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Detective Conan World

Happy Third, DCW!!

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For some reason, I really thought I replied to this topic already but I just re-read it and it seems that I didn't. :o

So first of all, happy birthday DCW!!! :D

I remember, it was back in 2009. I actually had some time on my hands and was really really into the world of detective conan and would watch lots of episodes and even listen to the openings and closings lol. And as a web programmer, I was a bit disappointed by the amount of resources about DC on the web back in the days. One of the only great sites I recall was DCTP. But one thing I just couldn't find at all on google was a nice and complete wiki on the series. And being a wiki fan and advocate, that's when I thought I had to do something (mainly because I could -- thanks to my knowledge and experience in web development). Hence what CarpetCrawler described in his post: the creation of the tiny site, forum and wiki. :D

Very basic site indeed and I remember working on the wiki practically every day cause, well, it was totally new and empty! :P Although I did spend a lot of time adding tons of contents, my main concern has always been about trying to set the standards for the wiki with templates, layouts, plugins, colors, categories, infoboxes and more. Having managed two big wikis in the past, I had a lot of experience and really knew what I was doing (even to the point of coding our very own wiki plugins (as well as the maps extensions)). I thought that if there was a skeleton, people wouldn't be overwhelmed by the wiki syntax and structure and it would be a much simpler task to add the "meat" to it. It's all about working with examples: if there's an example of a way of doing something, it shouldn't be very hard to duplicate its core frame and fill it with content.

And in 3 years, wow, the wiki has become soo big and great and awesome, I can't even find words to describe it! The contributors have been amazing and coming up with awesome articles, pages and filling the wiki with more accurate and up-to-date content by the day. I will not give names (since it really is a team effort), but some people have been working tiresslesly since joining DCW, it's quite incredible! I would like to thank everyone who dedicate their time into making the wiki the one single most resourceful site about everything Detective Conan-related. It's really inspiring and I'm really happy to have the honor of working with you guys!

The podcast folks have been amazing as well. The idea itself was great and I totally loved it since day 1. I remember implementing the studio section of the site not too long after and improved it even more this year to make updating it a breeze for the team. The podcasts have really become the DC "news channel" (all while also involving the community). Just awesome!

The forum too has grown much faster that I ever expected! The first year only, there was barely a couple hundreds posts. Now we're close to 280K posts. Wow. Great community of fans! And what makes it so special is that everyone's into DC and sharing our love, passion and interest about DC has never been as easy, motivating and fun! This has always been one of DCW's goals: to create a common gathering place for fans to talk about DC and hang out.

And last but not least, the two translated chapters DCW worked on was really a great achievement for DCW. It once again showed how motivated the community was and how much we love the DC universe!

As CarpetCrawler said, I may not be as active as before (I moved to Quebec City a while back and have a new job, etc..) but I still drop in to check on things. I'm definitely still around and I even make updates when I can (like the studio updating mechanism). I also try to check the wiki as much as I can cause I just love to see what new progress is being made as they are being made. :)

I'll join CarpetCrawler in thanking you all for your immense support and hope you keep enjoying the ride and having fun! :)

And once again, happy 3rd, DCW!

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OK. This is really late. But, I would like to say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DCW! ;)

I have been inactive and don't come on enough. And I've been here for like 2 months.

But, thanks for helping me, DCW. I'm not so popular in real life.

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