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Summary from http://k-project.wikia.com

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Has anyone else watched this anime? I didn't think much of it until about halfway through the first episode, although I really love the music, the setting and characters.

There are also two manga prequels to this series, call K-Memory of Red and K-Stray Dog Story.

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So basically, this is a safe haven for everyone to gather around and fangirl about extremely epic pairings? <3


Munakata X Mikoto

Fushimi X Yata (I'm relatively new to this one ^^")


......My favorite character would have to be Yata-chan.

Yata-chan is epic. He is epic and he shall stay epic. He is also epic because he has a skateboard. And a bat. And a hat.

How could a baseball bat wielding, skateboarding, hat-wearing, red hoodie-toting, member of HOMRA who talks like there's no tomorrow and only blushes when it comes to being proper with girls not be epic?

Therefore, Yata-chan is epic.

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  • Although Neko's character is so very flat. She's just there for basically fanservice anyway. And random comedic moments.
  • And Kukuri is like the Ran of K. Completely oblivious to what's really going on, yet somehow still up there with the top characters.
  • Yata-chan is like Heiji Hattori, not the main character, but the one who everyone loves regardless and wouldn't mind if there were more episodes involving him.
  • And Shiro comes off as a bit flat in the beginning, but I guess he's starting to show a little potential now.
  • Kuro is Kuro. There are no words. Although I love it when he's all fanboying about "Miwa Ichigen-sama~~ <3" ^0^

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  On 12/23/2012 at 2:46 AM, Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief said:

Cuz Kuro is cute! Though I admit half the time I have no idea what the anime is talking about. Lol.

Me neither, but the anime sure helps pump my daily bishounen meter.

Even Mikoto has that rugged look thing going for him.

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Okay, I actually really liked K Project. It was pretty good.

However... I just watched the new episode, Episode 12, and I was fairly disappointed. I preferred Shiro as Shiro, and now, even though he says he's still Shiro, he's really not. Ugh.

I'm hoping to see something that will really make me like it again, in the end. But we'll see.

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  On 12/23/2012 at 7:04 AM, Akakata said:

Okay, I actually really liked K Project. It was pretty good.

However... I just watched the new episode, Episode 12, and I was fairly disappointed. I preferred Shiro as Shiro, and now, even though he says he's still Shiro, he's really not. Ugh.

I'm hoping to see something that will really make me like it again, in the end. But we'll see.

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Nooooo~~~~~!!! Sorry! Fixed! >_<

Boo, I always forget that kinda stuff :(

Thanks KKLT!

Dunno about Kuro, really. Except that he was Miwa Ichigen's follower/fanboy

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I heard about K Project, and decided to look into it. Can I say, a few episodes later, that I regretted it?

The plot is just bad, bad, bad. Sluggish. Out of order. Uninteresting. Cliche. K tries to redeem itself using twists, but they do not work. They don't. The whole plot of K is a complete joke.

The characters are bland as well, being either cliche or not executed properly. The main characters are especially prone to this.

It's only redeeming attribute is the animation, but that means nothing. It's like picking up a book because of its cover. I'm not sure why people watch this and truly like it.

Here is my judgment. K Project was from top to bottom, a general failure. It tries so, so, hard, to become the next great anime series, but in doing so, all it did was seal its own demise. This is not what you're looking for.

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Truthfully, I think for those who want a little bit of story, maybe it would be better to follow the Manga. Apparently, this K project tries to make use of the manga to create a new storyline, but you know, this kinda fails. It just borrowed the characters from the manga and its background story (which it never really explained). So its kinda like an OVA. Most of the time I don't really know what's going on because I haven't really read the manga. I was thinking if they had actually used the manga story, this might be more interesting. However, if that happens, then there will not be any Shiro or Kuro or Neko as they don't appear anywhere in the manga. =X So it really depends on what you're looking for.

However, I do wanna say that the story of the anime is really mediocre. I had started to watch it in the beginning because the trailer was awesome and the characters seemed loveable. I liked Shiro and Kuro from the beginning (one reason is because of Shiro's voice actor) but in the end I lost interest in Shiro mainly due to the uninteresting storyline. (I think it was just the way it was directed out though - I read the summary of the manga and actually felt it might be interesting~)

I haven't really been watching now since I stopped a while ago as it wasn't as interesting as before, but I may continue again. (for the sake of Kuro~ He's the cutest character *to me* in the anime XD)

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The manga is an adaptation of the anime, so the anime is "borrowing" from the manga, it's the other way around. :P I'm not sure how much of the anime you've watched, but I can't think of anything that would leave you confused if you hadn't read the manga, so all I can say is that it would be explained in the end. It's not necessary to read the manga to understand the anime, and vice-verca.

Also, has anyone else listened to the K character songs? I find Kuroh's song hilarious.

"Kitchen's my space so nobody can invade!" XD


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