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Detective Conan World
Black Demon

Movie 18: Dimensional Sniper

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People wondering where the movie is, it is not even out on DVD in Japan yet.  In order for the internet to get the RAW version, it needs to be on DVD first.  Based on previous years, I am guessing it will be on DVD in mid to late November.  Therefore, don't expect to see it subbed yet until the end of the year.  Maybe even beginning of 2015.

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Pretty sure we're not allowed to link to streaming sites.  Not to mention that link leads to poor quality camrips.  But of course, it is Youku after all...

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There were some pretty bad quality ones uploaded to YouTube, but I'd rather wait--it's all about the experience of the movie, haha

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There's one that's poorly recorded on youtube and it's a bit shaky and hard to hear. And it also doesn't have subs. D:


I'll have to catch up with Detective Conan first before watching Dimensional sniper though, cause I'm a bit behind in the series.

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I'll probably need to watch this movie again one more time to make sure that I've understood everything, but my impression after watching it for the first time isn't very good.


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There have been so many things to look forward to these past few days that aren't movie 18, I've completely forgotten to get hyped for this movie.  I'm trying to watch the trailer again, but it's not working for me.  This might be a good opportunity; if I keep my expectations in check I'll be pleasantly surprised. 


I'm honestly just waiting for the day we get a DC movie that's actually cinematic with actually impressive art and direction.  This movie, from the clips I've seen, looks more like an OVA than something I'd watch on the big screen.  But of course, considering it's a movie for a series with a well established fan base, I doubt we'll ever get anything truly groundbreaking.   

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  On 10/3/2014 at 3:26 PM, The Black Demon said:

I'll probably need to watch this movie again one more time to make sure that I've understood everything, but my impression after watching it for the first time isn't very good.


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I didn't think it was that bad...


The art in this movie was, by today's standards, really really poor.  It's understandable considering the team had to juggle this and the Lupin III crossover movie, but it was at the level of other anime's episode quality, if not even lower, for even the parts that weren't action packed.  It was so bad, Gosho's art stood out even more than it usually does.  The soundtrack didn't really speak to me at all, and I'm starting to get a bit annoyed that they haven't yet changed the animations for the opening intro sequence after all these years.  Apart from Gin's hair color change, the scenes from when Shinichi poses for the newspaper to when Conans walks to the detective agency with Ran have been exactly the same since movie 7!  That was 11 years ago!  It's almost unacceptable they haven't reanimated those scenes yet.  I'm only cutting them some slack this time around because they had to do two movies.


Now, time for my opinion on the main meat of the movie (major spoilers):

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All in all though, it was still a fun ride, and much better than most of what we've had the past few years.  Just don't expect this movie to rival those of the golden years of DC movies, which in my opinion were all the movies directed by Kenji Kodama sans movie 7.

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  On 10/5/2014 at 12:32 PM, Mar.akamilaard said:

WOW <3

Aku baru tau ada yg ke 18 :D

Yang sub indo ada gak yaaa

nggak ada, kalopun ada biasanya nggak bagus. enjoy english!

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