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If You Had A Time Machine?

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I don't want to go to the future. I would see everything that would happen and I would be forced to do something in order to prevent it or make it happen.

I dare not go back to the past or change any moment in history mainly because it would interrupt the flow of time itself. Everything happens for a reason. All causes have effects. Past happens in order to create a Present, the same way Present is used to create a Future. That's why we must learn to think before we act. We should do everything in the right way in order to ensure a bright future.

Time is something that we cannot and we should NOT meddle with. It would be very disastrous. Even a small slight change in the past can mean a BIG change in the future.

Well, looking at the future may be helpful but NOT ALWAYS. It may be positive or negative, depending on the person.

It might change what we do now, and by changing what we do in the present means changing what we are in the future.

Instead of regretting what we have done in the past, we should accept it and use it as a lesson for us not to commit the same mistake. :)

But, if the past is passed onto the future without any vestige in creativity, the whole human drama is an atrocity in immolation. At times one genius can compensate for innumerable useless outcroppings.

PS: Read the manga @That Future Is A Lie :P

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There are so many things that I wish to fix and so many different ways to fix them.

One example is that I could go back in time and act different toward my step dad or make it so my mom and him never got together.

Either of those ways would have both good and bad effects. Most of the time I would probably do the second choice, cuz the two of us don't get along at all.

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I'd probably go waaay to the future, just to see what  life looks like then, how advanced we'll be by then, or will humanity be done by then. I will then go back to the present, I like how things go around here

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I wouldn't go to the future, because that would make my life boring considering I would already know what all will I do.

I wouldn't go to the past either, my life is pretty awesome now.


If I must go....
Then I will buy a Gun and wear a mask and go to the past, kill everyone that had a bad influence in my life and the people who betrayed me or those who I strongly hate with a passion. Hahahaha Die :lol::P

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