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Detective Conan World

Holy Roman Empire and World's End Dancehall

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Hehe, they're all great, Chelsea!! :D And I'd really like to give you a rep, but it seems like I've already given five today.. =___='' Sorry 'bout that.. :( Anyway, as I said, they're really great!! :D And you're much better than I!! ^_^

A rep for Chels-chan! Keep up the good work! The second one by the way did show lots of feeling...loneliness maybe--something only portrayed well by those who have actually experienced it. Believe it, you're great. Sometimes (okay, lots of times) it's discouraging when someone's work is better than yours (in my case my younger brother is better than me at writing, drawing, and playing the piano) but that shouldn't get you down because you'll always have your unique style. The important thing is that you enjoy what you're doing and are able to express who you are because that is what art is all about. (Did I just say that?) :P

Ever your adoring fan,


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So... Yeah. This is an attempt at drawing Conan. I couldn't sleep last night, I didn't have my laptop or iPod, so... Yep. This is what I did. This one is definitely better than others I've drew of Conan. :mellow: Again, sorry for quality...


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YAY~~~!! AKAKO~!! <3333333333333333333333

I was sitting at my Grandpa's house. And I decided to draw.

The original is in my avatar.

Here it is:


This is from Detective Conan Episode 219 when she was looking at the helicopter Shinichi was in during the Kid heist. :D

Came out... Weird. :/ I like the face, but the body is kinda messed up. Oh well. *sigh*

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