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Detective Conan World

Japanese DVDs??

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Although the simplest way to watch DC is just to watch them online, I'm actually just a fan of sitting down on the couch and watching things on TV. The problem is.... There's barely ANY DVDs in the US because they stopped dubbing them and all that stuff I'm sure you guys already know. I've wondered if it's possible to get the DVDs from Japan, or anywhere else for that matter. And, if it is possible, do they have english subtitles? If anyone knows, I shall be grateful forever!

Thanks much!

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DVDs aren't hard to get online, but are expensive. However, no Japanese DVD that I know of has English subtitles though. So you can either learn Japanese (which is probably the best way, IMO), or do what Mr. Carter said. The former will support the series and be of much better quality, the latter is probably easier and cheaper.

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