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VR Social Networking

Son, you got to slow down and let technology develop.  VR is only going to spread as fast as the tech behind it will allow.

For now enjoy the next best thing:


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Son, you got to slow down and let technology develop.  VR is only going to spread as fast as the tech behind it will allow.

For now enjoy the next best thing:


Man, we are almost only the same age :P


Anyways, haha, I know :P I was just checking the feasibility of the thingy.


Lol, what on earth is that...? O.o


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Man, we are almost only the same age :P


Anyways, haha, I know :P I was just checking the feasibility of the thingy.


Lol, what on earth is that...? O.o


Sigh, we're almost the same age but you don't know what a Virtual Boy is?

I'm such a Nintendo fanboy, I need help.

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Sigh, we're almost the same age but you don't know what a Virtual Boy is?

I'm such a Nintendo fanboy, I need help.

Haha, I know that man :P I used to play some fan made Pokemon games with it. Got bored tho.

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Youtube keep replaying the trailer of it as advertisement in here :V Dunno if your country got that too.




aedes aegypti

Nah, not on youtube. But I keep on getting pins about it. I don't even wear them


Shinichi Suzuki violinist

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