first met. :P

You're an amazing friend!! <3 And you'll always be Denmark. XD

4. Ro0ose

I love you. <3 Never say that again. Or I will hunt you down and make you promise to never say that again. <3 You're an amazing friend~! <3

5. Sparks

One of my favorite reviewers. <3 I'm glad you joined DCW!! :D I appreciate all the help and support you've given me... Thanks so much!! <3

6. yungching

A recent member who joined almost a month ago~! :D I'm glad I met you. You seem like a great and inspiring person! :D You're friendly and I hope that we can become friends~! ^^

7. amaranth

Ama-chan. I love you. So. Incredibly. Much. <3 You're an amazing and inspiring person. I'm so glad that I met you... You're on my list to find as well... :twisted: My fellow witch lover!! <3 I hope that you can update your stories soon... I must say, I dislike your username... :V Because no one is ever a nobody. <3

8. Anime Girl 4 Eva

My fellow anime lover!! :D I'm so glad that you came back on. ^^ I'm really happy that we met~! I miss talking to you... <3 We need to talk more often!! :D

9. Ayame Tantei Kanna Natsumi

Yu-chan~! <3 You're an awesome person. I'm really happy I met you. <3 You're a great friend.

10. Parkur

(Even though he didn't comment. :V) PAR-PAR IS SO AWESOME THAT HE GETS A SPOT HERE. <3 I LOVE YOU, PAR-PAR.


If anyone else wants to, make a status about this and for the people who comment, make a list and post it here! :D

fixed, :3

LOVE YOU TOO, AKO-CHAN <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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He might. :V

He has more drive to stalk you than me. After all, I'm not his lover. :V


I think my typing speed is up to 100 WPM on a computer, but I'm reasonable with my iTouch as well. :3 And Chelsea, if I tried, they'd all come out sounding the same. *sigh* And I don't like repetition..



...You told me.

Thought so.

Hmm. I would try but it would end up sounding like I'm leaving again. :V

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5. Shiraz.Bo

Neechan~~ *hugs* You're such a good older sister figure for me~ I hope one day we can meet~~

Hollie-chan~ *hugs back*

Really? <3 None of my siblings would ever say that I make a good older sister. D:

I'd like to meet you too. XD One day... when KKLT-san and MKK organize an event for DCW members~~

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I saw this I think yesterday and was going to come back because I so badly wanted to say : Thank you! *hugs* (If you don't mind :P) but I couldn't find where the thread was + I didn't have much time to look for it :(

Of course we can be friends :DDD In fact I'd love to be friends with you ;) And you're quite a nice person :) Today is exactly one month since I made an account here.. Hip hip hooray!

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