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How Hot Are Your Showers!

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My Shower Experience (yes, this is repeated every single time):

Me: *steps into shower* It's too hot. *turns a little lower*

(5 seconds later)

Me: It's too cold. *turns up*

(10 seconds later)

Me: I want it to be warmer. *turns up*

(10 seconds later)

Me: It still could be warmer. *attempts to turn up* Wonderful. I can't go any further.

I just keep turning it up until it can't get warmer without adjusting the cold water.

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Um I think this explains it.

*Gets in*

A little cold

*Turns it up*

*Washes Hair*

It's getting cold again.

*Turns it up*

*Conditions Hair*


*Turns up heat*

*Washes everything else*

I'm going to stay in here for a little longer.

*Turns up heat*

Ahhhhh....... that's nice.

*Bumps the shower to freezing*


*Turns it up to the warmest*

*Gets out*

^^Yeah that's about the temp. XD

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Depends on the weather I guess? I mean if it's hot outside, I'll shower with the coldest water available! And if it's freezing cold outside, of course hot boiling water! :razz:

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LOLLLLL O.o *Looks at all the funny answers*

*Decides to say one herself*

Erm... This sounds weird XDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Usual Routine:

*Turns on the shower* D: Too cold

*Turns down the volume of water*

*Water gets warmer*

*Washes hands with little warm water and rubs on body*

*Water gets warmer still*

ONE...TWO...THREE *JUMPS into the shower*

Brzzzzzz *Hurries*



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lol they're pretty hot~ i guess

i like it all steamy xD idk why~ :3

i'm also the weirdo who takes hot showers in the summer :P

Me too

I only take Cold Showers when it's too hot and I get sick xD

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I take cold showers no matter what the weather is. Be it hot or cold. I can't stand hot water. It makes me feel as though I'm being boiled alive even when the water isn't that hot!

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It's really unhealthy if you are taking shower in opposite temperature of the room temperature though.

Homeostasis can't handle the sudden change in temperature.... if I remember it correctly from Bio class...

that's why you don't sit in front of fire right away after hiking in snowy mountains...

you have to either slowly warm up or cool down, because you can actually die from it.

but that's when you are in extreme conditions though. so I guess it's not much of a problem.

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It's really unhealthy if you are taking shower in opposite temperature of the room temperature though.

Homeostasis can't handle the sudden change in temperature.... if I remember it correctly from Bio class...

that's why you don't sit in front of fire right away after hiking in snowy mountains...

you have to either slowly warm up or cool down, because you can actually die from it.

but that's when you are in extreme conditions though. so I guess it's not much of a problem.

......... :blink::blink:

Homeostasis can't handle the sudden change in temperature....

That is very knowledgable of you. :blink:

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