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Tracer of Smuggler, Act 2

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"It doesn't take the most powerful nations on Earth to create the next global conflict. Just the will of a single man." — Vladimir Makarov

Credenhill, UK

In an SAS office Credenhill, Gaz shows Price a videotape of a battle in Romania, “Good news first: the world's in great shape. We've got a civil war in Romania, government loyalists against Comunistă rebels, and 500 nukes at stake.”

Price nodded with him and chuckled, “Just another day at the office.” Gaz handed Price a photo of a military commander, “Igor Mladic. Currently the second most powerful man in the Balkans. Word on the street is he's got the minerals to be top dog down there. Intel's keeping an eye on him.”

Price wondered, “And the bad news?” “We've got a new guy joining us today fresh out of Selection. His name's Calico…”

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Sgt. ‘Calico’ Clarke


Credenhill, UK

08:43 AM

Sgt. "Calico" Clarke is at an SAS training compound with Gaz. “Glad to see you mate! Take one of the rifles on the table.” Calico walks to the counter and Pvt. Lootz greeted him, “Hey, so you are the new member of the SAS?” he takes a G36C w/ Holographic Sight from the armory and then Calico grabs the G36C off the table. Gaz told him as he waking into the observation, “You know the drill, get to station one and aim your rifle downrange, Calico” Calico then running into the station one and Gaz smiled, “Alright, now aim your rifle downrange.”

“Okay…” Calico told him as he aims his G36C. Gaz ordered as he observer Calico, “Now, pop each target when you aiming your sight” A target is pop up and Calico quickly shot it. Gaz impressed with that, “Impressive… Did your family are soldiers?” “Yes… Can I try one more time?” “Okay mate, one more time when aiming down your sights.” A target is pop up again but Calico shot it as he aiming his sight. Gaz smiled, commented Calico’s accuracy, “Lovely… Now shoot at the targets while firing from the hip.” Calico fires the G36 from the hip and Gaz commented, “You see what I mean, if you firing from the hip, the accuracy were bad”

“Now I'm gonna block the target with the sheet of plywood. I want you to shoot the targets through the wood. Bullets will penetrate thin, weak materials like wood, plaster and sheet metal.” A plywood pop up, covering the targets and Calico responded, “Alright. I’ll try it…” He shot the target behind the wood and Gaz remarked, “Good... Now I'm going to make the targets pop up one at a time. Hit all of them as fast as you can.” Calico is too slow for the first attempt and Gaz gave him support, “Too slow mate. Try again,” Calico tries again and Gaz greeted him, “Proper good job mate! Now go get a side arm from the armory.” Calico walks again to the armory and took an USP .45

Gaz ordered him, “Good. Now switch to your rifle.” Calico switches into his G36C and Gaz ordered again, “Now pull out your side arm.” Calico switched again with the USP, “Remember - switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading. All right Calico, come this way. Using your knife is even faster than switching to your pistol. Knife the watermelon.” Calico walks to the watermelon and he knife it, Gaz appreciated that, “Nice! Your fruit killing skills are remarkable! Captain Price wants to see you.”

Calico exits the armory and walks through an alley with a lot of trucks and cars. Behind a fence, a highway with military vehicles, buses and civilians cars can be seen. There is a parking lot with HMMWVs and a field with three Black Hawks, while another is making a circle around the base, landing at each turn and taking off again. Several S.A.S. men are waiting at an obstacle course. When approaching hangar number one, the door opens slowly and Calico entering the hanger as a group of four men are waiting.

Two of them face the Calico and the two others turn back to see. They all wear gas masks, except Captain Price. One of the S.A.S told him, “It's the F.N.G. sir. Go easy on him sir, it's his first day in the regiment.” Price nodded, told Calico, “Right. What the hell kind of name is Calico, eh? How'd a muppet like you pass Selection? Calico, it's your turn for the C.Q.B. test. Everyone else head to observation. For this test you'll have to run the cargo-ship solo in less than 60 seconds. Gaz holds the current squadron record at 19 seconds. Good luck. Climb the ladder over there.”

Calico climb the ladder to the top of the course, “Pick up that MP5 and four flashbangs.” Price ordered. Calico took the MP5 and 4 Flashbangs and Price explained the course’s description, “On my go, I want you to rope down to the deck and rush to position 1. After that, you will storm down the stairs to position 2. Then hit positions 3 and 4, following my precise instructions at each position. Grab the rope when you're ready” Calico then grabs the rope, slides down and begins the course, Price shouted, “Go go go!” Calico comes to the ‘bridge’ and Price hollered, “Hit the targets!”

Calico clears them and Price hollers back, “Position 2, go!” Calico descending, clears the area, follows the red arrows and continues through the course and Price shouted from the observation area, “Hit the targets!” Calico clears the room, passes a door and another door with Mess painted on it. Several other arrows are painted on the walls and on the floor. Price hollered again, “Flashbang, through the door!” Calico threws the flashbang and take cover as it explodes. “Position 4! Hit the targets!” Calico hit the targets and moving forward, “Position 5, go!” Price told Calico as he goes to a room when two targets pop up.

“Hit the targets!” Price ordered, Calico shoots the targets. “Six, go!” Calico arrives at a door which is exactly the same as the other that was passed before. Price hollered, “Flashbang, through the door!” Calico throws a flashbang and two targets pop up. Price hollers to Calico “Hit the targets!” he shoots the targets. Price shouted to him, “Final position, go! Sprint to the finish!” Calico sprints to a red circle painted on the floor. Calico asked Price after he finish the C.Q.B “So, how’s done?”

Price remarks his performance depending on how well he does. “Alright, Calico, that's enough. You'll do. Climb up the ladder if you want another go. Otherwise come over to the monitors for debrief.” Calico walks to the monitors and Price debriefing the mission, Price told the S.A.S team, “Gentleman, the cargo-ship mission is a go. Get yourselves sorted out. Wheels up at 0200 hundred (2:00 AM). Dismissed”

Serghei ‘Evan’ Clarence Filmon

Walker’s Zone

163 KM of Elbansan, Albania

10:32 AM

Valther are making a deal with Opozicija high member and Ribelli da Diritti, an Italian facist forces in Albania-Bulgaria borderline and Nordflügel, a separatist operates around Balkan. Valther is accompanied with Raimir, his right hand man and Highland Mafia gang, Evan Clarence and Tudor Filmon. Valther was brought a FGM-92 Stinger along with shipments weapons on his side. There’s an AK47 with many attachments, Uzi, MP7 w/ many attachments, PKP Pecheneg Machine Gun, 7,62mm RPK, G18 machine pistol, ACR, UMP45, and many others.

He also brought many ammunition and modern equipments. He then handed the Stinger to Ribelli soldier, “Pra, si është marrëveshje?” (So, how’s the deal?) asked Valther in Alban Language, “E pra, është shumë armë vdekjeprurëse kundër pushtuesve tanë. Unë kam disa dërgimin e diamanteve për të kontrolluar atë” (Well, the gun’s is very lethal against our invaders. I have some shipment of diamonds to check it out) the soldier told Valther as the other soldiers are opening a box with crowbar and he took a Diamond, walking to Valther and handed it to him.

As he examining the diamond if the diamond is real, he got a phone call from his soldiers, “Domnule, boghiurile sunt mai multe NATO reperat mișcările noastre. Ele sunt tratate ancrasare lor!” (Sir, several NATO bogies are spotted our movements. They are fouling their own treaties!) Valther frowned as he handed the diamond back, told him, “Să le ia afară!” (Take them out!) He then hung up and Evan, looked at the worried buyer asked Valther, “Domnule, cine e asta?” (Sir, who’s that?) Raimir turned to Serghei (Evan) and explained the situation, readied his Uzi “Nu știu, dar unele regleze încearcă să identifice afacerea noastră în jos și doresc ei le înțeapă!” (I don’t know, but some buggers are trying to pinpoint our deal down and wish they are sting them!)

Tudor glared at the two, shouted “La naiba-i! As dori sa nu va urmări asta pentru nimic!” (Damn them! I wish they won’t track this for anything!) Valther told him, “Nu vă faceți griji, Gabriel va avea grijă de ei...” (Don’t worry, Gabriel will take care of them…) Both the buyers and dealers are spotted the jets and Tudor shouted in horror, “Rahat! Ele sunt găsite vor groapă și arme afacere! Fă ceva!” (Shit! They are gonna found the mass grave and the arms deal! Do something!)

Valther then talk to Gabriel using his chatter, “Volga-6 la Walkward, avem mai multe regleze cu jet. Posibil două avioane F-16, de peste...” (Volga-6 to Walkward, we got several jet buggers. Possibly two F-16s, over...) Gabriel spotted the plane and nodded, “Walkward la Volga-6, am zarit pe regleze, mersul pe jos-le în capcana. Walkward afară” (Walkward to Volga-6, we spotted the buggers, walking them into the trap. Walkward out) Gabriel and his soldier are readied the ‘thing’ to shot down the NATO planes: a modified 2K12 Kub surface-to-air missile system was readying its missiles for NATO aircraft.

The Comunistăs had moved the mobile tracked missile battery and laid a trap. They switched on their missile radars sparingly, giving the F-16 pilots little warning. Waiting until it was directly overhead, where the aircraft's warning and countermeasures would be at its weakest, “Bine... Foc!” (Alright… Fire) Gabriel fired two missiles skyward. Despite the pilots are trying to outmaneuver the missile, the both plane are shot down.

Gabriel then told Valther although he spotted the pilots are safely ejected from the plane from his chatter, “Domnule, F-18 este "închidere", dar, piloții sunt scoaterea din avion. Walkward afară ...” (Sir, the F-18 is ‘shutdown’ but, the pilots are ejecting from the plane. Walkward out…) “Multumesc, noi toti vom întâlni le pe cap” (Thanks, we all will meet them head on)

Gabriel shouted to his soldiers, cheering them after they are picking off the jets, “Ei bine, NATO nu ar ști dacă avionul lor a fost oprit de către arma noastră! Să mergem!” (Well, the NATO wouldn’t know if their plane was shut down by our weapon! Let’s move!) “Bine, am împachetat! Vom cere cine a descoperit mormântul și înțelegerea noastră ... Mișcă!” (Alright, we packed up! We will ask who’s discovered the grave and our deal… Move!) Valther ordered as the army moving to the pilot’s location, trying to shut their ‘mouth’

Near Albanian Alps, Albania

After the pilots are touching ground, a massive patrol under Valther’s orders find one of the pilots and the soldiers are coldly glare at the pilots. Raimir asked him warily, “Cine este numele tău? Și în cazul e prietenul tău?” (Who’s your name? And where’s your friend?) “Numele mea este Cayce Walker, dar nu știu unde a prietenului meu” (My name is Cayce Walker but I don’t know whereabouts of my friend) Raimir then slap Walker and ask him once more, this time in English “Say, where’s your friend or you won’t fell anymore, you fell me?”

Walker cried out, “I don’t know… Please don’t kill me…” Raimir shot him in the head, told Evan, “We need to dump this corpse. And found the -” his word were cut off as one of Ribelli heard somebody screams from a hill, alerting everyone and Tudor shouted, firing his AK to the pilot, “Mai este una privind colina! Omoară-l!” (There’s another one on the hill! Kill them off!). All of the soldiers are engaging, trying to kill the pilots in the uphill. Two BMPs are firing their canon to the hill, hoping they can blow the pilot off.

One of the Ribelli shouted as he spotted the pilot, fleeing to the mountain and he hollered to the others, “Che pilota di stupido si sta dirigendo verso la montagna! Fermarli!” (That stupid pilot is heading for the mountain! Stop them!). A Ribelli soldier are aiming his Dragunov, stopping the pilot in the leg and the patrol are approached him cautiously and Valther asked Evan, looking for the pilot, “Hei, ce faci pentru acest proiect-pilot?” (Hey, what do you do for this pilot?)

Evan told him, “Nu știu, cum l-ai întreba mai întâi? El avea, eventual, un lucruri importante pentru a partaja!” (I don’t know, how you asking him first? He’s possibly have a important things to share for!) Suddenly, a Comunistă soldier is running into Valther and he is bringing a laptop with DSM, shouted “Domnule, care este încărcat psiho faptul că pe site-ul cuiva!” (Sir, that psycho is uploaded that into somebody’s website!) Evan angered with this, executing the pilot and he snickered, “Dacă ei știu acest lucru, suntem morți ...” (If they know this, we’re dead…)

Niko Bellic

Concrete Jungle

Hove Beach, Broker

18:43 PM

Niko are jumped into his ’81 Chevrolet C and he got a call from Arlan, “Hey, Niko. Thanks for helping me from that psychos. Even I can’t take my wheel back…” he thanked Niko, “No problem. But sorry if your GTO were roasted up. Can I have a visit?” Niko asked, “Yes, for sure. I have a thing to do… Just drove to the 1006. See ya!” Arlan hungs up the phone. After Niko arrived in Jacob’s apartment as he spotted a ’86 Corvette. He then rings up the bell and Jacob and Arlan opened the door, and Arlan asked Niko “Hey, could you drove with me to Willis?”

Niko positively replied as they walk to Arlan’s car, “Alright? What happen?” “Some Larian pussycats are wiring the deal at Saratoga Ave in Willis. You mind taking this wheel?” Arlan told him as they entering Arlan’s car, “This thing don’t do well for my hand and my eye coordination. You sure you don’t want some?” Arlan offers Niko a can of soda, “No, thanks. But anyway, why that Larian is wiring the deal?” Niko asked as they are passing Livingston Street, passing a tunnel below Algonquin – Dukes Expressway.

“Okay. The Larian is a Romanian family. They are specialized for drug deal, and goods smuggler.” They are turning right to Huntington Street and Niko wondered, “So, why you are worried them?” Arlan snickered, readied his Glock, “You should know. That fagass have busting our deal several times! Sometime with FBI, NHH and the Albanian Mobs…” Niko asked him in doubt, “Who’s arranged this deal?”

“Some Ruskies and his crew, Nikolov know them a long time, but I think they feisty” Arlan explained, “And if this goes south, I don’t know what kind of shit Nikolov gonna lay upon their door, ya know?” he added as they drive straight at a T-intersection, arrived in Willis. “You think this is a set up?” Niko asked in awareness and Arlan snickered, “I don’t know, I been thinking, you know?” they are arrived in an alleyway and Arlan explained, “A dread who don't trust himself can't trust no one else, seen? You can't shake no hands when your fist be clenched. You hear me, brother?” Niko nodded, told him. “Sure, I hear you…”

“Go round the back in case one a man try get jumpy and run off with the coke. Keep hold of this vehicle, we might need to get out of here quick.” Arlan told him as he jumped out from his car as Niko drives to the rear alleyway. He stops the car as Arlan phoned him, knowing the deal is sour, “Hey! They didn’t have no stuff and tried to make me bust. I still got it though. Finish them if they try come out the back. I got the front covered.” He hangs up the phone as Niko spotted three Larian’s family member, running in the alleyway after Arlan encounter them.

Niko pulls his G17, cracking the door’s windows and smoking the drug dealers. After they all are dead, Niko picks up Arlan and he told him, “I got them…” Arlan thanked Niko, “You a real badman you know Niko. Respect. Forward to Savana Avenue in Meadows Park” Niko and Arlan are passing Meadow Hills and he told Niko about his skill, “You are bad boy, Niko. I don’t know what I’d be doing without you, you know. Zlatomir say I got to get the blood clot who set I up” Niko agreed, “Alright” Arlan are took another soda can, drinking it, “Drive while I drink up some more you know, brother”

Arlan growled, “The scums thinks he can cold up Zlatomir. They a fool… he’s a dead fool…” They are arrived in a three-story house in Livingston Street and Arlan asked Niko, “Here we are. Are you with me, brother?” he nodded, “Yes” Arlan snickered, “We are put some rude boys in the ground.” The two leaves the car, go to the front door. Arlan shouted, “Let’s go Niko!” after Niko and Arlan taking cover near the wall, ready to breach. He told Niko, “Alright you ready? We gonna set this place for fire to blood clot!” Arlan bangs the door, taking cover after a dealer show up from the stairs. He wields a M9 and engaging shootout with Niko and Arlan.

The man slip after his knee grazed by Niko and Arlan blindly fired his Glock 17. The dealer trying to stood up, but Arlan executing him with one shot in the back. He grinned, “You dead now boy!” Arlan spotted another dealer, he’s fired his Spaz 12 to him and Arlan shouted to Niko, taking cover, “I can’t get clean shot to kill that boy. Check the window. You see him up there?” Niko walks to the window, taking cover at the wall. He got a clean shot from the windows, and he open fire into the dealer and he fired the Spaz to Niko as he took cover again to reload his G22. The dealer shattered the window, and Niko firing again, slugging him with four shots in the chest.

Arlan exclaimed, “Come on, brother!” Niko come out of cover, following Arlan and they are engaging with the last two dealers as they are armed with Five Seven. Niko and Arlan taking cover near a sofa, blindly firing at the two and one of the dealers stumble, but not died. Arlan shouted to the dealers, “I love to kill the pussyhole like you, good to bed you know boy.” The one of the dealers, wearing yellow pale jacket stumble back after got another and fell into the floor, dead.

Niko execute the others in the head, he stumble over as chair. “Wicked, you see it? I and I get them all. Yo, let’s we break outta here. I think some more soon turned up.” Arlan told Niko as he walks to the corpses, taking their weapon and ammo. The two are returning to Niko’s car and Arlan told Niko as they leave the house, “Hey, they too late to stop I and I. Bring us back to the café and thing. Zlatomir gonna be happy with his and thing, you know… Thank you my brother.” Niko smiled, replied, “Don’t mention it. It was a pleasure” “I lookout for Zlatomir like how you look out for Roman.”

“He’s my cousin.”Niko told him as they passing Huntington Street and Arlan added, “Blood be the thickest bond there is you know? Loyality is not always an easy thing you know start. Zlatomir tell me, say hey Arlan kill him, Arlan shoot that, etcetera, etcetera.” They are turning right after the Carson Street, “Ain’t always logical, but I and I follow. Seen? Die other day, him cold stab a man for giving us screw-face, while some psychos in black trying to bust us…” Arlan added as they are passing Pancho Street straight and Niko told him, “Orders are sometimes hard. You must be sure you agree before you follow- I have made that mistake myself, a long time ago.”

Arlan nodded, “For real. I know you right you know brother, but Zlatomir is my brother. I follow him wherever.” They are arrived in Homebrew Café and Arlan thanked Niko, “We will. Thanks for everything. Keep this little something to say hi, we appreciate your assistance. Seen? I talk to you soon.” Niko eagerly appreciated Arlan’s gift and he replied, “See you later…” He drove Arlan’s car off the café to have another activity with his cousin, Roman.

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Ivan Acterian

Gangsta Project: Nickel is Money Too…

Orlando, Florida

Ivan drove his ’00 Corvette C5 with his right hand man, Tr0picana. He is listen to his favorite radio, Ram Jam FM. They are pulled over at Disney World and Tr0picana are armed with G18 as Ivan are grips his Spectre M4. He got a call from Adohalv, “I want to watch Candlelight Processional when I spotted some Holland suckass? What the fuck?” Adohalv told him, “Shit, man! They’s brought several Vecs1 and M21s2 to sheer it out! Alright, I gotta the train identity. He’s stopping at VOVX’s Marico line. The loco’s ES44…” Ivan hung up the phone.

Ivan and Tr0picana are arrived at the railway, and Ivan told Tr0picana, “All I see here is a stacktrain and a shitload of Polkas3... Man!” Ivan and Tr0picana are spotted several Holland from Ivan’s car and they are armed with M21s and Vectors. They also dumping the corpse of the engineer and conductor and began searching the weapon shipment.


1: Abbreviated name from Vector, according to EHL (Eastern Holland).

2: Zastava M21

3: Eastern Holland Polka Block which they are running in Orlando, Florida. They are battling with VALC’s Epcot Track.

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Hidemi Hondou

Gangsta Project: Just Bang!

Radiuses’ Crib – Berchem, Alderney

The next day…

12:32 PM

Sera wailed, “They are killing some of the hostages! I’m useless!” Tears clouded her eyes, and she stared at the grass. Hidemi trying to calm her, “Sera, I know this… But, this is not your fault. The gangsters are guilty because they are wasting innocent civilians…” she then taking her laptop and she open the picture from her colleague and she muttered, “Damn… I should tell Jodie about this…” Dayz interfere as he looked at the picture, “Shit, who’s that sorry ass fool?”

“Evan is having several connections with Comunistă rebels and Ribelli fascists. He is responsible for executing Mark Laren and the man in the right of him is Raimir Mladic, Igor’s brother.” Hidemi explained and Dayz raises an eyebrow, “Who is Igor?” Kei told him, “He is the Opozicija leader, trying to get the total domination at the Balkan.”

“There's a several similarity of Comunistă and Opozicija: Heartless, skillful at weaponry, tanks, BTRs, AGM, SAM battery, stealth and counter-stealth. They are armed with several deadly weaponry: SCAR-H, ACR, Vector, AK47 with modern finish and armor piercing rounds, Akimbo Uzi, Stryker, AA-12, PKP Pecheneg, AUG A3, AUG HBAR and Famas. They also smart at planting hidden IEDs, breaching, sabotage, healing. They are fiercely loyal. Both Comunistă and Opozicija appear to have complete disdain for the Geneva Conventions or any of the rules of war, using very brutal methods to achieve their military and political goals. These include the massacre of entire villages, making no distinction between civilian and military targets, the use of infantry and rocket attacks to deliberately kill civilians, torture and a variety of other acts classified as war crimes.” Kei explained, inserting a new mag for his MG36. “Wow, Kusanagi-kun… But why you know a lot of military and gang warfare?” Yukiko (Vivian) asked. Kei told her, “Well, my parents told me… But Igor not only making the coup is success. This man makes the plan work…”

“Gangster-Soldier. Half Romanian, half Russian. He is responsible for sparking the Romanian civil war. And he’d like to use the ICBMs to bomb them out… Arms-Narcotic dealer, he was selling several shitload of weapon for many insurgents around Balkan. Word is, he is trying to ‘sellout’ several weapons to be shipped here. And many gangsters and mafias are get the shipments” Kei explained as he looked to Valther’s photo in Tirana.

Orlando, Florida

15:54 PM

Ivan and Tr0picana are observed the stacktrain for one day. They also brought several weapon if they are brought several numbers to them. Ivan are armed with Mac-10 and AK47 w/ PK-AV and dual mag. Tr0picana are armed with FAD and G18 Akimbo. Ivan snickered, “Things is fucked up…” he and Tr0picana are engaging them in a shootout. Meanwhile, the Holland are trying to get the ‘thing’ to drove the train and the Don, Zeke Peters are looking for it. But there’s something which he won’t lose it.

“Shit! I hope not these psychos are not hijacked it!” Zeke grinned, leaning out of the window. "Why?" Varnie asked in concern, looking into the train. "Fuck. The VALC’s stole the shipment." He handed the AK into his Soldier and he took his own M4 Carbine to solve this. Zeke readied his FAL and they ditch from their Monte Carlo Sport Coupe and Varnie fired his M4, he shredded three Vandals as Ivan notice this, stopped an Holland Soldier with ten shot in the chest and took cover near his Corvette.

More Holland are swarmed to engaged battle with Vandals of Liberty City for a stacktrain filled with weapons. Zeke running into the train, firing his FAL. He stopping a Vandals with an AK47 w/ Railing Stock and he reloaded again, slugging a Vandal’s with an Uzi in the railway as his corpse are splattered by an incoming train. Ivan shouted, “Oh, shit!” Both Holland and Vandals are using the train as cover, and Tr0picana are took MP7 from fallen Vandals and spraying it, graze an Holland Soldier with three shot near waist and one shot near neck.

Varnie insert a fresh magazine, and he firing into an inbound GrandAM, killing two VALC before they are getting out from their car. He then took two Micro Uzis from his enemy to dual-fire and he stopped 12 Vandals with it. Vandals with orange sweater and blue jeans shouted, firing the AK74u, “These train are ours, motherfucker!” A Vandals with blue coat jacket and orange hoddie shouted, “You shouldn’t mess with VALC for your lifetime, fool!”

Ivan looked over at the stopped passenger train, firing his MAC into Holland and he told Tr0picana, “I gotta hijack the passenger train and attach it here! You cover my ass!” he ordering some of his troops to assist Ivan to take over the train. A Holland Gangsta are unloading the SPAZ 13:22, blowing a Vandals away and his corpse are slam a wall. Another one are armed with MP10, taking cover near a smoked Buick, blind firing into Vandals and scattered three of them.

Ivan and his crew are entering the train from two directions: the left and the rear of the train. One of Ivan’s men is firing his MP5k to scare the passengers on and to discourage resistance, Ivan shouted as he aiming his MAC “Alight, if you do not want to lose your sorry ass, follow our plan and we assure nobody’s hurt!” he ordered some of his crew to attach the car into the stacktrain. Ivan took his phone and calling Tr0picana, “I need some of your gang to switch the train. I have a plan going down!” he nodded as he firing his MP7, taking out a Holland soldier with an AK-47.

He then running into a LMTX marked SD60I and uncouples it to move when the stacktrain will be attached with the hijacked passenger train. A Vandal soldier are armed with AK47 Thermal, taking cover near a tree and scattered two Holland as a Holland Public Enemy, running with his Mini Uzi ending a Vandals’ life with two shots at the head.

Zeke screeched, “Shit! They are coupling the passenger train with the stack train! We gotta take over the train and use the trapped passenger as ‘guaranteed’ shield!” he firing his FAL, but stopped because the gun were stuck, disposed it “Useless weapon!” he took an AK-47 w/ Drum-mag, Grip, Railing stock, PK-AV scope and AN/PEQ-2A from his fallen comrades and wasting six Vandals while the Holland trying to ‘re-hijack’ the train but it’s too late now…

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Radiuses’ Crib – Berchem, Alderney

Masumi Sera

The Gang Who Have Everything

Sera, after calming herself calling her friend, “Alright, we’re like to lunch at Burger Shot, bye…” the corpses still there, including Fletch. She trying to avoid to looking at the crime scene now and the footage which recorded by Eisuke bur her cell phone rings. She looked to it, worried and Kei looked this, ask her, “Who’s that? Another prank caller?” but Sera didn’t reply it as she was threatened by someone. “Alright Sera, now I want you to fucking stop the FBI from shootin’ us on the train or I AIN’T guarrante the hostage is okay…” Sera frowned, warn the caller, “Earl... Now I warily please to NOT hurting the hostage and if you touch them, I’ll shoot you…”

Earl (Tr0picana) snickered, looked over at FBI from the train, “If you will shot me, I’ll gonna keeping drove this motherfucker and crashing down the fuckers chasing us! Now instruct them to cease fire or I’ll take care of it…” Sera told him in anger, “Alright…” she then took another phone and began calling her colleagues, to cease fire on the train, “James, you should orders all unit to cease fire because they have several hostages.” However, he disliked that idea told her, “No, because they are still firing at Eastern Holland Polkas and they won’t hear your demand.” Sera shocked what James say, asked him “What are you mean?”

“They are trying to hijack that train and Holland are get the train but they are pushed by Vandals and one of their member were run over by a passenger train and one of the Vandals are notice it, hijacking them. They are hook up with the train and Holland are chasing the-” James’s words were cut off as he spotted a Vandals, firing a SMAW into Holland’s H2, blowing it into pieces and he also looked one of the containers are opened by force and he looked several Vandals are getting several weapons from it and he told Sera, “I caught several Vandals firing SMAW and one of them are blowing an Hummer to pieces”

Meanwhile, on the train Ivan and his crew are trying to fend off the Holland and one of them taking a SMAW and locked it ready. He walking into the roof, fired it into a Holland’s Escalade and the car was tipped several times before catching fire. He reload it again, unload it at FBI Charger and effectively blow the car off. Tr0picana spotted a road block, probably set up by FBI and he shouted, “Shit! They are crippling our line!”

Ivan snarled as he readied his gun, “Hit it or fire it up!” Sera angered from what Ivan say and she cursed, “Listen, you should STOP this train anyway because if you won’t stop it, I’ll capture you… ” he snarled, “I’ll capture you as I killing all the hostage-” Ivan’s words were cut off as Sera angrily shouted at him, “Alright, I’ll back off the roadblock and let you all free with one condition: You must handed the hostage to the FBI. One thing: You may not harm any of the kidnapped, hostages, or my coworkers and their families.” Ivan nodded with Sera’s demand, “I’ll drop the hostages at Liberty City where I’ll dump the cargo off.”

Sera hang up the phone and Jodie asked her, “What happen, Sera-chan?” she readied her M4A1, “The Vandals, which they are gang up with Ballas and Dimayev are hijacking a intermodal train and they hook it up with passenger train as one of their member are killed by them. But, the Holland are trying to hijack the train too. But the Vandals are getting several weapons from the train” Kei hollered, "Or that the Valther's cargo?" Sera nodded, "Possibly....."


Bohan Industrial, Bohan

16:54 PM

Martin was driving his SD445, heading to South Bohan. He got a call from Vickel and Martin wondered, “Heloo, if you are FBI or anything like that. Please call me again after I dump your ass!” Vickel hollered, “Shit, Martin! It’s me Vickel.” Martin snickered as he headed to VALC’s crib, “Vickel? Oh, shit! I thought that was FBI call. Alright, whattup?” Vickel told him, “I’ll got a information about big deal is going down at Beika City! Every gang will be there!”

“Yo man, I’ll appreciate that. I’ll call you later!” Martin hung up the phone as he approached VALC’s crib. Out front there was several gang vehicles parked in a neat line, and some of Adohalv’s crew guarding the front and the back of the entrance. A Vandals are wearing orange sweater and blue hoodie holding Martin as he approaching the entrance, “The Garage’s closed… Nobody’s come” Martin slurred, “Yo man, it’s me! Marki. We’re here for the meet, alright?”

“Ah... Gabe was telling us about you, go on in he’s at the back.” Martin walked inside to see the Hander Wells deserted. No cars, no mechanics, no music, just one light on at the very back of the room with Adohalv, Icellionaire, Paul, Reeze, Dimayev, Gabe and 12 other Vandals.“Hey Martin come over here man.” Adohalv said as he took a draw of a cigarette.

“Yo Adohalv what’s going on man?” Martin replied in concern. “Just getting ready to explain some shit, take a seat and listen up.” Adohalv breathed the smoke out as he spoke. Martin sat down at a table with three other guys. They were all wearing large orange hoodies with Uzi and loads ammo stuffed into the pockets. Gabe must have noticed Martin looking at them and he tossed him a AK-47 w/ Holographic Sight, Dual Mag, and GP-25 Grenade Launcher and some extra ammo. Gabe readied his Uzi and more Narva Street gangs are arrived to the meeting and some of them wear maroon clothing. They are armed with Spectre and M4A1 w/ EoTech (Holographic sight).

Adohalv took an Uzi Akimbo, handed it into Icellionaire and he asked him, “What ‘thing’ are we waiting for?”

“Bro this one’s gonna be tight as fuck you’re gonna need that. Now let me explain this,” Adohalv said in a serious tone. “We’re gonna head over to the Harbor with your own vehicle or use the Continental at the front. There is an intermodal loading bay where Ivan will stash the gun. First, we’ll pull up along side of the road left of the Harbor. Me and Martin will jump the wall there and hide behind some containers. When we have a good aim on the securities, we’ll cap them. As soon as you hear us to that, run in and blast on any motherfuckers left behind, got that?” he added.

Paul asked, “What ‘thing’ are you waiting for?” Adohalv replied, “Good point. Ivan has hijacked a stack train, filled with weapons and he’ll also attach a passenger train as ‘guarantee’ but, FBI and Holland are trying to pick them off, and they are offload the stash here.” Vasha asked, “By assaulting the harbor and disguise as the workers?” Gabe agreed with him, “Yeah… But we must keep this from any fucking rival gangster or any mafia or a worst thing happen”

All nodded their heads yes. “Good, now let’s head out and do this shit.” They headed out to the cars. Adohalv, Martin, and the two guys from the table got into a car, he was the driver. They headed over to the Harbor. After driving for some time we arrived and parked all the cars on the street left of the intermodal loading bay. Adohalv took out a Uzi from his pocket, loaded it with ammo and made sure everyone was ready. He and Martin head around back as the other guys waited for us to fire that first shot. Same as Adohalv said in his plan, he and Martin jumped the wall and took cover by the containers. “You ready Marki?” Adohalv asked as he put out his cigarette. Martin snikered “Ready… Let’s smoke them…”

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Niko Bellic

Liquidize the Assets

Broker, 17:32 PM

Niko are driving white Ford Torino with Roman as he got a call, he picks his phone and he wondered, “Hello?” The man told Niko, “Niko, It’s me, Jon Gravelli, your mutual friend.” Niko told him, he and Roman are arrived at his taxi depot. “Ohh, Gravelli. How is your condition now?” Gravelli replied, “I’m fine and thank you for ask it. I have another favor to you.” Niko appreciate it and asked Gravelli, “My pleasure. What do you want?” Gravelli ordered, “Head to 1006 Dillon ST, Schottler, Broker. I’ll wait you at there.” Niko hangs up the phone and Roman asked, “Niko, another Russian scums? I’ll hide my ass off!” Niko told him, “No, my cousin. It’s Gravelli. Head of Gambetti family. He’s charged from hospital now and he’s in Jacob’s house. See you later Roman…” He was shaking hands with Roman and Niko are heading to Jacob’s apartment. Was he charged from hospital because Hidemi Hondou and CIA mess with Petrovic? Niko thought

Jacob’s House, Broker – 18:11 PM

Niko was driving his Torino as he spotted several NHH’s1 Hummer, Russian’s2 Stagea; and forth generation Dodge Viper, and Yardies ’78 Fleetwood; ‘79 Thunderbird and Jamaican ‘06 Range Rover. He parks his car bit afar and he walks to Jacob’s apartment. As Niko rings the bell, a Russian in fur hats and sunglasses opens the door and he told Niko, “Jacob and Gravelli are inside…” And Niko meet Gravelli, with Jacob, X3, Dwayne Forge and Kenny Petrovic. Jacob greeted Niko, “Niko, glad to be ya here and ting. We got some deal and ting.” Niko looked to X and Dwayne and he asked the two, “What the? Didn’t you two are enemy each other?” X told him, “Niko, we made truce and we are unite. I hear some Balla suckass and Vandals are holding a Stacktrain and use the hostage as ‘guarantee’. But I afraid because Akai family has snatched our crew and this have break loose.” Haccer told Niko, “Yes, We’re fucked because that! Now I gotta use my gun and open fire at everyone at our sight!”

Niko asked, “So, what are you doing with the train?” Arlan told him, “We’re sneaking to the harbor, picking every security off and put our unit at the loading bay.” He is tossing an HK21 to his goons and X is readied his MAC-10, gave it to his man, Dray. CJ is readied his M4. Kenny’s men are armed with AK SOPMOD and MP10 as he is armed himself with Akimbo Glock 18 and Dual Mini Uzi. NHH are armed with M4 Carbine, L85A1, HK G3 and L115A1 sniper rifle. The Highland Mafia are readied themselves with AKM w/ ACOG Scope, Dual-Mag and Grip; MP5K w/ Akimbo and Extended Mags; SCAR-H w/ RDS4 and Shotgun attachment; and Spaz 13:22 Auto shotgun. Gravelli Family are using MP10, Akimbo MP7, FN P90MC, Uzi Pistol and PKP Pecheneg.

Dwayne is took a MP10 from the shelves, handed it to Niko and he told him, “Use this if they are fucking shooting at us!” CJ hollered, “Yeah, and Ryder have stab Grove Street in the back again! I’ll finish him for good!” Niko asked in doubt, “Who’s hijacking the train?” Dray told him, “Some Vandals. They are allied with Ballas and Rascalov Family and they are began to stash off the shipments.” Niko snickered, he is took several frag grenades, “Rascalov? I bet he will stab them in the back just like he did to everyone has worked with while I have known him.”

Jacob cocked his AK47 w/ PK-AV and he told Niko, “No matter what you say about dat murderer, he's consistent. He's consistently fucking anybody him can.” Gravelli coughed and Niko asked him, “Mr. Gravelli, are you alright?” Gravelli announced, “Gambetti family will fight without me as I still ill…” Arlan whispered, “Don’t worry, I’ll guard you.” Gravelli appreciated his idea, “Thank you for the advice. Now let’s do this for ourselves” CJ nodded, “And hope Ryder won’t do anything slick”

Harbor, Liberty City

19:32 PM

(Martin’s POV)

Martin and his crew are captured the harbor and tied the workers to use it as hostage. Some of them are tied and Martin insert another fresh mag for his AK, “So, what are you do now?” he asked, looking at the tied workers and Adohalv told him, “We’re used them as human shield if thing goes south. And I bet if the FBI will sniffing at me again.” Paul looked at him in funny face, “For real?” Gabe snickered, “Yeah well, he ain’t the dealer!” As Adohalv want to speech, Gabe snapped, “So, we’re disguise or keep like this?” he snorted, “Just keep like this. We’re change the plan. I got a news if ALL in this city were for the shipments and the FBI are hearing the deal through this girl.” Adohalv took a photo of Erru Natake, FBI agent which she investigates about kidnapping and hostage situation. Icellionaire standing near a table, there’s an AK with Dual-Mag “Well, if she’s-” his words were cut off as Martin told all, “The CIA will involved and the psycho in black!”

All were dead silent by this but Reeze broke the silence, “Hey, how’s the train arrive?” Adohalv looked at him, “In the morning, and we’re gotta offload it using ship and hid it at my place in San Fierro Bay and you gotta get the weapon if the FBI were caught us first. We’re need a lot of energy. So if you are tired, take a nap. We are ready to caught the motherfuckers. Dismiss!” All were separated and they are began to rest, for restoring their energy for a engagement tomorrow.

(Niko’s POV)

22:21 PM

They all are arrived at the northside of Harbor without X, Kenny and Arlan because they has trouble with FBI at Alderney. “Shit, why X have stuck with FBI in this?!” Dwayne asked. Jacob replied, he is readied his M92FS Inox as sidearm and hid it at waistband of his jeans “Well, that’s his trouble not you, breda” They are arrived at the loading bay, where the shipment will be stashed and Niko stepped out from his Rover, walking to the warehouse. His henchmen are bringing down the stuff and they contain Micro Uzi, AK47 Type 2 with jungle style taped magazine, S&W MP10, PKM, AK74u, Uzi Carbine, Romanian WASR-10 and Glock 18 Machine Pistol.

Niko are looking for the weaponry and CJ told him, “Hey, if you meet that Russian backstabbing motherfucker what are you do now?” Niko insert dual-taped magazine for his MP10, “Well, I’ll end him with his henchmen as Pegorino’s are falling apart. If cops are looking this, we’re open fire at them… Hey, how about that shermhead?” CJ readied his M4A1 and took two Micro Uzis to using it as dual weapons if the M4 was dried. “Shit, Ryder is betrayed Grove Street again now I and my homies will finish him for good!” Dray are took WASR with Holographic Sight and cocks his Mac, if that gun were filled. X’s henchmen are readied their gun and cocks it ready. They all began listening Niko’s plan, “Well, we’re at Northside of the harbor where the shipment were stashed. On the left there’s the intermodal gantry. Dwayne will use it as over watch for everything. Some of rival gang are also coming from East, North and FBI from south. Use the containers as cover when sneaking and if you were spotted, go loud. Any question?”

(X’s POV)

Tudor, Alderney

On X’s view, Jodie and a FBI agent are aiming their gun at the H2, “Sir, would you mind to stop your car?” Jodie demanded as she points her P226 at Playboy X in his H2. His homie on the backseat are readied an Uzi from his jacket and cocks it ready and hid it at his hoddie. Erru are looked at the Petrovic’s Stagea and she glared at Kenny and orders to search fire arms at Arlan’s car.

A trio of FBI agents were looking at Arlan’s car but as they are spotted several weaponry from Arlan’s car, his henchmen opened fire and two of the FBI fell instantly in the hail of rounds. The third was hit and tried to limp away to safety but as he did, more rounds tore into his back and he sagged to the ground. X’s henchmen are noticing this took an Uzi Carbine and handed it to X.. Kenny were stepped out from his car, grabs a 18-yr old teen and use it as human shield as he firing his MP5K. Eisuke was grazed by a few rounds from an Uzi but he fired upon the Nikolov Bratva that did it. He already had both Mark XIX blazing and he nailed the thug four times in the chest, two shots from each pistol, and the gang member fell against the side of his car. Vodka draws his Browning Hi-Power and fired it at Arlan’s car as he took his PM. md. 63 and firing it blindly, shattering his car’s window and cutting a Head Hunterz with MP7.

Hidemi fired her MP10 to X as he fired his Uzi Carbine from his H2 with one hand, cutting down a CIA agent in hailfire. He and his homie are ditched to cover and blindly firing his Uzi Carbine to Hidemi and Arlan stepped out from his Stagea and spraying his PM. md. 65 on Jodie but she taking cover at Hidemi’s Thunderbird and return fire with her P226, grazing him on his right arm. He shouted as his PM need to reloaded, “Fuck!” he then insert drum-mag, cocks it ready and emerged from cover, firing it to Jodie again. Kei sprayed his Akimbo Uzi to X’s henchmen, effectively disabling a Hustler’s soldier with MP5K near Arlan’s Stagea. He is trying to reach his gun but Kei finished him with one shot at head. Sera are spraying her M4A1, killing two Nikolov Bratva before they can get out from their car.

The Hustlers, Nikolov and Petrovic’s opened fire as they got out from their car and a NHH was taking cover near X’s H2. He wears yellow sweater and white hoddie firing his Micro Uzi Pistol with his one hand, killing one FBI driver in a white Charger and the car was hit a parked Buick Le Sabre. He takes cover from Hidemi’s MP10 and firing it and drops it because dried out. He then took his Glock 22, emerged from cover and brutally firing his gun in dark at FBI agent, slugging him with twice shots at the throat and once at the eye. He then took an WASR-10 from his fallen comrades, firing at the FBI again and stopped a FBI agent with six shots at chest and one at temple. Sera reload her M4A1, taking out the homie with WASR-10 and she fired again, cutting down a Nikolov with Uzi. X waved his Uzi Carbine, “You are making the mistake, motherfucker! I don’t fucking know about the shitment!”

Erru glared at him, still firing, “If that so, why you are raise arms?” Kei took a PM. md. 65 w/ drum-mag and PK-AV from Mechanix after his Uzi were ran out, took cover with his crew and opened fire at NHH’s soldier. The Hustlers did the same but three Head Hunterz were hit by stray round and one NHH were wounded. Haccer fired his L85 blindly too and three FBI agents dropped. “Now you fucked up, FBI motherfuckers!” A NHH with white hoddie shouted as he sprayed his AUG HBAR from hip to Head Hunterz but Hidemi stopped him with three shot on the collar bone and he kissing the ground, dead. Kei blindly sprayed his md. 65 and cut down a Nikolov Bratva in hailfire and he firing his gun again, this time a NHH with G3 was stopped in the eye and his head slam the ground.

"Now you fucked up, MOTHERFUCKER!" Haccer yelled as he managed to hit one of the two shooters with the L86's in the side. The man was wounded but not dead. A pack of Head Hunterz thugs came rushing to join the fight. They had PP-19 and AK-47. They took cover behind the Hustlers cars which despite being cover for the enemy, was also cover for Hunterz. The Petrovic mob took cover and blindly fired at the FBI. The FBI did the same thing and this carried on for a bit but then three FBI agents were hit by stray rounds and two Petrovic’s were wounded.

Haccer fired his L86 blindly too and hit one of the FBI agents. Eight rounds hit the guy in the back. More Hustlers arrived in two cars. A Head Hunterz gang member opened fire on the last of the first car with a PP-19. "You're on our zone now, idiot!" Kei yelled as the two Hustlers were swept up in the HH thugs rounds. Just then the homie was hit by some rounds from a Hustler from the second car blindly firing. The homie stumbled as the rounds slammed into his side and near his arm pit. The homie staggered and stumbled into Kei's line of fire. Kei accidentally shot him in the neck. A NHH was taking cover at a Grand Prix and sprayed his G36V, as some of the rounds struck Hidemi’s left hand but she still firing her MP10. She hit the guy which he wounds her in the waist and abdomen.

Haccer fired six shots at the Hidemi who did that. She was behind cars so only half of the rounds hit her but she still was wounded. Kei sprayed back his PM. 65 around the side of the car but not one round hit Haccer. Haccer then ran up as he heard his weapon click empty. He then took his Kiparis and he fired two shots, one of which went wide and bounced off the pavement and the other struck the Hunterz in the thigh. The Hunterz had a .45 that he pulled from his belt. Despite his wounds, he was going to go down shooting if he had to die. He fired the Colt and Haccer fired his gun, emptying the remaining rounds into the Hunterz causing his bleeding body to bleed even more even though he was dead before his head hit the curb. Haccer had taken a shot to the stomach.

He held his wound in on hand and his Kiparis in the other. He spotted a wounded FBI agent and as he wants to execute him, Hidemi fired her MP10 and Haccer was hit again, this time in the side... Then as he fell, in the back. Trey screamed, "You punks! I'll kill all of you!" He fired both Uzi Carbine rapidly and several rounds hit the FBI who had been wounding Haccer. The other FBI agents fired at X who then ran for cover, bullets whizzing past his ear. The rounds followed but he got to cover and the rounds hit the side of the already smoking Skylark. Erru reloads her M4A1 and she fired at Petrovic’s mob and took cover again as a NHH was firing his Uzi to her but stopped by Akai with one shot at the eye from his AWM. Arlan spotted that Haccer had been wounded and helped him up. "Hold on, man! Stay with me, Haccer! Stay alive!"

Just then, to their right, a car had just pulled up off. Four FBI got out. Two with MP7 and one with a Spaz 13:22, and one with an M16A2. They opened fire and four Hustlers dropped. There were three homies still in the fight besides Trey, Arlan, Rivo and Haccer. Though Haccer was not much for anymore fighting. Just then more fire was heard. Arlan looked back to see his boss Zlatomir firing an AUG HBAR as he came running from his car. He hit the FBI with the MP5. "Don’t fuck with Hustlers or Nikolov!" Trey then took an AKMSU from his fallen comrades, took cover and firing at Erru

Zlatomir also hit the FBI who had arrived. The one with the M-16 was hit in the knees and the one with the shotgun was hit in the collar bone and throat. Zlatomir shouted as he sprayed his AUG, “Fuck! We’re retreat!” The Hustlers and Nikolov began to scatter as Kei and Head Hunterz soldier with PP-19s cleaned up a Nikolov with a Vector left and one with AKMSU just like Trey. Trey recognized the gang member with the SMG. He was Gin. Gin was Black Organization high member and he was spraying his MP10 instead his Berreta M92FS.

Gin had started it but Trey had won the fight. Since Gin had started it he had been hunted by gangs and mobs while X had just been captured by FBI. As soon as that happened, Trey had heard that Hidemi had joined the Black Organization. Both Hidemi and Gin with the MP10 fired on the already wounded Haccer. Despite Trey and Arlan's attempt to carry him to safety, he was hit in a barrage of bullets and he fell to the ground face down, blood dripping from his mouth.

"You fucking bitches! You're dead!" Trey screamed. He fired at Hidemi who also fired at him. He hit Hidemi once in the elbow and once in the arm but Hidemi took off after that. Trey fired his freshly loaded AKMSU at the other FBI agent nailing him several times in the chest, twice in the throat and once in the eye. Sera took her Mark VII and fired at Zlatomir but he took cover and fired his AUG to her but no one round hit Sera. Another fire was heard. Both Hidemi and Kei looked back to see Kenny’s soldier, Oleg are firing his Dual Uzi to FBI agents and cutting down a Hunterz with MP7. He hit Eisuke in left hand, “The Russian Grim Reaper was here, motherfucker!” He then firing his Dual Uzi at Gin without realized if his gun click empty.

Oleg took cover at a van, reloading his Dual Uzi and emerged from cover, brutally fired his Uzi at Eisuke, hit him at stomach. He tried to take cover but Playboy X fired again, this time in the side. Eisuke fell, his head hit the curb and Trey shouted, “That’s for Haccer, motherfucker!” he fired again, and crack a FBI agent with MP5 in the head

Hidemi angered by this, took another MP10 from her jacket and fired it dual wield to Oleg. He also fired his dual Uzi at Hidemi but not one rounds hit her. He snarled, “How you fell if that sorry ass is dead, motherfucker?!” he running to Kenny, still firing his Uzi at Hidemi but Kei grazed him in the leg. Despite this, he still firing his Uzi at him and Kei fired his PM. again, immobilized him with three shot at each hands.

Alran hears Trey shouted from a bike, “C’mon! Let’s bail! Forget these fools! Get to the harbor!” Arlan and Kenny are breaking in a Lincoln Conitental Mark V and began leaving but Hidemi stopped X’s bike and he ditched and fired his AKMSU. He then got to a parked Corvette C6 and carjacks it, following Arlan and his henchmen to the harbor. Zlatomir and his man are began to the harbor. Oleg had shot that had shot Eisuke with an Uzi was still by some miracle alive. He fired at them. Hidemi stayed behind the car and spotted the MP10 one of the thugs had been holding. Kei fired and hit that Hustler in his already trembling legs. He screamed and fell to the ground. He still fired his Uzi as he fell. Hidemi approached the critically wounded Oleg and kicked him in the leg. "What set you from?"

Oleg groaned and said, "The… harbor… What… The.. Fuck…?"

"Cause now I’ll cripping your shipment!" Hidemi growled.

Oleg sneered through his bloody teeth. "You aint killing him..." He pulled the trigger but there was nothing but a dry click. "You're fired." Hidemi said and shot him with MP10. He blasted a massive hole in his chest and that was that. Hidemi looked and saw her unit and closed her eyes at the sight of her on the side walk.

Blood are everywhere after the brutal shootout from everyone’s losses even some innocent civilian used by Kenny as human shield. Kei looked at the corpses, debris and even Haccer’s corpse as LCPD are filled the area, he took an Uzi Carbine and looks it. “They all are go to the harbor, where the shipment will be stashed. And I don’t know why all they are using modified weapons. Gin, are you know this?”

Gin receive the gun and he looked it and Vodka nodded, “I bet they are using the Rad’s5 armory. We’re must quick go to the harbor-” his words were cut as Vermouth handed Hidemi a photo of Ballas, “Ballas have captured the harbor. They are going to ambush the Hustlers which they are loading the shipment. We can infiltrate the port but we must be careful because they hold the workers as hostages.” Kir looked to the photo, “Wait, since when Ballas are captured the harbor?” Ethan are stepped from LCPD Victoria with a guy with Scottish accent and Mohawk haircut and told his daughter, “Well, that scam are wounding Ei-chan. And all gangster and mobs in this city will battle for the shipment. And I’ll introduce my accomplice. His name’s Soap”

Both Hidemi and Ethan glanced to Eisuke cough and blood suddenly burst out of his mouth, and he started coughing abnormally. His family went to him and one of medic is trying to revive Eisuke “Hang on, brother!” He then looked at Eisuke’s wound and Soap shouted to Hidemi, “He was mortally wounded! We need to bring him to the hospital quickly or he can’t survive!” he turned to Gin and tossed him his car key and handed Hidemi his ACR, “Take my car and this Carbine. Try to stay out from Ancelotti or North Dominican Drug Dealer. We’ll take care of these clots at the harbor. I’ll call you later… Roach you should accompany them!” Gin, Roach and Hidemi are running into Soap’s SUV and bring Eiuske to hospital.


1: Both Dwayne and Playboy X’s gang. They are forming the truce.

2: Petrovic Family

3: Reference to Playboy X

4: Reference to Red Dot Sight

5: Ballas and Hustlers are ransacking the basement armory of Radiuses’s crib

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Harsh Warriors

Las Colinas, Los Santos

00:32 AM

Los Santos still under gang warfare and the military were knocked out and the weapons are used by the gangsters. Front Yard Ballas were using car bomb to taking out the attackers, even Los Santos Vagos use more ruthless tactic. They are using several ‘captured’ MLRS1 to bombard their enemies. They are also kidnapping several reporters to exchange them for ransom money but they are taking out the reporter after the money are sent. They are got several weapons from a Russian named Olga Borodin and he’ll sell the weapons for half the ransom’s money. Vagos also share their weapons to some of their allies, even shipped it into Liberty City, where Vandals and Narva are using it at the siege in Rad’s crib.

A two-tone Polara were stopped at the railroad tracks. Two Vagos stepped out, they brought a man. They brought the man tied, to their house near the tracks which guarded by Vagos and Borodin’s men. One of Borodin’s men are looked at the tied man and he asked the Vagos, “Why you brought the man?” One of the Vagos told him, “They are sniffing our tracks! The boss will proud about this!” Another Vagos got out from the house, he are the high member of Los Santos Vagos. His name’s Moco. He walking with an AKMS w/ EoTech over his shoulder. He looked over at the man and he told his right hand man, named Carlos. A M72 LAW are strapped on his back, “Bring this motherfucker for the weapon test.” They brought the man to the house and you can hear the loud gunfire and the man were executed.


1: Multiple Launch Rocket System

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Well, there ya go! ToS is active again

Hidemi was wielding Soap’s ACR as Roach are the driver, she can't stop thinking... about how the fight between the NHH, Ballas, Vandals and FBI going on... and also, she was worried about her brother… his situation was serious. Despite Eisuke were using bullet proof vest, Oleg shot at some of his vital points, one close to his liver, and when he was in Soap’s car, he was bleeding alot...

Westdyke Memorial Hospital, Alderney

23:10 PM

They are arrived at nearest hospital: Westdyke Memorial Hospital and Roach parks his car at the parking zone and Eisuke bleeding profusely due Oleg’s hollow Uzi and Trey’s revenge and Hidemi worried about it. Fortunately, there’s a good man which he bring wounded Eisuke to here. Hidemi carry her brother on a strecher, hoping her brother can survive… “Hold on…” she whispered to Eisuke, and she told Roach, "Roach, can you guard my brother while I are observe the siege?" Roach replied, "Alright, go ahead.. I'll take care of him..." Hidemi smiled, "Thanks..." She went to Soap's SUV with Gin to return to the harbor.

Harbor, Liberty City

08:54 AM

Meanwhile on the harbor, all of Martin’s crew was sleeping until a train horn break the silence, and sound of police siren “Fuck, that’s the train! Also the scoundrel! Let‘s move!” Paul shouted as he is awakening then readying his weapon and they are arming themselves. They are walking out from the warehouse and Adohalv are greet Ivan, “Ivan, glad to see you! Where’s the hostage?” he snickered as he insert a new magazine for his MP7 “They are on the train. And who’s brought the asshole?” Icellionaire looked at the shipment and asked Ivan “Listen, man. If you are really this is a stack train filled with weapons, why don’t you check it out?” Ivan nodded as he orders his men to crack one of the containers on bottom of a well car and Paul confused, “Shit, this is a rotten potatoes?” before he can finish his speech, it reveals several crates marked Uzi and now Ivan’s men brought one of the box, opens it and revealed several Uzi on it, “Shit, they must be kidding!” CJ observed from near warehouse as Niko and Jacob arming his team.

Hidemi also looked to Martin as he observing the Uzi from the box and Kei told her, “I bet he will test that weapon before firing it at us”. Martin took one of the Uzi, then insert a fresh magazine and he cocks it ready, asking Ivan, “Hey, where we will test this shit?” Ivan ordered his man to brought a hostage and Icellionaire snickered, “Great, a fresh target to pop!” Sera’s mentor, James told Kei about Ivan, “Ivan Acterian. He is Acterian Family only son and leading his family after their family were killed by Arcana Famigila, their rival. He’s like to sells guns to all sides of the conflict, despite witnessing war crimes and atrocities.” Gin asked, “Wait, how about Vandals of Liberty City? Are they gangster from here or foreigner?” Hidemi told him, “VALC, the two-way gangster which they are producing cocaine in Mexico and selling arms at back alley gun dealer. The ‘Warlord’ of the gang is Gabe. His real name are Connery Clarence” she looked at the hostage are Arcana Famigila member which dragged by Ivan’s men, distinguished by they are always wearing black suits.

Rascalov’s men are approaching the captured Arcana Famigila member and they are lined them up and some of Icellionaire’s soldier are testing a new PM. md. 63 ware1 with Beta C-Mag and EoTech 552 holographic sight. “The VALC has several armed wings. One of them is Hotel Lustig, the cruelest wings in this gang. They are distinguished by wearing black clothing with several ‘orange’ in it. They are allied with Eastern Highland Ballas, the Ballas’ branch of Liberty City” Hidemi added. Soap asked after he looked at the Ballas gunman, “How about Martin? Did he was involved?” Ethan replied, “Yes, we’re busting their deal with an Easter Cartel lieutenant but my daughter were wounded by him. After their turf, Idlewood and Glen Park were burned by angry mobs and their enemies, they are-” his words were cut off as they all hear gunfire and revealed after the gunmen opened fire at the captured Arcana Famigila member under Ivan’s orders, killing all of it.

Jodie revealed not only Ballas, VALC, and Rascalov Family was responsible of the execution of the Arcana Famigila member. They are also jack a bank2, attacking their rival, kidnapping, siege3 and massacre4. Even, Hidemi know several member of VALC have connection with Valther, the Comunistă warlord; Roco ‘Crazy’ Calderon, the Eastern Cartel as Ivan supplied them with cocaine and firearms as he paid them with cars and even Serbian mob. Kei observed the Romanian near Ivan with a red suit. He wields his PM-63 RAK w/ fore grip folded, “Mikhael Oprea, VALC’s high member, Ivan’s right hand man and the gunman. Also known as ‘Russian Warlord’ He’ll the second powerful man in Balkan and Mediterranean only mediocre to Felicità. He is very fiercely loyal to his gang and not like Dimitri as he always stabs his partner in the back. His friends were executed by Felicità and Mondo as he trespassing to their island in Mediterranean Sea. That’s why he wants to witness the execution of the Acrana Famigila member” “Hey, how about Felicità and Mondo?”

Meanwhile, after they are executing Acrana Famigila member, Martin commented the Uzi, “Yo, man. I think if we are dual wield this, we’re can penetrate Fed’s armor!” “You right. Now I’ll sell some of this gun to all gang in this city” his words were cut as Martin hears several tinted SUVs approaching them and Eastern Cartel member were stepped out. Paul looked at them in cold face and he asked Martin, “Eastern Cartel? Did were make a deal but the deal was sting by FBI?” he shut him up, “Shut the fuck up, man! Because the FBI were fucking our deal, we’re gotta out routed them again!” Paul snickered, “I just asking, man!”

Chianti told him, “The first buyer, Eastern Cartel. But I also see the two men were quarrel. I’ll post you later” Hidemi looked at Calderon with his right hand man, Memo Fuentes stepped out from their car and bring two large briefcases. They are accompanied by EC’s gunman. Some of his men are armed with MP5K. Eastern Cartel are easily distinguished by with they are Hispanic, wearing flashy clothing, their vehicle are tinted black and their turf are near Spanish Lords. Soap looked over at the wall, “I’ll look at the hostage and I’ll try to freed them.” Ethan smiled, “Alright, Soap-sama. Be careful…” Soap with a 141 soldier are heading to the warehouse without caught.

Calderon’s POV

Two hours earlier.

Northern Gardens, Bohan

On EC’s crib, Calderon were awaken from his beeped phone, he then answer it, “Hey, man! We gotta some shit is going down at Harbor!” Calderon then changing his clothes and replied, “What are you mean?” Memo told him, “Ivan are stashing his shipment at Harbor. Everybody was coming! If you are interested, meet me outside. Bye!” Caldron went outside and found Memo’s white Focus and he greeted him, “S’up, bro! Ya want to drive, amigo?” They are begun to drive. Near Windmill Station, Memo gave him a loaded Micro Uzi and Calderon nodded, “Thanks but I have some shit with the Fed. Anyway, what are you gonna buy?” They are heading to Northern Expressway and Memo explains the situation, “Well, because we are low at guns, so we gonna buy a lot!” Calderon snickered, “Shit! Did you know Arcana Family? They are confiscating our drugs, arms, even our fucking boat! If I meet them, I brought my unit and open fire at them!”

However Memo told him, “But that’s not easy, man. Because FBI and Interpol watching our man, Domingo” Calderon nodded and he looked to him, “So, what are you gonna do?” Memo smiled, told the deal, “We’re buying several arms, vehicle, clothes and we’re using drugs to pay them” Calderon asked him in doubt, “You using coke to buy the weapons?” they are approaching Northwood Heights Bridge from Grand Boulevard and Calderon could see the coke were transported in a truck. “That truck will send our coke and our weapons.” Calderon noticed something, “How about cops?” Memo grunted about it, “Well, because they are holding some of the workers and passengers as hostage, I are afraid if they are killing the hostages, FBI and several people in black were popping our ass and our shipment!” Calderon hollered, “So?” Memo looked at the road, “We gotta finish the deal and get the hell outta here!”

Present Day…

After they are arrived in the Harbor, Memo took the briefcase, filled with pure cocaine as Calderon hold his AK at his left hands, “You ready?” asked Calderon as he readying his AK. “I always ready, amigo…” Memo smiled as they are stepped out of his Focus, escorted by his thugs. Martin greeted Memo, “’Sup? Sorry about the last deal” Martin pointed to the police and Hidemi looked sharply at him, “These shits sour it up!”

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