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Shuukichi Haneda Discussion Thread

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Shiu is Okiya. Also Shinichi new where he was staying, remember when they met him when his apartment burned down? Do you guys remember hoe frantic and crazily Conan was asking the arson officer all those questions? That's too obvious a hunt for us to overlook

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  On 12/21/2013 at 10:30 AM, 75aichan said:

I really find it very unlikely to have  2 Okiya,for  me all the clues showed that Okiya is Akai and nobody else.Haibara senses that he's Akai.

As for the second brother maybe we'll get some clues after the Shinichi flashback case.


Haibara has, AT TIMES, gotten a 'Black Organization' sense from Okiya - and at first, these only happened when there WAS an actual Organization member around somehow, whether it be Amuro or another disguised member - but she also doesn't ALWAYS get the Black Organization sensation from him.


Yes, this is presumably because Shuichi is not actually an Org member, meaning he would only vaguely give off the "smell" if at all, because he was undercover as one at one time.


But, if there are TWO Okiyas, then it would make even more sense that she only gets the Org "smell" from him SOME of the time, and not ALL of it. Maybe she's sensing the "smell" when he's Shuichi, and NOT sensing the smell when it's actual Okiya.


And for the record, if there ARE two Okiyas, so far it appears that the majority of the time, Shuichi is the Okiya we're seeing.


And then, there's also the fact that Gosho SPECIFICALLY keeps Haibara and Okiya apart, so you can't fully gauge the situation. Really Haibara herself isn't much proof and isn't all that reliable. After all, she no longer received the Black Organization "smell" from the one low-ranking Org member who stabbed at Conan way back toward the beginning of the series (**spoiler, just in case people haven't watched the old old episodes for some reason** Conan was saved by Heiji's lucky charm - the link of handcuff chain from the handcuffs Kazuha and Heiji once locked themselves together with for a period of time). This Org member reappears far later, having escaped police custody and running around through the forests he "grew up in" where Mitsuhiko gets lost trying to find a firefly for Ayumi and Haibara -- when he reappears, they make note that Haibara kind of freaks out because she doesn't really sense the Organization "smell" from him, and in the end they kind of surmise that it must be because the man must have actually turned himself around.



  On 12/21/2013 at 11:06 AM, PetePete said:

Shiu is Okiya. Also Shinichi new where he was staying, remember when they met him when his apartment burned down? Do you guys remember hoe frantic and crazily Conan was asking the arson officer all those questions? That's too obvious a hunt for us to overlook


No one is necessarily saying FOR SURE that Shuichi isn't Okiya, but all we have so far are very strong insinuations that he is. There has never been any actual reveal that Shuichi IS in fact Okiya, and there definitely is no guarentee just yet that there aren't two Okiyas as well.


But yes, more than likely, Shuichi IS at least the Okiya we see most of the time. It just hasn't been 100% confirmed yet is all.

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But maybe Gosho simply uses the handedness thing to try and give us another clue, despite the fact the two men should work together to be really careful about making a mistake as simple as using the wrong hand, or MAYBE Gosho's just screwing with us with the whole handedness thing in the first place, trying to make it SEEM LIKE Okiya IS actually two people when he's not - I could really kind of see Gosho doing something like that, and also, manga artists and their assistants HAVE been known to make mistakes in panels too - though usually Gosho is really good about not making THAT kind of mistake. Secondly, maybe Shuichi is actually just ambidextrous, in which case, the whole handedness "clue" doesn't even matter, but it WAS basically shown to us that Shuichi, AT THE VERY LEAST, uses his left hand as his MAIN hand.


Or Gosho could just be screwing with us entirely, and all of these heavy implications that Shuichi IS Okiya are a bunch of smoke and mirrors, and Shuichi actually ISN'T Okiya xD. I find this incredibly unlikely, don't get me wrong, but wouldn't it be amazing if Gosho pulled that on us?

No, it seems pretty clear there is something odd about Subaru. Aoyama went out of his way to show him in the EXACT same situation than in a former case with a different main hand, while managing to keep it discreet enough (few people have taken notice of this and he was rarely seen using his hands since then). He litterally changed his main hand altogether while doing the same action. And he's not ambidextrious either since he was never seen alternating between his hands before. Something like that must have some kind of meaning, and the guess that they are two different people would be the most logical explanation (at least the only one I could think of so far).


Plus, the Shuichi Akai in the Belltree Express that seemed to confirm Akai and Okiya are one and the same. It would look like Aoyama to make it like he almost confirmed the connection to Akai while it was in fact a different person altogether at the time.


But I still doubt there is any "true" Subaru Okiya. I think the impersonator (the right-handed one who Masumi met and who was posing as Akai in the train) is the brother and that this is not his true appearance. It's possible to hide traces of a mask with make-up (especially with the help of a master like Yukiko) and, Okiya and Akai having almost the same face (Akai probably wore just a wig and some basic make-up to create the Okiya persona), the new "Okiya" would just have to wore a wig to make himself look like Akai (and I think the wig's long hair found by Masumi points to that possibility). Of course, whoever the second Okiya is, he needed Yukiko's help to perform his disguise, while I don't see why Akai would need his help if he was still Subaru at the time.


What I keep wondering is why Akai would need someone else to take the Okiya identity from him, but the actions of "Okiya" clearly points to him trying to attract Bourbon's attention, so I can only guess it's to distract him away from something the real Akai could be plotting. I just thought that Yukiko could have also provided Akai with another disguise/appearance but I can't think of something to support that guess so far.



Edit: In fact, Subaru could have been using his right hand way before the meeting with Sera. He was already using it in volume 67 (the hostage crisis), holding a phone in his right hand and later adjusting his glasses with it (something he did with his left hand before).


So I might be wrong. The right-handed one didn't need Yukiko's help to look like "Subaru", maybe just for the Akai's disguise of the Belltree Express (this one at least is likely considering the wig's long hair found by Masumi).


But what is happening if there was two people posing as Subaru since then ? Or maybe I've made a mistake somewhere. At least, the only thing for sure is that Okiya is "always" left-handed at times and "always" right-handed at others. That, at least, is "fact". Now, there must be some kind of logical explanation to this whole mess (lol), which may involve two people posing as the same person or not.



Edit 2: Thinking about it, at the time, Okiya was definitely saying he came because he thought he recognized someone (Akai) before realizing it wasn't really him (Bourbon). And Conan was watching Okiya shaking hands (right-hand) with Kogoro while being deep in thoughts (he noticed). It might be the first time Conan met the second Okiya and learned he was looking for Shuichi Akai. Then, for some reason, he made him discover Akai was posing as "him" and Subaru takes Akai's place (as himself) from time to time.


What if there was a real Subaru Okiya after all ? A Subaru who knew Akai and who Masumi recognized while wondering while he was here but keeping silent about it nonetheless. I have to think everything up until that point and see if that connects but that's the most likely explanation after all. Then, Subaru wouldn't be the brother after all, it would be someone else (otherwise Masumi would have known her brother already knew Conan since she saw him with Subaru before).


There would be:


-Fake Subaru Okiya (Shuichi Akai)

-Real Subaru Okiya that was looking for Akai, who discovered Conan is Shinichi,  who is helping Akai and him and who, for some reason, looks like Akai

-Masumi Sera who thinks her brother is dead and who recognizes Subaru Okiya (the real one) for someone she has seen before and that her brother knew

-Bourbon who is searching for Shuichi Akai right now and who is posing as him from time to time

-The brother who I have no longer any idea who he is but who met Conan at some point


It's becoming messier and messier... Bourbon posing as Akai (Scar Akai), Akai posing as Subaru, Subaru posing as... Akai posing as himself (Subaru) and as Scar Akai in front of Bourbon...

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  On 12/19/2013 at 9:51 PM, MelonyMutou said:

Okay, this has been eating me like crazy, I've been DYING to discuss my theories with someone so maybe you guys will be my fix.



Before I start, this is a VERY ROUGH THEORY. I'm absolutely open to arguments in response to it. I'd like to explore ALL of the possibilities myself so if anything doesn't sound quite right to you, PLEASE tell me because I'd like to try and explore those areas myself as well.



My theories are going to revolve Sera in general and her family - not quite the middle brother part. I apologize for that but the whole thing has been driving me crazy and I NEED to get it off of my chest.



First of all, I'm at least 80-90% convinced that the new "young" female character introduced in the most recent case file is Sera's Mother.


Just think about it for a minute. It would actually completely make sense. They've NEVER introduced any parents for Sera or Shuichi, so that area is covered. It could ALSO explain one of the main reasons Sera has suddenly returned to Japan. Like, are we REALLY believing her excuse that "she just wanted to come back"? Come now, Sera. We're smarter than that. At the VERY least it was to search for Shuichi, but WHAT IF - and just bear with me here - WHAT IF, in searching for her OWN answers, Shuichi/Sera's mother was ALSO fed APTX4869, because the Organization felt she was getting too close??? Gosho HIMSELF said he was going to probably introduce more shrunken characters, and gosh to me it just makes SO MUCH SENSE.

Also, it helps explain even more how Sera seems to be quite sure Conan is Shinichi - it seems certain that they met when he WAS Shinichi, so if she knows about her own mother's predicament, maybe she knows about HIS as well? After seeing him in action a few times, maybe it dawned on her?

Which MAY explain why she's suddenly trying to drop hints about her to Conan. Maybe, after realizing who he was (because she didn't seem to know in the very beginning), and after confirming it somehow TO HERSELF, then telling her mother, they decided to try and start initiating Conan into their own little operation to take down the Organization and find an antidote? Of course, the mother still needs some more goading before trusting him, but it makes sense -- it ALSO explains the whole "Tell him I'm your sister from outside the domain" part, as well. It's possible the Japanese-to-English can't be translated with full understanding, and THAT'S why it sounds weird. Maybe the Japanese word is a bit closer to something that COULD SOUND LIKE 'sister from a different viewpoint' or something of that sort - why say sister unless you ARE actually related? If she's the mother, but SHRUNK, then 'sister' is kind of close, isn't it? and the 'outside the domain' part (in its original Japanese wording) could probably hint toward her situation better.


Another little tidbit, Sera said that all three of her and her siblings have different surnames. I don't believe we ever got a FULL reason for this (we got why one of them and herself had different names - she took her mother's maiden name and I believe she said Shuichi took their father's name, but what of the third child?), but that definitely leaves open a lot of speculation.


For example, what if the third sibling is actually AMURO? I know that's already a consideration -- but what if the mother IS the shrunken one (BLONDE), and the FATHER has dark skin? Amuro's looks could make sense, in that case. And it could REALLY explain why Shuichi and Amuro HAVE the relationship they do. What if Amuro, the middle child, was born of some sort of affair the mother had with a man in the Organization? Shuichi would PROBABLY BE at odds with a boy that more-or-less ruined his parents' relationship. Evidently it couldn't have been ruined too much, since Sera came along as well - though, Sera has her MOTHER'S name, right? So maybe she had her out of wedlock... Maybe not even with Shuichi's father?? Unless I've read things incorrectly, I don't think Sera ever actually said they had the same fathers, or the same mothers either, for that matter. Was it ever actually fully confirmed that all three siblings had the same parents for certain? It's possible I can't tell because maybe there would be Japanese translation that would make that clear and obviously I read the English translated version. D=

The only possible issue I see with this theory is age, a little bit. I actually am not entirely sure of Amuro or Shuichi's age, which is why I'd like input on this theory. They'd have to be at least fairly close in age, since they're "rivals" and all, but they'd also have to be far enough apart that their births would make sense - and Shuichi would have to be older, for sure.

Also, the fact that Amuro didn't out his own brother using the name "Moboroshi Dai" with the Organization is definitely a hole in this theory. Maybe he just didn't out his brother because they WERE siblings, or maybe he somehow didn't even recognize it was his brother? But then the whole history thing doesn't work, either. That whole part seems a little bit suspicious, but maybe it COULD BE as simple as not wanting to get family killed, even if you ARE their rival. Some sort of higher, familial standard that Amuro is holding himself to, over the Organization's priorities. Because, surely Amuro would have to know that if his brother was going by an assumed name with the Organization, that he was up to something no good, like trying to infiltrate them for the government?


However, thinking about it, it seems more likely to me that Subaru is the second brother. The only issue with that one is that (PRESUMABLY) Shuichi is Subaru. But what if Shuichi is simply disguising as Subaru on occasion, to keep himself hidden? Working with his brother to stay anonymous? They HAVE shown Subaru, ONE TIME, without a turtle neck or scarf when he was brushing his teeth and Ran and Sonoko walked in on him in Shinichi's house. Implying that, at least at that time, he wasn't wearing a mask. I assumed, AT THE TIME, that it was because he had gone to much greater lengths to maintain the disguise, just for that moment, because earlier in that file someone had expressed suspicions BECAUSE he never showed his neck - one of the girls, if I remember correctly - but if THAT was the real Subaru, and if most other times when you've seen him with a scarf or turtle neck, it was Shuichi DISGUISED as Subaru, it could be VERY likely it's because they're siblings and Subaru's looking out for his Oniisan. There was one time where Subaru took off his glasses/opened his eyes and he HAD the Shuichi/Sera eyes, right?? What if that was the REAL Subaru at the time...?


Gosho has gone to incredible lengths (only noticable if you really pay attention, though) to specifically keep characters like Haibara away from Amuro, Sera, and Subaru, though, up until recently. AND to keep characters like Sera, Amuro, and Subaru THEMSELVES apart as well. You've never REALLY seen any of the three together at one time, there WAS a case where they crossed paths - that would be when Sera was riding her motorcycle and used it to stop a culprit(if I remember that right, it's been a while), where all three of them kind of saw each other and ALL THREE of them got onto phones almost immediately. If, in Sera's case, it was because she recognized one as her brother and was maybe calling her mother to confirm, that would be quite interesting in itself. Of course, for Amuro it could simply be that he spotted Sera and recognized the eyes, knew it was Shuichi's little sister and called Vermouth to tell HER. And then, Subaru himself doesn't need much explaining because we're already at least half-sure of his identity. Assuming he's not JUST Shuichi -- because I think we're all pretty sure of that so far.


Then there's James Black. I think most people have forgotten about this, but he RECOGNIZED Sera when Jodie showed him a picture. Now. Maybe we can just brush that off as the fact that, crap, he's FBI, and Sera's probably been involved in a LOT of cases in America with HER skills, so maybe he just recognizes her from there? But, come on, has Gosho ever made it THAT simple?

As an INCREDIBLY wild theory - that's ALL this is, a kind of 'wouldn't that be freakin' crazy and just like Gosho' kind of theory - what if James is actually the FATHER of one or two of the three siblings? Sera simply got her eyes from the mother (the little sickly blonde girl, in my opinion). I can't remember if it was ever impled James had a family, but even assuming it WAS somewhere, couldn't he just be lying to try and protect the mother, Sera, and her two brothers? If the Amuro-being-middle-child theory is correct, it could imply something like maybe he's Sera's father, and Sera was born out of wedlock. Or hell, the Amuro-middle-child theory doesn't even have to be correct for that to work, really. Anything could've happened to make the three children with different fathers.


And then, in an even WILDER theory, what if Amuro is James' son? And James is actually Black Organization? 8D But honestly that one's an INCREDIBLY wild theory and I don't have much faith in it at all xD;


Or hell, maybe James just knew Sera's father, because he was FBI, and maybe he diiied and that's why Shuichi himself went after the Organization?? Because the father was killed by them?? OoooooOoo 8D (again, another of the more wild theories, but at least this one is more probable!)



Last but not least, just as a little add-on that doesn't have much to do with Sera and her family, I'm quite convinced at this point that APTX4869 is supposed to be a youth serum. D< I'm super behind this theory - though I honestly only have vague proof to back it up Dx.


SOO sorry for the super long post. I hope I didn't put anyone off .__.UU i had a lot to presen

I some agree!but I believe their father FBI or CIA why he's die.

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im soo annoyed with this whole Subaru and Shuuichi thing >.< i just want answers GOSHO!!! and it's even worse how Conan knows and is all secretive about it >.<


people think they are one in the same because Gosho is making it look that way well he made it look like Vermouth was Jodie but that was way off



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  On 1/9/2014 at 3:20 AM, gas057 said:

people think they are one in the same because Gosho is making it look that way well he made it look like Vermouth was Jodie but that was way off



Wait, people who think Subaru isn't Akai still exist, even after the mystery train?

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  On 1/9/2014 at 10:25 AM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:

Wait, people who think Subaru isn't Akai still exist, even after the mystery train?


i do think they are but i also don't want to commit to it yet XD that's basically what i was trying to say

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according to his message to sera, sera's middle brother seems to have no doubt about conan's deduction.
then we can assum sera's brother knows about conan being shinichi,
but if that's the case,
the wizard can't be shinichi..
because sera's brother wouldn't ask "have you met the wizard?" when he knows exactly that sera has met conan.


well let's wait for gosho to answer this mystery

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  On 1/12/2014 at 3:03 AM, mauru said:

because sera's brother wouldn't ask "have you met the wizard?" when he knows exactly that sera has met conan.

…I think that could be answered by the fact that the question is supposed to be rhetorical, though I don’t really remember.

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  On 1/12/2014 at 3:03 AM, mauru said:

according to his message to sera, sera's middle brother seems to have no doubt about conan's deduction.

then we can assum sera's brother knows about conan being shinichi,

but if that's the case,

the wizard can't be shinichi..

because sera's brother wouldn't ask "have you met the wizard?" when he knows exactly that sera has met conan.

well let's wait for gosho to answer this mystery

If you wait for Gosho, you lose the chance to solve it yourself!

I think the Wizard has to be Shinichi because of the way Masumi looked at Conan in Volume 81, File 11 (861), pg 15-16, and Volume 83, File 2 (874), pg 8 when thinking about the Wizard. Conan didn't exist in the distant past when Masumi most likely met Shinichi (Masumi, while blushing, asks Conan in 876.11 if he once "met a girl he couldn't forget" a long time ago and was annoyed when Conan didn't remember), so the Wizard must be Shinichi and not Conan.

If the brother is asking about the Wizard that either means

1) he doesn't know the identity of the person Masumi calls "The Wizard", and it was a coincidence he asked right then, or...

2) he does know Shinichi is Masumi's Wizard but asked anyway.

The first one is a perfectly viable option logically, but I think the second option makes sense because the middle brother may have a reason to test if Masumi knows about Conan's true identity.

I don't think Masumi has really told her middle brother about Conan's intelligence or his true identity before the bowling alley drowning case. That's why her brother asks who Masumi has been talking to about deductions (he doesn't know Masumi and Conan are working together yet), and Masumi thinks her middle brother will be surprised at Conan's picture (She thinks the middle brother doesn't know she and Conan are working together know yet). In short, Masumi has no reason to believe her middle brother would know Conan's true identity because she hasn't told him anything. That's why it comes as a shock to Masumi when the middle brother tells her that Conan is reliable. Masumi knows Conan didn't even exist until recently, because that's the last time Shinichi was in the papers and the first time Sleeping Kogoro started appearing in them. Masumi wonders how does the middle brother know about Conan then. (861.4)

Masumi texts something we didn't get to see to her brother. The brother later sends a reply to Masumi that we also don't get to see, which makes Masumi react "Ah, I see. So that's how it is." In that same reply's PS, the brother asks Masumi if she has met the Wizard. Given the context, the single, most logical text Masumi could have sent her brother is a question asking how he knows Conan. Masumi's thought reply "Ah, I see. So that's how it is."(861.15-16) fits a conversation where her brother explained something after being questioned.

The brother's answer, regardless of what he knows, is probably something mundane like "I met Conan during a case" or even "Conan met Shuuichi once and Shuuichi told me about how skilled he was" because telling Sera he knows Conan is Shinichi should generate a lot more surprise from her. Also there would be no reason to ask if Masumi met the Wizard because if he just told her Conan is Shinichi, he knew she did already meet the Wizard. The brother's answer couldn't have been something vague like I knew Conan from a while ago because Masumi would have caught that lie and not be satisfied.

So does the brother know Conan is Shinichi? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on the circumstances of how the brother knows of Conan. Perhaps Shuuichi Akai likes to consult on cases with his brother as well, and told his brother about the mystery of the little bright boy who appeared during one of his jobs.

Personally, I think it was non-coincidental that the brother asked Masumi about the Wizard then, and he knows Shinichi is Conan because he believes in Conan's abilities easily. However, because Masumi has hidden her deductions from him, the middle brother does not know that Masumi knows Conan's true identity. Asking that question about meeting the Wizard was thus a probe of her knowledge. If she said yes, she must know. If she says no, then she is doesn't. If Masumi sent him a final text that was the same as her thoughts, "You could say so" then now the brother would know Masumi knows the truth of Conan.

Personally, I think the after-effects from this exchange explains the sudden change in Masumi and the middle brother's relationship in between this case and the Red Woman Case and Romance Novelist case. Suddenly Masumi makes and then easily cancels a meeting with the the middle brother whom Masumi said was hard to find and out of contact and had rejecting living arrangements with her previously. The hotel she claims to live in wasn't the one she was shown living in before. Masumi starts flashing Conan pictures of a child to Conan in Red Woman who does not fit into her family as she has described them thus far.

If the brother was shrunken by APTX, even if he found out Conan is Shinichi (perhaps through Shuuichi, perhaps through his own investigations), he might not trust the kid yet. (Bourbon hanging around the office, brother is very untrusting like most DC detectives) He might also not want to tell Masumi about his problem for the same reason Conan doesn't tell Ran, to keep her out of danger. If the brother just realized after the bowling alley case that Masumi knows Conan is Shinichi and knows about shrinking, then it makes sense for him to reveal himself to Masumi in order to ask more probing questions about Conan to find out if he is a good ally. Masumi of course wants her brother to work together with Shinichi and tries to convince her brother that he's a good guy, but she also teases Conan with the brother's pictures because she wants Conan to attack the truth of her brother from his side.

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  On 1/12/2014 at 3:03 AM, mauru said:

according to his message to sera, sera's middle brother seems to have no doubt about conan's deduction.

then we can assum sera's brother knows about conan being shinichi,

but if that's the case,

the wizard can't be shinichi..

because sera's brother wouldn't ask "have you met the wizard?" when he knows exactly that sera has met conan.


well let's wait for gosho to answer this mystery

You're mistake!Sera brother unknown about Conan is Shinichi but he think about Conan could be Shinichi.Way he ask"have you met the wizard"he meant is "have you met the Shinichi or person"You not see it!

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From where does everyone know about Akai shuuichi and sera's family? M really confused because in episode 728 wen conan asks sera if they had met before she tell him they havent bt says to herself tht it isnt time for him to know yet. and i think tht she definitely knew tht Conan was Shinichi even b4 she met them. So wat is her connection to them???

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In Mystery train case, ep 701-704. Sera come face to face with fake Akai Shuichi (Vermouth) This guy is commonly known as Scar Akai. Then Sera call him Shuu-nii, which is a honorific to call an elder brother. We conclude here that Sera is Akai younger sister.

Later, Sera mention about her death brother (Akai) and smart middle brother (Unknown, many speculate Shukichi hanada or mysterious little sister outside the domain). Thats her family.


Sera is indeed met Conan/Shinichi before. It is not stated outright when, but if she met Shinichi, we have to conclude Sera know Conan is Shinichi too.

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I think that Haneda Shuukichi is the second oldest brother of masumi. It fits all the hints and he knew that conan had solved the case on his introductory case... And the wizard is conan..according to me she refers to him as a wizard because there is an old saying that dont put your nose into others business.....

I can be wrong but this is my opinion...

You can point out the things i have missed but to completely explain this i have to refer my notes of deduction which are not available to me right now so....;)

This is my theory guys.... I m not saying that i m right....

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Shuukichi's fame as a Shogi player makes it difficult to imagine that Masumi couldn't find him,



Yumi, of all people, was not aware of what he's been doing, despite dated him. His appearance from when he play Shogi is difference from his usual one. And it take a while for Haibara and DB to recognize him from photo. I think I will let it pass that Sera could not find him because she didn't know he play Shogi


Another thing that I'm surprise no one mention (or I never come across) is Sera call Shuuichi "Shu-ni". If her middle brother is Shukichi, will she call her big brother like that? It will be pretty confusing.

In other word. I think Sera would chose a different nickname for her big brother if two brothers's name share first syllable.

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Here the panel of middle brotber hand n the anime...


Btw, still think the girl with sera is her/akai mother in disguise.

And the hatred of Bourbon to Akai is cause the person who died, Scotch, maybe was Date...

Stll no clue about who is the middle brother, maybe Mitsuiko..haha, just joking xD

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  On 7/13/2014 at 1:18 AM, ourico4 said:

Here the panel of middle brotber hand n the anime... zubehyja.jpg Btw, still think the girl with sera is her/akai mother in disguise. And the hatred of Bourbon to Akai is cause the person who died, Scotch, maybe was Date... Stll no clue about who is the middle brother, maybe Mitsuiko..haha, just joking xD



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I love it when new characters are introduced, and (my memory might be faulty) the last major new character to be introduced is Borboun.


Therefore, reasoning why this unknown brother may know of who Conan is, is because Shuichi Akai had consulted with the second oldest sibling.


In other words, Shuichi could have talked to his younger brother about Conan, in the event that something bad did happen to himself.  With that being said, it could also be possible that Shuichi's brother is also in the Black Organization to spy on them for the FBI.  In which case, this goes back to the theory that the middle sibling could be Amuro/Borboun.



The middle brother is Shukichi Haneda



My post here

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  On 8/19/2014 at 2:32 AM, detectiveRJB said:

Shukichi Haneda is not middle brother.


Why not?

They do seem to have some connection:

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Bourbon may be the brother of Akai and Sera

The identity of Akai and Sera's brother may strongly be relating to of whom is currently disguised as the black organisation member, Tooru Amuro or codename 'Bourbon'. This may seem as an ignorant assumption and a quiet myopic fact however, we already know that the middle brother had more of his fathers looks passed down than his mothers looks which were passed down to sera and shuichi. Bourbon also only appears later in the series after Akai Shuichi's faked death which could be a result of bourbon entering the black organisation for the sake of finding and perceiving the truth of his brothers death or to search further for his brother, like he has done many times when disguising as Akai. We also know that bourbon is known to bear a grudge against akai which could also be another hint faked by Bourbon in order to get closer to akai and gain the organisations trust. It is also mentioned in one of the mangas that Tooru Amuro could be with the police.

This is my theory of who the brother is.

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  On 8/27/2014 at 2:26 AM, Blogabee said:

Bourbon may be the brother of Akai and Sera

The identity of Akai and Sera's brother may strongly be relating to of whom is currently disguised as the black organisation member, Tooru Amuro or codename 'Bourbon'. This may seem as an ignorant assumption and a quiet myopic fact however, we already know that the middle brother had more of his fathers looks passed down than his mothers looks which were passed down to sera and shuichi. Bourbon also only appears later in the series after Akai Shuichi's faked death which could be a result of bourbon entering the black organisation for the sake of finding and perceiving the truth of his brothers death or to search further for his brother, like he has done many times when disguising as Akai. We also know that bourbon is known to bear a grudge against akai which could also be another hint faked by Bourbon in order to get closer to akai and gain the organisations trust. It is also mentioned in one of the mangas that Tooru Amuro could be with the police.

This is my theory of who the brother is.

I think it's highly unlikely that Akai and Sera's brother is Bourbon... Bourbon was already in the organization at the same time Akai was infiltrating it as an FBI, so it doesn't make sense that he entered the black organization after Akai faked his death -- he would be a newbie if he did, so to speak, and I highly doubt that the black organization will give the job of finding Sherry to a relatively new member. I don't think Bourbon faked his grudge against Akai, either; he could certainly capture Akai to gain the organization's trust, but why would there be the need to make up a "fake" grudge? Akai is the "silver bullet" that could take down the whole organization -- isn't that enough as a motive to get closer to and consequently kill him? Bourbon's grudge against Akai most likely has to do with an incident in the past concerning a deceased member named Scotch.


Just a note: please don't double/triple post -- I've reported it.

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