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Rukia Kurosaki

Strange or Curious Compliments and Comments~

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I'm sure everyone's had one person come up to them and say something totally random that threw them off, or had a friend or acquaintance give a compliment that seems unorthodox or just plain silly. For example, a girl in my theater class once told me she was jealous of how 'perfect my nose was.' Make any sense? -_-" Who else has had a "wha-?" moment with a compliment or response to dialogue~?

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Haha~ I suppose she was thinking of fasting or something?

Oh, I've got another one. My grandma when I wore a dress... was saying to my parents, "Isn't she hot?" -_-

I know I don't dress 'nicely' often, but that just kinda made me want to never wear a dress again.

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I think I'm the kind of person who gives these kinds compliments.

One day, my mom wore this new outfit and I was like, "Daaaayummmm, woman! You look smokin'!"

She looked at me like I was retarded and told me to finish cleaning up my room.

Oh! Okay, so my eyes are like really sunken in, it's just a fact. I spend too much of my life in front of screens and I don't eat well, so they're like really sunken into my head xP So one day, one of my classmates says, "I love your eyes. They're so big and charming. They make you look Japanese." It made no sense at all.

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I don't know if this fits here but this was a convo between me and my dad:

me: Dad, do we have peanut butter?

dad: What do you need it for? o.O

me: ...for makeup :V

dad: :o You can use it for that?!?!

me: /facepalm Dad, this is why you have horrible skin :V

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Sometimes one of my friends will just go like this to everyone:

"Nice nostril hair."

"Nice second right toe."

"Nice earlobes."

Course, we all play along as well. XD

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I don't know if it was a compliment or what but certainly a strange reply to something at my friends' sister's wedding. One of my classmates suddenly yelled: "I STILL LOVE YOU!" at the bride and then he hid under the table while some ran like hell and I just stood there :lol: then went out the marquee and fell to the ground laughing like the rest. xD

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well, in my family, i think i'm the one who giving that kind of compliments. lol

but outside, i've been there several times, different person but same thought.

so one day, i talked with my friends, and one of my friend got closer to me and said "you know, you have a gorgeous eyes, really beautiful, i must say" suddenly everyone got quite and she left us. i was like " :mellow: what the heck?!" and my friends just like ^_^""

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Sometimes one of my friends will just go like this to everyone:

"Nice nostril hair."

"Nice second right toe."

"Nice earlobes."

Course, we all play along as well. XD

My friends do the exact same thing, especially the earlobes. That's my friend's favorite compliment. xD

Weird... lol

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We had a presentation in our Earth Science class and a classmate of mine spoke in an accent. A STRANGE ACCENT. It was, I think, a mixture or Russian, Italian, German,, I dunno. It was crazy lol. And she used an oil pastel to draw a moustache on her face. And she was playin' the role of Alfred Wegener.

And she said(in that weird combined accent)"And the reason why PANGAEA broke is because the dinosaurs did a random........dance number-uh!"

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Recently I've watch a new series, it's Asian Taiwan's, I find one guy's idea is amusing he was playing around. One of the those is my favorite random, is when they have to throw director into pond for prank. Then they throw Korean manager into pond too. Third is new actor. The sight is hilarious because they randomly pick. The main actor also push in as well with director because it's random. They were filming for a scene girl push girl into swimming pool and it was an idea spark off random prank.

Can this be counted?

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