AJ M. 204 Report post Posted June 5, 2012 The purpose of this topic is to show our appreciation for the DCTP Staff who have sacrificed so much for the whole DC community. Note: DO NOT speak anything negative about Funimation and DO NOT discuss illegal methods of fansubbing and watching DC! Only show your gratitude for the DCTP Staff! Here is the official statement from Jd about the matter: Reveal hidden contents http://forums.dctp.ws/index.php?topic=8501 The time has finally come, everyone: These are the final two new episodes of the weekly Detective Conan anime series that DCTP will be releasing. As you may have heard, we've been put in a position to take measures to ensure that there will always be a DCTP—even if that, unfortunately, doesn't include a future in which we are able to continue subtitling the series on a weekly basis. DCTP has been producing translations of the weekly anime series since episode 491 aired on January 14th, 2008. Ever since, every single week that an episode aired, we were working on it. DCTP itself had formed the spring before and had dabbled in doing some of the more popular cases shortly after they had aired just as we had when some of us were part of Kaizou, which was my group that would later be one of the founding groups of DCTP. The thought of doing every single episode that aired—whether it was story-relevant, an anime original, or what have you—was a ludicrous notion. At that time, we were lucky if even an older episode that had been available for ages were able to be released in a matter of weeks, not just days. The thought of taking up the increasingly-daunting task of releasing an episode every week and risking falling endlessly behind after taking even the smallest break was intimidating. …But we did it anyway. Starting with the first episode of Clash of Red and Black four and a half years ago, DCTP has been subtitling all of the episodes that have aired, while also doing all of the movies, OVAs, and every possible old unsubbed episode that we could. When we started this project of doing the weekly episodes, there were still hundreds of older episodes lacking subtitles, but we didn't forget about them. In addition to the over 160 episodes new episodes we've done on a weekly basis all these years later, we also did over 100 old episodes in the midst of all that. This isn't inclusive of all the work done by the groups that make up DCTP before it began, either. The releases as DCTP combined with those of the groups that went to form it are responsible for 70% of all of the Detective Conan episodes you have seen subtitled. As you can see: This series means a lot to us. We've stuck with it through highs and lows for a very long time now—in fact, I was subtitling this show three years before DCTP as you know it was even an idea. A lot of time has gone into bringing this series to everyone in English, but we've kept at it because of the people that will be reading this. Detective Conan is a special series that isn't just for anime fans and isn't just for manga fans and isn't just for mystery fans and isn't just for fans of all things Japan. It brings together a very diverse group of people from all over the world with differing opinions on virtually everything else except for this one thing that has tied them all together. Some of us like it for the tricks employed by the culprits, some like it for the characters, some like it for the plot, some like it for every possible reason, but the simple fact that so many people have been brought together by this one series is itself something to marvel at. That's something we shouldn't take for granted, especially after how far we've come. There was a time when there wasn't even a coherent English Detective Conan forum to go on. When I was first subtitling this show in 2005, some of the storylines had taken on mythic proportions because of the sheer amount of material that wasn't available in English—both with concern to the anime and the manga. Before, we really just had the fansubbers and the fans. Some were both. But now, it's different. What we have now is a community. Whether someone has read every manga file or has watched every anime episode or has done both, being a fan of Detective Conan to any degree permits you an invitation to a welcoming place that very few other fandoms, of any sort, could possibly ever imagine. This community of worldwide Conan fans has been cultivated over many years now, with both the efforts of fansubbers and scanlators making it available to other fans and other fans bringing others to the series with their passionate enthusiasm. Everyone has worked hard to add their own brick to what has made the community what it is. There are now countless circles of fans of all sorts from all over the world and websites with all different sorts of focuses. What I mean to say is that this isn't just any community. It's a special one, and that's exactly why it's going to be all right. If we thought even for a moment that it wouldn't be, we would find another way. You have all trusted us for a long time now with your Detective Conan interests, so please trust us just one more time when we say that we are certain everything is going to be just fine. Eight years ago, the community wasn't what it is today. It isn't the chaotic mess of oversubs and people trying to get ahead of one another like it once was back in the olden days. There's much more heart and commitment, from everyone, involved now, whether it be those translating or those watching. The spirit of keeping Detective Conan alive that led to DCTP in the first place is more alive than ever and that's why there's no occasion for panic. I'm proud of where the Detective Conan community has come to and I know it's not going anywhere. This isn't a hopeless endeavor like it once seemed. We, as a community, somehow came back from a deficit of hundreds of episodes while also making sure no new holes were created while subtitling the entire back catalogue. Detective Conan in English will never die. We won't let it, and we know you won't either. We have faith in all of you. If you don't want it to die, then it won't. People come and people go, but it's really the hype that remains that matters. If you want proof, take note that I am the only person from the original DCTP team still active today. The others have come and gone over the years while new people with that same passion for the series have come aboard to carry the series forward. Just because this is the end of this chapter for DCTP doesn't mean it's the end for all Detective Conan, because it isn't. From here, DCTP will continue working on Conan with the same mindset that we always have. We still intend to do every single manga file that comes out and will continue our other projects, including the translation of the Conan & Kindaichi game for Nintendo DS. Oh, and… We know a lot of people have been wondering about the movies and the OVAs. Foremost, we are prepared to announce that we will be subtitling the two latest Detective Conan OVAs. These are the side story to Movie 16 (known as a "Bonus File" or, unofficially, "Magic File 6") and the official twelfth OVA. The movies have always been a staple of the Detective Conan fandom. Manga fans and anime fans alike both anxiously anticipate them every year and it's always been important to DCTP to do our very best on them year in and year out. Firstly, let us note we are not prepared to make any announcements at this time with regard to the older movies being re-released by us in HD. With that said… We have seen a number of heartfelt concerns from everyone about the latest and 16th movie going unsubbed and we have heard you loud and clear. You no longer have cause for concern, because barring any unfortunate circumstance in the upcoming months… DCTP will still be subtitling Detective Conan Movie 16: The Eleventh Striker. We have come to this decision after much discussion and hope that it will put everyone at ease. These parts of the Detective Conan anime franchise still have DCTP, don't worry! Thank you to everyone that has supported us over the past four and a half years and will continue to support us as we proceed from this point on. Without your support, we wouldn't have been able to continue this long, so please accept a sincere thank you from us here at the Detective Conan Translation Project. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarpetCrawler 280 Report post Posted June 5, 2012 This has been discussed quite extensively already in another (already locked) topic and I think we've discussed this enough as it is on DCTP and DCW, so I shall be locking this as well me thinks~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites