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Boys Vs. Girls

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I heard from Cindy-Chen that KKLT had some calculations or whatever; looks like I found it.

Alright, let me justify the 2 down, 1 up rule I came up with.

Remember, that girls far outnumber boys when it comes to DCW. In addition, girls tend to be spread out more throughout timezones. This is why guys having double firepower is not that overpowering.

There are very few cases where guys and girls will alternate posting in turn (when I'm in is one example, but I rarely play). Often, I find, girls post faster and more rapidly then guys, which also evens this tide up.

While I'm online and playing the games, I note at least one girl and one anonymous user at all times. The anonymous user is almost always a girl, and I quickly find myself at a disadvantage despite the fact I can go down two.

But just in case the rule would become too overpowering, I did add that girls had to go half the distance guys do. This also helps even up the sides.

So, this is math, but with more included factors than one would consider. If we consider the factors: girls outnumber boys, girls post faster, frequently, and more often then guys, and girls have half the distance necessary to win, I feel this is a pretty even game.

Is this enough of a rant?

Saying girls post faster and more rapidly and frequently than guys is... in my opinion, not making sense.(Right!? Isn't this a speed game? Or a post game? o.O). But I do agree that there are actually more girls in DCW compared to guys here and that makes us advantaged.

So the guys move a double step and the girls move a single step actually makes it seem fair, since this move make it seem like the guys have doubled the number to compare with the girls.

However, this move also makes the guys in a WIN situation ALL the time, unless 3 or MORE girls happen to be online at the EXACT same time. This decreases the probability drastically. Also, added to that, when 2 guys happen to be online at the same time, we need at least 5 girls to be online at the same time.

Not only that, girls now have to play cooperatively instead of posting whenever they want or can. (According to commonsense)using this rule,if only one girl is around, girls can never post. (I mean they cant compete one on one with a guy) Dont understand? Take a look.

Gal1: 100

Guy1: 98 <--- decrease by 2

Gal1: 99 <--- If she posts, she will prompt the guy to post again

Guy1: 97 <--- decrease by 2 again

Seeing the above, the best move for a girl is not to post until that guy leaves OR wait til another girl arrives. BUT this move will half the number of posts a girl can make.

So in the end, the girls are actually disadvantaged more than 4 times. So halving the number doesn't really make up fully for the added disadvantage.

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Saying girls post faster and more rapidly and frequently than guys is... in my opinion, not making sense.(Right!? Isn't this a speed game? Or a post game? o.O). But I do agree that there are actually more girls in DCW compared to guys here and that makes us advantaged.

So the guys move a double step and the girls move a single step actually makes it seem fair, since this move make it seem like the guys have doubled the number to compare with the girls.

However, this move also makes the guys in a WIN situation ALL the time, unless 3 or MORE girls happen to be online at the EXACT same time. This decreases the probability drastically. Also, added to that, when 2 guys happen to be online at the same time, we need at least 5 girls to be online at the same time.

Not only that, girls now have to play cooperatively instead of posting whenever they want or can. (According to commonsense)using this rule,if only one girl is around, girls can never post. (I mean they cant compete one on one with a guy) Dont understand? Take a look.

Gal1: 100

Guy1: 98 <--- decrease by 2

Gal1: 99 <--- If she posts, she will prompt the guy to post again

Guy1: 97 <--- decrease by 2 again

Seeing the above, the best move for a girl is not to post until that guy leaves OR wait til another girl arrives. BUT this move will half the number of posts a girl can make.

So in the end, the girls are actually disadvantaged more than 4 times. So halving the number doesn't really make up fully for the added disadvantage.

It makes perfect sense. Girls post faster then guys. Is there more to explain? :/

You seem to be looking at one particular scenario. I will note: that scenario is very rare.

Here are some more common scenarios:

3 girls + 1 guy = Girls will statistically get +1. Realistically, they'll likely get +2.

2 girls + 1 guy = Girls will statistically get 0. Realistically, they'll either get +1 or -1.

1 girl + 0 guys = No bounds here. Realistically they'll get +10 before a guy enters.

2 girls + 0 guy = No bounds again. Realistically, they'll get +20 at least.

3 girls + 0 guys = Good lord. I don't want to know. Unstopped, they'll get at least +35.

0 girls + 1 guy = No bounds. Realistically, he'll get +12 before a girl enters.

0 girls + 2 guys = Strangely, whenever this happens, girls come in. +8 likely.

3 girls + 2 guys = Post confusion galore. Likely there will be no change.

You say cooperation like it's a bad thing. Isn't cooperation the whole point of the game, cooperation between your own side? It's happening with guys, maybe that's why you girls are complaining.

Your scenario, is, as I said, rare, and will rarely turn out the way you expect even if it did happen. And your logic of the best move being not posting is absolute, complete, rubbish. I don't know where you pulled that one out from.

The girls are disadvantaged 4 times. But guys are disadvantaged far, far, more, than that.

If you want to argue further, get your facts straight. Otherwise, play the game, and see for yourself.

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It makes perfect sense. Girls post faster then guys. Is there more to explain? :/

You seem to be looking at one particular scenario. I will note: that scenario is very rare.

Here are some more common scenarios:

3 girls + 1 guy = Girls will statistically get +1. Realistically, they'll likely get +2.

2 girls + 1 guy = Girls will statistically get 0. Realistically, they'll either get +1 or -1.

1 girl + 0 guys = No bounds here. Realistically they'll get +10 before a guy enters.

2 girls + 0 guy = No bounds again. Realistically, they'll get +20 at least.

3 girls + 0 guys = Good lord. I don't want to know. Unstopped, they'll get at least +35.

0 girls + 1 guy = No bounds. Realistically, he'll get +12 before a girl enters.

0 girls + 2 guys = Strangely, whenever this happens, girls come in. +8 likely.

3 girls + 2 guys = Post confusion galore. Likely there will be no change.

You say cooperation like it's a bad thing. Isn't cooperation the whole point of the game, cooperation between your own side? It's happening with guys, maybe that's why you girls are complaining.

Your scenario, is, as I said, rare, and will rarely turn out the way you expect even if it did happen. And your logic of the best move being not posting is absolute, complete, rubbish. I don't know where you pulled that one out from.

The girls are disadvantaged 4 times. But guys are disadvantaged far, far, more, than that.

If you want to argue further, get your facts straight. Otherwise, play the game, and see for yourself.

My point is, speed is required to win right? So why do we need to give an advantage to guys because they are slower? I just don't think it makes sense to use this as a justification that's all. BUT I do agree that girls have an advantage because there are more girls.

I would like to make note that I don't disagree too much on the rules. (Being disadvantaged would be pretty fun to play as well.) :V

BTW, WHAT is rare? You mean it is rare for only one girl to be online? How rare is that? O.O We are busy too you know~ Sometimes, there may even be no girls online.

I didn't mean cooperation as a bad thing. I meant it as, girls need to cooperate and post together whereas guys DONT HAVE TO because they dont have to worry about WHEN to post, whereas girls NEED to. Guys won't be disadvantaged anyhow, but for girls, they need to make sure that they have to post straight in a ROW because if just ONE guy intercepts after every girl that posts, girls will still lose no matter how many of them there are. <--(Did you realise that? No?) (Oh. There is still the "more people, more confusion, more editing" thing - something like dodgeball - the more people, the more disadvantageous)

Oh. And you can remove all the counts for statistics when there is only one girl or one guy. No double posting remember? (Or is it allowed?)

And I predict 3 girls and 2 guys will most likely result in a drop instead of staying as it is. Two guys will not bring about much confusion, because lesser edits are required but more points are added. However, 3 girls has lesser points but more errors and editing required.

Remember the front part where we had 3 girls and only one of you? The increase was minimal even after so long... because the girls had too much errors and editing to be done.

What I mean by not posting UNTIL that guy left OR another girl is here is LOGIC.(Or did you think we are stupid? =___=) If you continue to play against him, it just gives him more chances to post(AND DECREASE YOUR POINTS). If you dont post, he can't continue(HE CAN'T DOUBLE POST)!!! SIMPLE AS THAT. HOW CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND EVEN THAT!? =____= And you dare say its rubbish. OMG. (Its just a strategy which you dont see.)

Okay there. Not ranting anymore... *sigh* I'll run first. *Dont wanna get killed or eaten by MOHO(or pipichan >__<)* BYES.

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Again, I agree with KKLT. It was NOT rubbish.

To have 2 girls online AT THE EXACT SAME TIME is unlikely, since we live in different places of the world.

But to have THREE girls online AT THE SAME TIME is even more unlikely, lowering the chances we have to win.

Girls have to cooperate to win this, if only one girl is posting, we'll undoubtedly lose drastically, because boys will subtract 1 every 2 posts.

Although I agree that Moho made it fair to go half way, I think Kaito-chan's game was better, (no offense Moho) because, like Kaito-chan and I did, players can call for back-up with members, even if most DON'T accept.

I also agree with Moho that girls do outnumber boys, but not 11:3!!!!

It may have been more fair to put us at a 2:3 disadvantage rather than a 1:2.

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@Cindy: Actually Im fine with a 1:2 advantage for boys over girls. :P Just the number of decrease. KK's game is more straightforward, but it gives the guys a huge disadvantage due to sheer numbers of girls. And I think it was a great idea on Moho's part for the game rules to make it more fair for the guys. Just that I think it went over a little too much. (Not that we would lose since guys are generally more lazy to post. :P)

Perhaps an advantage such as this would be tolerable? (Just an idea, you may disagree with it):

Maybe we can use KaitoKuroba's gameplay, and give guys the distance advantage instead, considering the girls have a number advantage.Even if girls on DCW is 11-3 like Moho said, we have plenty of guys posting around too. If we only count active posters, (or those that will actually post something, Anything~), it would be around~~ 2-3 girls to 1 guy? So how about, like girls go two times the distance of guys, but all of us increase or decrease by one only?

So let's say we start at (100)200, girls have to go to (300)600 but the guys go down to 0.

Does it sound more fair? (Although this would result in a veryyyy lonnnnggggg gameeeeeee I think)

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Again, I agree with KKLT. It was NOT rubbish.

To have 2 girls online AT THE EXACT SAME TIME is unlikely, since we live in different places of the world.

But to have THREE girls online AT THE SAME TIME is even more unlikely, lowering the chances we have to win.

Girls have to cooperate to win this, if only one girl is posting, we'll undoubtedly lose drastically, because boys will subtract 1 every 2 posts.

Although I agree that Moho made it fair to go half way, I think Kaito-chan's game was better, (no offense Moho) because, like Kaito-chan and I did, players can call for back-up with members, even if most DON'T accept.

I also agree with Moho that girls do outnumber boys, but not 11:3!!!!

It may have been more fair to put us at a 2:3 disadvantage rather than a 1:2.

You guys write a whole lot :)

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To have 2 girls online AT THE EXACT SAME TIME is unlikely, since we live in different places of the world.

But to have THREE girls online AT THE SAME TIME is even more unlikely, lowering the chances we have to win.

I see 2-3 girls online AT THE SAME TIME nearly all the time. Explain, hmmm?

Girls have to cooperate to win this, if only one girl is posting, we'll undoubtedly lose drastically, because boys will subtract 1 every 2 posts.

Cooperation is the name of the game here. I have nothing to say about this, because I do not give a care if you girls don't want to cooperate.

Although I agree that Moho made it fair to go half way, I think Kaito-chan's game was better, (no offense Moho) because, like Kaito-chan and I did, players can call for back-up with members, even if most DON'T accept.

...I'm hurt. D:

You can still call for backup...=_=

It may have been more fair to put us at a 2:3 disadvantage rather than a 1:2.

You end up having an even steeper disadvantage. Would you like that?

And I think it was a great idea on Moho's part for the game rules to make it more fair for the guys. Just that I think it went over a little too much. (Not that we would lose since guys are generally more lazy to post. :P)

Guys are lazy asses. I kept this in mind. :V

Perhaps an advantage such as this would be tolerable? (Just an idea, you may disagree with it):

Maybe we can use KaitoKuroba's gameplay, and give guys the distance advantage instead, considering the girls have a number advantage.Even if girls on DCW is 11-3 like Moho said, we have plenty of guys posting around too. If we only count active posters, (or those that will actually post something, Anything~), it would be around~~ 2-3 girls to 1 guy? So how about, like girls go two times the distance of guys, but all of us increase or decrease by one only?

So let's say we start at (100)200, girls have to go to (300)600 but the guys go down to 0.

Does it sound more fair? (Although this would result in a veryyyy lonnnnggggg gameeeeeee I think)

Alright, let's try KKLT's idea then. I haven't thought of that. But I'll make a slight tinker to the rules, so be warned. ;)

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I see 2-3 girls online AT THE SAME TIME nearly all the time. Explain, hmmm?

Guys are lazy asses. I kept this in mind. :V

Alright, let's try KKLT's idea then. I haven't thought of that. But I'll make a slight tinker to the rules, so be warned. ;)

That's because you're pretty lucky to have come at all the "right timings" :V

I know. xD

LOL. Can't be warned if you didn't tell us what is the 'slight tinker' you've added. XD

(Just no murder in the game :V)

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