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DCW IRL Version 2.0 Beta (Closed)

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[Me gots an idea. But I need Misaki......]

Sakila turned around, looking around the room for any way of escape. She saw a small keyhole next to the door. Hmm....a secret compartment, maybe?

"Hey, anyone here good at lock-picking?"

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Misaki stood up and said, "I am. Probably the only skill I have that would be useful for us though."

Sakila nodded before pointing at the door, "Good. Pick this, will you?"

She gave a thumbs up before sliding a hairpin out of her hair. If anything, she always had a hairpin on her since you never knew when you needed one. She knelt down to the lock and inserted it in, jiggling it back and forth to get it to open. After a few minutes, an affirmative click was to be heard. She grinned as she stood up and put the pin back in its rightful place.

"There you go."

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"Awesome, thanks." Using her knife, Sakila pulled the drawer away from the door.

Inside, were loaded guns, extra bullets and some file folders. A small note was on top, barely noticeable. It read:

"Welcome players, to the most thrilling game you shall ever encounter. As soon as you exit this room, your life shall constantly be in danger. Will all of you survive it? Or will all of you perish? Only time will tell. Underneath these folders, you shall find a key that will allow you to exit through the steel door in the corner. Then, the game shall begin."

A game, huh? Well, Sakila had always been competitive.

[There-- whatcha think of my idea?]

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"Awesome, thanks." Using her knife, Sakila pulled the drawer away from the door.

Inside, were loaded guns, extra bullets and some file folders. A small note was on top, barely noticeable. It read:

"Welcome players, to the most thrilling game you shall ever encounter. As soon as you exit this room, your life shall constantly be in danger. Will all of you survive it? Or will all of you perish? Only time will tell. Underneath these folders, you shall find a key that will allow you to exit through the steel door in the corner. Then, the game shall begin."

A game, huh? Well, Sakila had always been competitive.

[There-- whatcha think of my idea?]

[What we found wasn't a note, just to remind you. it's a file. a whole file :/]

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[We found files, too. Maybe you guys can find the same note later on, or find a way to escape yourselves, meet up with us, and then see our note? I dunno.... ^^"]

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[What we found wasn't a note, just to remind you. it's a file. a whole file :/]

[yeah ik it's a file, but theirs contains a note, so perhaps we wont know about 'the game' until we meet them

btw Project 34 is not by the same person methinks]


[Edit: perhaps I should add in some action]

Rose sat down next to Ai at the corner, and they scanned over the first page without paying much attention. It was a file on a 17-year-old girl named Enola Grey. She had flowing platinum blonde hair and always wore an elaborate headband. As Ai flipped through the papers, there started appearing pictures of what seemed like a diary.

"July 13

I was at the park today with Kylie, and we went into the little cabin that we keep our detective records in. However, all our carefully organized files were scattered on the floor, and one of the pages in Toyama Kosuke's [that 7-year-old dead boy] file was missing. Kylie thinks it might have just been the winds last night, but I doubt it. I think someone broke into there just for that page. Speaking of which, what was on it again?

When we came out of the cabin, there was a rustle in the bushes near it. Is someone following us? I didn't want to worry Kylie, but I went back into the cabin to grab a pocketknife just in case it was someone dangerous. Then I made sure to lock the door as well as stick a mechanical pencil lead into the door hinge so that if anyone entered the lead would break and I would know."

The next few days passed with little happening, but on the 18th, something suspicious happened again.

"July 18

Today while we were inside the cabin, the window behind us shattered with a baseball flying through. Kylie thought it was just some kids', so we waited a while for someone to come retrieve it. However, no one came after more than 20 minutes, and we decided to lock up and go home. I picked up the baseball, and something seemed...off about it. Was it a little heavier? I thought it was just my imagination, but couldn't sleep at night thinking about it. So I got up and took some pictures of the baseball, then cut it open with a pair of shears. Out of it fell a small metallic egg-shaped object, and there was a combination lock on it. After working on it for half the night, trying every possible combination, I finally got it right at 8-5-2. Pulling the egg open, a small karakuri turned around and stuck it's tongue out. On it were in tiny scribbled letters: 'I see you'. I shuddered, and tried going back to sleep, only to wake up to several nightmares."

Then on the 25th:

"July 25

Kylie hasn't been to school for 2 days, I'm having a bad feeling. I called her cell but she didn't pick up. If she doesn't come tomorrow I'll pay a visit to her house."

"July 26

Kylie has been missing! Her picture was on the news this morning and her parents say that she hasn't returned home since Monday. They thought that she was staying over at some friends house but got worried on the 2nd day. They called the school but the teacher told them she's been absent for the past 2 days. I went to her house after school and saw a man in black clothes lurking around. However when I approached him he took a look at me and walked away."

"July 27

With permission from her parents, I inspected Kylie's room. Everything was in place as always. The total opposite of my room. I walked around the room, opening drawers and looking under the bed. When I reached the dressing table, I saw a note. In the same handwriting as the letters on the karakuri's tongue, it read: 'Come find your friend at the cabin tomorrow at 6:45 PM.' Something was definitely up. I should've told the police, but I decided to keep this to myself. Perhaps this will be the first real mystery that I solve."

"July 28

At the park, about to enter the cabin. I'm a bit nervous, but I have my collection of knives and ropes on me in case someone attacks."

Then the next picture was of the door of the cabin, with words scratched into it by bloody fingernails. "Run, they're comi---" and it ended, with a bullet hole as if marking an end to the unfinished sentence, and Enola's life.

Edited by AiSuigetsu

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[Valther is trying to escape to Romania]

“Hey, I gonna buy a gun and you stay here…” Valther told his right hand man. He took two empty duffel bags and stepped out from his van. He went to the alley and meets a maroon Pontiac Transam. Two men in purple stepped out and one of them said, “Hi, what do you want?” “I want to buy two AK47 with drum magazine, 6000 armor piercing ammunition, two Uzi and two Beretta M92Fs.” Valther ordered. He took out some cash and the underground arms dealer filling his duffel bags with weapon.

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[is it going to contain similar contents?

btw no security cams in our room \o/]

Sakila got up and stretched her muscles, examining the room she was in. It was much more sanitary than the old one. It was painted all white with the fluorescent lights on the ceiling casting an eerie blue glow. There was one steel door across from her and two security cameras in two of the opposite corners.

(From the looks of your text, those two cameras are in the room)

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[We're in different rooms. There are 5 people in each group. My group contains Tsukiko, Misaki, me, and two other people. Ai, Rose, fainted lady, Lei and...I forgot the other one are in another room.]

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[We're in different rooms. There are 5 people in each group. My group contains Tsukiko, Misaki, me, and two other people. Ai, Rose, fainted lady, Lei and...I forgot the other one are in another room.]

(Thank you)


Phi was stunned by Erru's words for a moment. Then, with a light grin on his face, he said: "Well, that would probably be the most interesting kidnapping case ever.". Then, he said: "If I didn't know about any of this, it would be a different situation. But, I've already shared some of the unforgettable moments with those people. And knowing that they're in a trouble, with their lives on stake, I can't just leave them.". "More importantly...", Phi said, seeing Erru, who's trying to contact the others, "... I don't want to be a pessimist but, what are we going to do in case you can't contact them?"

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Rose stared at Ai, "Are you thinking what I am thinking?" said Rose.. "Maybe" Answered Ai. She wasn't afraid.. "Do you think they're gonna kill us and whoever is searching for us?" continued Rose. "No, If they were going to do what they did to this Enola-girl, then why kidnap so many people? why not only one person so no one notice?" Replied Ai. "But why? Revenge? Just for fun? or why?" Rose said. Ai shrugged, And Rose noticed the fear in her eyes, they remain silent.

One of the kidnappers woke up, "Don't get near us or I'll shot" Said Rose, pointing her gun at him. "Look, we're in this together now, so we're going to tell you all what we know about this." He answered.


[i'd add some in this, if someone explained who was Lei.?]

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"A game?" Tsukiko breathed as she leaned closer to read the note. "What kind of sick idea is this?"

"Like I'd know." Sakila said without any emotion in her voice.

"Guys, please..." Misaki mumbled but didn't bother to finish her sentence as the both glared at her. She giggled slightly at the sight of two similar expressions but hid it behind a heavy cough that didn't convince either one of them. Tsukiko shrugged with a sigh and turned back to the room where they had been. The othe two people who had been with them were still bound and gagged and asleep.

"So... are we going to go now or wait until those two wake up?" She asked. No answer came. "Either way is fine to me." She walked to the room.


"What is?" Misaki asked.

"My shoulder bag is here. It wasn't with me when we were kidnapped for the second time so why it was placed right next to me when we woke up?" Tsukiko lifted the bag up and started rummaging it to make sure she had everything there. She felt the other girl's gazes in her back and could almost hear Sakila's thoughts: "another reason not to trust that girl..."

"Still suspicious are you?"


"My shoulderbag being always with me is one other reason not to trust me, that's what you were thinking, right?"

"So what if I were?"

"Well... I can give you two reasons why it's here. One: it was just tossed around and ended up here becouse of coincidence which I highly doubt. Or two: these kidnappers have been keeping an eye on us and knows this bag belongs to me. Making sure I have my belongings leads more or less suspicions on me and brakes up our team that hasn't been even formed yet. I'm not sure what it the idea in that but I guess it has something to do with this 'game'." Tsukiko reasoned. A silence followed her words. Even Misaki didn't dare to interrupt the tension between those two girls.

"Do you know what?" Sakila said after a minute. "You're right. I don't trust you at all. And your explanations are not helping in this situation. You talk like you know what is going on, like you were one of these guys. And your attitude is also the same. You don't seem to realize that we are in danger or then you know that nothing will happen to you. It was the same thing in that previous place."

"So, you are saying I'm being too smart and relaxed?" Tsukiko raised her eyebrows. "You can believe what ever you want to I don't care but I do wanna get out of here. With your help or not."

"So, are we leaving now or waiting for those two to wake up?" Misaki repeated the question Tsukiko had asked earlier.

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(Again, please do not use other people's characters without permission. This is becoming a repeated problem. We did this in the original DCW IRL and if you feel that this should be reinstated in future DCW IRLs, please vote in the General Info thread.)

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Erru smiled, raising an eyebrow at Phi. "Well, I'm tracing the signals to where they are... I've got interference though... It looks like one of the guys from the original case is headed to the train station. But I can't bother with him. Our first priority is the kids." Her smile faded slightly. "I'm probably going to be fired for this, but they're more important than tracking the criminals from before..." She grabbed his arm again, tugging him along. "This way!" she shouted.

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[Yeah what IU said. No controlling people's speech or actions OTL. Just say something and wait for that person to reply to it.]

[@Rose: he's the guy who I was bitching on in the beginning. Basic description here: ]

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Valther returned to his van, his right hand man opens the back door of the van and after Valther put the duffel, he told him, “We need to waiting for one hour before our force was here…” he then return to his van, called someone, “Hey, so how about the Project Nine?” The man told him, “Valther, our projects are still underway and your troops are raiding a base and stole ALL of the weaponry, even a new tank! And they are capturing a ICBM in southern Russia. If we are launching one Project Nine warhead to the ICBM, they will affect the zone as half of the Russia.”

He smiled, replied, “I glad to hear that, because our revenge is started. Anyway, I have kidnapped some people to use as guinea pig for our weapons and then some we’re sell their organ to black doctor and some we’re used as Drug Mule! How’s that great?” The man hollered, “You do it? That’s my leader- But did you are followed by FBI, Black Organization and CIA?” Valther snickered, “Man, the fool organization? Now, I have captured a CIA agent’s younger brother to trade him for our ten soldiers! I will call you later! Out…”

A man was knocking the van’s window and said, “Hei, Bratva Filmon a fost de aşteptare pentru tine la apartament...” (Hey, the Filmon Bratva was waiting for you at the apartment…) Valther’s right hand man told him, “Bine, venim pentru el ... Brother, Filmon de aşteptare la un apartament.” (Okay, we're coming for him… Brother, Filmon waiting at an apartment.)

Valther and his henchman walking out from their van, then unloading the arms and cash into the apartment with the help of Tudor’s men and enter the apartment. They are entering a room, preparing their weapon, and his right henchman readied a video camera and Valther broadcast his speech against the FBI, Black Organization and CIA, “Noastre aşa-numitele liderii prostituat pentru a ne vest...Distrus culturii noastre...Economiile noastre...onoarea noastră. Sângele nostru a fost vărsat pe teritoriul nostru.” (Our so-called leaders prostituted us to the west...Destroyed our culture...Our economies...Our honor. Our blood has been spilled on our soil.)

His brother, The Russian’s dead body was shown, Valther muttered in anger, “Sângele meu... Pe mâinile lor.” (My blood… On their hands) He added, “Ele sunt invadatori.” (They are the invaders)

Videofeed shows Valther’s România comunistă army at a nuclear launch facility arming a nuclear missile. “Toate forţele vor părăsi ţara imediat... Sau să sufere consecinţele...” (All forces will leave the country immediately... Or suffer the consequences...) Another videofeed shows Eisuke was sit on a chair, gagged, tied and strapped with C4 and his soldier with military grade gears and armed with AK47 w/ drum magazine and armor piercing ammo, and G36C. Valther’s smirked, readied his MP5K Akimbo “Hondou family, Erru, Black Organizaiton, FBI, CIA and world will shocked when hear this…”

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"I've got something!" Erru ran North, dragging Phi along and grinning. "We're gonna find 'em!" She rushed ahead of her companion, dropping his arm as she jogged on. "This is great!" She rammed her foot into the curb, falling on her face. "Okay.... ow," Erru laughed, laying flat on the gravel. "That hurt a little...but we're headed the right way," she added quickly.

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(Valther post a ultimatum)

Valther got a phone call again, “Yeah?” several second later he shocked, “FBI, Black Organization and CIA is trying to search me? Hell no! I will stop them! Out” he then deployed a Barret M82, heading into the windows and he aim down the reticule, he found Erru and Phi, then he snorted, “Trying to found me and my army, you’re dead!” His soldier told Valther, “Sir, the ultimatum video was broadcasted! We’re cut the police line and stop them here!”

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Valther keep his Barret M82 aimed at Erru as his right hand man are wearing armor vest and trauma plate, even they didn’t know they are tracker planted by the FBI. He is listening a song named Only 18 by Seyi, and his crew is taking each other. A soldier is running to him and he told Valther, “Hey, we’re got the Erru’s phone number. You can threat her now.” He nodded, taking his phone and began calling Erru, insult her, “You know me, fool?”

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Erru answered the phone as she stood up. "I recognize your voice, but I don't believe myself to be a fool like you and your gang." She tapped her foot on the ground, annoyed by the group's interference in her work. "Must I hang up, or did you mean to call me?"

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Valther shouted, "Trying to found me and my army, you’re dead! And if you asking me about the kidnapped, I will tell you after they taste my chemical weapon, Project Nine...”

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