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(((I'm being talked about, , , , hello there,,,, )))


aw geez, that's insane.

I don't think I've ever gone through serious depression (though there were times where I felt like useless trash for a while).

I've also seen some of your posts about how often you move, which I probably wouldn't have handled well either.

It's awesome how well off you seem to sound considering your current predicament.

Best of wishes to you!


Whoa, you already have a school that's offered you tuition?

damn, lucky you!


I still have clothes in my closet that are from fifth grade, haha. Of course I can't fit into them though.

I suspect my parents will be digging through those after their "cleaning supplies" are beyond unusable.

Donating clothes doesn't sound like a bad idea, but I have this premonition that my parents are going to get defensive if I mention the idea to them.

They almost never take me seriously, and they usually just treat my opinions like they're coming from a three year old.

Well, they are first generation immigrants, so I can't really blame them.


Yeah 9th grade wasn't fun in the slightest :D

I've only moved once actually, I just go between my two houses a lot. My dad got a job out of state in fall 2012 so ever since then my family and I have been going between the two. On the bright side I've gotten very good at long car rides over the years Though it still kinda sucks having like no home home though since my childhood home's going to be going up on the market and I just don't like Indiana. . . . . . . 

And thank you! I've fortunately been a lot better off this past year compared to where I was this time two years ago ;w;


Yeah I think all the children of the people of the school employs get tuition discounts if they decide to go there and I can't even put into words how... it's such a huge weight off your shoulders ;;;;;


Oh wow the oldest clothes I have are from late middle school. Reusing them like that does save money though and since they're bigger than just regular washrags and can be used longer. 

And I feel you on the opinion part u_u All my opinions are immediately discarded for one not really valid reason or another.

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Yeah 9th grade wasn't fun in the slightest :D

I've only moved once actually, I just go between my two houses a lot. My dad got a job out of state in fall 2012 so ever since then my family and I have been going between the two. On the bright side I've gotten very good at long car rides over the years Though it still kinda sucks having like no home home though since my childhood home's going to be going up on the market and I just don't like Indiana. . . . . . . 

And thank you! I've fortunately been a lot better off this past year compared to where I was this time two years ago ;w;


Yeah I think all the children of the people of the school employs get tuition discounts if they decide to go there and I can't even put into words how... it's such a huge weight off your shoulders ;;;;;


Oh wow the oldest clothes I have are from late middle school. Reusing them like that does save money though and since they're bigger than just regular washrags and can be used longer. 

And I feel you on the opinion part u_u All my opinions are immediately discarded for one not really valid reason or another.

I can definitely relate.

Freshman year was a mess for me, but sophomore year turned out a lot better. Junior year took a dip (possibly lower than freshman year), but I think that may no longer be the case anymore. It'll depend on a few factors in the upcoming future, but I'd rather not think about it, haha.


Gosh, I can't imagine having such a mobile life. I like the idea of travelling to new places, but geez, I don't think I can handle having to constantly move between homes. But I'm glad things are working out for you so far!


My school doesn't offer that kind of luxury, so we have to hunt down scholarships on our own. You're really fortunate to have that kind of opportunity at your school, so it's good that you're taking advantage of it!

Scholarships may be the only way my parents would let me go out of state, but it's a bit too early to think about that at the moment. I'd rather focus on academics in the meantime, haha.


I only have a few clothes I still wear from late middle school. The rest I just "borrow" from my sister's closet, lol.

I know I'm still a kid, but it still ticks me off to no end when my parents dismiss my opinions without giving it a second thought.

Another reason to look forward to college, I guess.

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I named all my pokemon in XY bad puns or like corny references. (ex: my haxorus was named 1337h4x0ru5, since I was really into snk at the time my aerodactyl was named ArminAerolet, and my salamence was named Salamenace)


I can definitely relate.

Freshman year was a mess for me, but sophomore year turned out a lot better. Junior year took a dip (possibly lower than freshman year), but I think that may no longer be the case anymore. It'll depend on a few factors in the upcoming future, but I'd rather not think about it, haha.


Gosh, I can't imagine having such a mobile life. I like the idea of travelling to new places, but geez, I don't think I can handle having to constantly move between homes. But I'm glad things are working out for you so far!


My school doesn't offer that kind of luxury, so we have to hunt down scholarships on our own. You're really fortunate to have that kind of opportunity at your school, so it's good that you're taking advantage of it!

Scholarships may be the only way my parents would let me go out of state, but it's a bit too early to think about that at the moment. I'd rather focus on academics in the meantime, haha.


I only have a few clothes I still wear from late middle school. The rest I just "borrow" from my sister's closet, lol.

I know I'm still a kid, but it still ticks me off to no end when my parents dismiss my opinions without giving it a second thought.

Another reason to look forward to college, I guess.


Ninth grade doesn't sound like it was exactly a great time for anyone. I could barely even get out of bed or anything for a good two months or so. It was just not... good,,, 


For a while once every month (sometimes twice a month) we'd go make the trip to/fro one house to the other for the weekend or sometimes longer since I was truant at the time for part of it. It sounds worse than it actually was like when we'd go to my new town I'd basically just kinda take in the surroundings and when going back to my hometown I got to do stuff with my friends and actually enjoy myself so it wasn't completely miserable. It was pretty tiring though because whenever we went to whichever place it was to work. So basically it was drive in one day, work the next, and drive back the following  (and thank you again btw! ;o; )


And yeah thinking about scholarships already sounds.. just stressful in short haha


Having your opinions immediately discarded does suck though at the same time it has saved me from saying something stupid a few times. Being taken seriously more often than not would be nice though (we'll be able to vote in the next election, though we're still very much so kids, if we;ll have a say in political stuff like that soon, why can't majority of adults take 2 seconds to hear a different perspective OTL )

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I named all my pokemon in XY bad puns or like corny references. (ex: my haxorus was named 1337h4x0ru5, since I was really into snk at the time my aerodactyl was named ArminAerolet, and my salamence was named Salamenace)

lol, I suck at nicknames.

All I can remember is naming a Garchomp Sharkeisha.



Ninth grade doesn't sound like it was exactly a great time for anyone. I could barely even get out of bed or anything for a good two months or so. It was just not... good,,, 


For a while once every month (sometimes twice a month) we'd go make the trip to/fro one house to the other for the weekend or sometimes longer since I was truant at the time for part of it. It sounds worse than it actually was like when we'd go to my new town I'd basically just kinda take in the surroundings and when going back to my hometown I got to do stuff with my friends and actually enjoy myself so it wasn't completely miserable. It was pretty tiring though because whenever we went to whichever place it was to work. So basically it was drive in one day, work the next, and drive back the following  (and thank you again btw! ;o; )


And yeah thinking about scholarships already sounds.. just stressful in short haha


Having your opinions immediately discarded does suck though at the same time it has saved me from saying something stupid a few times. Being taken seriously more often than not would be nice though (we'll be able to vote in the next election, though we're still very much so kids, if we;ll have a say in political stuff like that soon, why can't majority of adults take 2 seconds to hear a different perspective OTL )

I'm just crossing my fingers that senior year will turn out a lot better, lol.


That's still kinda crazy though. I'd feel much more comfortable settling down since I feel that it gives my life a sense of stability. I guess it's kinda nice to have a change in scenery once in a while. But...wow, I just can't wrap my mind around moving so often, haha.


But the thing is, it's gotten to the point where I'm afraid to voice my opinions to my parents now. Anything I say can set them off, and next thing I know, a bunch of my stuff is confiscated, and I'm just sitting here like, "what just happened, I don't even.."

I've learned to keep my mouth shut around them, but it's still frustrating how one of my only outlets is just venting on a Word document.

I think that most of the adults believe that we don't have the capacity to understand the situation at hand. If you think about it, our generation is going to be running the country soon enough, so why is it so hard for them to listen our perspectives on things every once in a while?

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lol, I suck at nicknames.

All I can remember is naming a Garchomp Sharkeisha.



I'm just crossing my fingers that senior year will turn out a lot better, lol.


That's still kinda crazy though. I'd feel much more comfortable settling down since I feel that it gives my life a sense of stability. I guess it's kinda nice to have a change in scenery once in a while. But...wow, I just can't wrap my mind around moving so often, haha.


But the thing is, it's gotten to the point where I'm afraid to voice my opinions to my parents now. Anything I say can set them off, and next thing I know, a bunch of my stuff is confiscated, and I'm just sitting here like, "what just happened, I don't even.."

I've learned to keep my mouth shut around them, but it's still frustrating how one of my only outlets is just venting on a Word document.

I think that most of the adults believe that we don't have the capacity to understand the situation at hand. If you think about it, our generation is going to be running the country soon enough, so why is it so hard for them to listen our perspectives on things every once in a while?


*googles sharkeisha*
she... she just kicked that girl in the face tumblr_m42rfuU9LL1r58lid.jpg and the sound that first slap/punch made. . . . .
I hope you have a good senior year as well as that seems like it turns out to be a lot of people's favorite year of high school! Finishing high school on a high note is also plus c:
Yeah going back and forth did get a little hectic at times and doing it for such an extended period was difficult. It admittedly was a nice change of pace at times though. 
I'm sorry to hear your parents are so unwilling to hear your perspective of things in general. My parents aren't exactly tolerant of my viewpoint either sighs 
And I also do that venting into a word doc thing except I use an online journaling website and the best part about it is that every once in a while it'll send me an email like "Remember how you felt this day two months ago!" and include an excerpt of whatever I angrily typed out then and just "ah yes, thank you for reminding me this angsty literary masterpiece. You can truly feel all the inner emotional turmoil I had at the time hidden in between the lines of almost constant curse words." 
Having an actual person to vent to on occasion is nice and leaves you feeling less... heavy (for lack of a better term) compared to just writing it out. It's hard getting to that emotional closeness with someone else though. 
And I have no idea on that last part. It's nonetheless incredibly frustrating though :/ I'm sure it'll get better with time. I wonder if the generations that came before the ones that are current in power were just as hard on them. maybe we all just get really nasty once we realize we're getting old and will be retiring soon

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*googles sharkeisha*
she... she just kicked that girl in the face tumblr_m42rfuU9LL1r58lid.jpg and the sound that first slap/punch made. . . . .
I hope you have a good senior year as well as that seems like it turns out to be a lot of people's favorite year of high school! Finishing high school on a high note is also plus c:
Yeah going back and forth did get a little hectic at times and doing it for such an extended period was difficult. It admittedly was a nice change of pace at times though. 
I'm sorry to hear your parents are so unwilling to hear your perspective of things in general. My parents aren't exactly tolerant of my viewpoint either sighs 
And I also do that venting into a word doc thing except I use an online journaling website and the best part about it is that every once in a while it'll send me an email like "Remember how you felt this day two months ago!" and include an excerpt of whatever I angrily typed out then and just "ah yes, thank you for reminding me this angsty literary masterpiece. You can truly feel all the inner emotional turmoil I had at the time hidden in between the lines of almost constant curse words." 
Having an actual person to vent to on occasion is nice and leaves you feeling less... heavy (for lack of a better term) compared to just writing it out. It's hard getting to that emotional closeness with someone else though. 
And I have no idea on that last part. It's nonetheless incredibly frustrating though :/ I'm sure it'll get better with time. I wonder if the generations that came before the ones that are current in power were just as hard on them. maybe we all just get really nasty once we realize we're getting old and will be retiring soon


haha, yeah.

she's definitely wasn't the most... pleasant thing to witness.


All I'm worried about for senior year are those college apps. After those are done, I'm going to kick the bucket and prop my legs up on a stool for the rest of the year. Gotta make the best out of it, lol. I hope things will be good on your end as well!


It gets a bit frustrating at times, but I'm sure our parents mean well, haha.

Ohh, I remember using a similar website. If I recall correctly, it was called futureme.org--where you would type a message to "future you" and it would email it to you years later.


It's always nice to have a real person to vent to, but it makes me feel rather crummy putting my burdens on someone. It's probably why I don't vent to my friends often. I'm not gonna lie--typing on a word doc can get lonely at times, lol.


I don't want to apply this generalization to all adults though. A lot of the teachers at our school tend to be able to empathize with most students, and I can definitely attest for that. It's probably because most of them went through the same experiences that we're going through, and it has certainly helped me through some rough times.

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I've become pretty lazy these days. When I see something that has a lot of words, I just bail out. I don't even try. That's why I haven't read a chapter book since last last week. I read comic books and I only look at the pictures. :P I'll probably start reading thick books again soon.

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I've become pretty lazy these days. When I see something that has a lot of words, I just bail out. I don't even try. That's why I haven't read a chapter book since last last week. I read comic books and I only look at the pictures. :P I'll probably start reading thick books again soon.

Goodness, I almost forgot kids didn't always read books with chapters in them and need to specify when a book was a "chapter" book.

You'll grow up to realize everything has chapters.

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Goodness, I almost forgot kids didn't always read books with chapters in them and need to specify when a book was a "chapter" book.

You'll grow up to realize everything has chapters.

Oh, ok. But what I'm really disappointed in kids these days (I know, I sound like I'm older than them) is that they always go for the really short, picture books. For example, for the Bluebonnet Books, the book that won 1st place is a picture book! I've read it, but I don't necessarily "like" it enough to vote for it. Because it's short, people read it more. Honestly, I like Dead City (this totally awesome book) way more than the picture book. In my opinion, it should have won 1st place, but then again it's in my opinion. I guess there are people more lazy than I am.

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I had secretly bought a poison portion before cuz the thought of suicide but after an event I finally threw it away haha. Don't know why I'm thinking about this...

Wait. Is this recent or what? Man, thought of suicide... is just... never do that.

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Wait. Is this recent or what? Man, thought of suicide... is just... never do that.

No, it was like 3 yrs ago when I was young and rebellious... God... I was so bold :P Even I have to be scared of me sometimes xD

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I had secretly bought a poison portion before cuz the thought of suicide but after an event I finally threw it away haha. Don't know why I'm thinking about this...

That...is just...no. Suicide? I think about it for fun (not in that kind of way) but I would never really buy something like that....

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That...is just...no. Suicide? I think about it for fun (not in that kind of way) but I would never really buy something like that....

It is defintely a no :)

Yeah, keep that "never'!!!

Don't ever lose to your weak emotions!!!!


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It is defintely a no :)

Yeah, keep that "never'!!!

Don't ever lose to your weak emotions!!!!


heh, yeah.

Still shocked that you actually bought it for a second, but relieved you threw it away


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