Nara-chan 38 Report post Posted June 10, 2014 Statement 45: insertion :V ------------------ Both of them were English speakers, eh? She switched to the boy who had screamed about "picking on someone your size" (Funny, that's often told to older people beating up younger people) and the person with fluffy red hair whose gender was hard to determine. The suspicious-Japanese-who-didn't-sound-Japanese girl was gone. Shibuya was turning weirder every minute. She stuck around a little to see if she could ask on some stuff (nearest convenience store, nearest manga store...), but from his statement, she deduced that he was no native to Shibuya. She closed her eyes for a second, then silently stepped away. No one even noticed her leave. -------------------------- She dropped by a store to buy a bag (so that if she ever found lodging, she would leave the stuff like clothes at the lodging place and bring only the necessities with her). The sun was reaching its zenith, so she found shelter in a 7-11 store. She took that chance to fully unzip her bag and examine it. All was like she had seen before, with the addition of a toothbrush, tissues and her favorite pillow. She stuffed the wallet, the light novel and the cellphone into her newly purchased bag. What am I going to do now?, she asked herself. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tsukiko 73 Report post Posted June 10, 2014 I'm in too! Reveal hidden contents -Name: Tsukiko -Age: 19(I'm almost!) -Appearance: 170cm tall, sandy blonde hair barely touching her shoulders, bangs swept on the right side of the face. Wearing black skinny jeans, a white shirt with rolled up sleeves and red sleeveless hoodie. Black shoulder bag full of stuff, fingerless gloves and blue sneakers. -Personality: Bipolar, sometimes kinda hyper and social but sometimes a proper loner and pessimist(saying that is a realist). Wants to think things through but is mostly forces to act by an impulse. -Abilities: Pretty good detuctive skills and memory, good aim at throwing things(stones, knives, balls, pillows, anything), not very fast in running but still in good condition, right handed -Background: Finnish, came to Japan just for fun. Tsukiko sat down on a bench or some park and took out her cell phone. She should probably check the latest news since she came to Japan last night and went straight to bed. And at the same time she probably should find some good place to eat lunch. "Or then I'll just eat a bento..." The girl thought. The first piece of news that she found interesting was about some thief mimicking Kaitou Kid. "Okay... That's a bit too much... Scratch that, DON'T YOU DARE TARNISH KID-KUN's NAME!" "Should I do something to it...?" Tsukiko thought aloud. "Maybe... But I'm on a holiday now... Taikutsunaaaaa(Boriiiiiing)!" "Yep, I shall do something to this. But I need so allies." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief 197 Report post Posted June 10, 2014 With all the commotion and the guy who nearly figured her identity gone, Amber was finally able to calm down. Since it was already pretty late, the shops in Harajuku should have opened. Harajuku isn't too far, so she thought she'd just walk over. The streets are busy now and flooded with many visitors and foreigners. Amber took the opportunity to enter some of the side shops which sells good and gotten herself some interesting snacks. She pulled out the wrapping and took a bite into the chick-shaped taiyaki filled with red bean. It was absolutely delicious. As she walked out of the shop, she spotted the same familiar face coming out from a 7-11 nearby. The girl whom she crashed into earlier. She seemed to have purchased a new bag and is now fiddling away with it. Amber shrugged abit as she walked towards the shop opposite which she saw sells green tea kitkat. -------- (I'm guess I'm just going to do strange stuff until Moho comes in to direct the flow xD ) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maltavite 61 Report post Posted June 10, 2014 As Ari watching the street around him, he then took out his BlackBerry and started to surf the internet. "So What should I do, buy some soda here or kept watching that red-haired person?" He thought. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rukia Kurosaki 357 Report post Posted June 10, 2014 L watched the unbearably theatric interaction going on within a meter of her person, heaving a slow sigh. She crossed her arms at Aster's request of breakfast, sucking her teeth in annoyance and flipping her bangs out of her face to give him a dry stare. "Of course a skinny little kid like you is vegetarian," she observed blankly, glancing over the out of place group that seemed somewhat familiar. It was strange that they all seemed to speak English and appeared out of their depth. "It looks like everybody here could use some grub. Since I guess I'm playing chaperone by the look of ages, guess you guys should follow me and I'll treat." The short redhead closed her eyes, trying to remember any restaurants she may have passed since waking. "There's a breakfast place a block down on the left. By the smell there should be fresh tamagoyaki and miso soup coming up any minute now." Shoving her hands in her pockets, she rolled her shoulder to straighten out the strap of her bag and began to walk. "C'mon." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maltavite 61 Report post Posted June 10, 2014 Ari sighed at the redhead, "Okay... Okay... What's your name then, player?" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nara-chan 38 Report post Posted June 11, 2014 She walked under the scorching hot sun. She wondered if she would experience the whip of the kagerou (heat haze). Hey, that would be cool! I would get superpowers! That is...if I survive.., She reached a park with lots of benches. Maybe she would be able to purchase a cool drink in one of the numerous vending machines. She started scanning the park, and spotted someone who probably wasn't Japanese. From Fusae Campbell in Detective Conan, she knew that natural Japanese can never have blonde hair. Also, Asians are short, but this person was around 5.5 feet in height. That was very weird. But she was 95% sure that the person knew how to speak English. (The other 5% was the possibility that she was a half-Japanese, half-something girl who didn't know how to speak English) So she broke a crucial part of her mantra and stepped towards the girl. " you know how to speak English?" -------------- Does that seem too OOC? But she can't deduce anything about English-speaking skills if she can't hear anything from her, so...:V Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tengaku squared 291 Report post Posted June 11, 2014 (I'm not going to bother with the whole Japanese / English thing, I'll just bold something if a chara happen to be speaking English.) "" A man wearing a police uniform walked up to Mari. His voice was dull and could lull a raging bull into a nap. His eyes, dead and beady. Skin, pale. Poor, lazy posture. "I* would...hmm, how would I have you two** come with me?" The man appeared in deep thought, but his eyes showed no sign of life; in fact, the only gesture he made that appeared thoughtful was putting a single hand on his chin. "You two...are under arrest for underage drinking and disturbing the peace." He raised one hand over the two's objections. "And resisting arrest. Will you...follow me to the station?" * boku ** kimi-tachi (:V) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nara-chan 38 Report post Posted June 11, 2014 Wait what ;A; ------ While she was waiting for a word to come out of the blonde-haired girl, a human-shaped silhouette appeared near the bench the girl was sitting on. "Excuse me..." he said in a monotone voice. Gosh, I didn't know other people could seem as bored as me! , she said. The bored voice belonged to a near-walking skeleton. His eyes were completely devoid of life: a glittering, listless black. He was so white that she had to wonder if he had come to ask whether they were ghosts which was absolutely creeping him out. His back was bent, like he was too lazy to straighten it. This all contrasted with his police uniform. She wondered if Shibuya was now launching a walking advertisement against police officers. The skeleton man moved his radius and ulna to the base of his skull. "I would...hmmm, how about I have you two come with me?" She would rather be beaten up repeatedly by her baby brother with a book then go with the walking-ad-against-police-officers. "You two...are under arrest for underage drinking and disturbing the peace." Wait, what?! I didn't even touch a beer can! And as far as I know, none of us went on a trigger-happy rampage! She raised an objection, as did the other girl, but the skeleton fired that back at them. "And resisting arrest. Will you...follow me to the station?" She figured it was no use fighting, so she followed skeleton guy. He asked for their names, and she simply whispered her very odd name. Since strangers often mispronounce her name (which was like nails on a chalkboard), she followed up with, "Call me Mari." --------------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tsukiko 73 Report post Posted June 11, 2014 ((Am I the blonde girl? I can.)) Arrested for underage drinking? Tsukiko couldn't believe her ears. She wasn't even underage! "Excuse me, what?" The blonde spat out scathingly. "Do you even see some alcohol here?!" The supposed policeman just waved their objections away and told them they were also resisting arrest. The girls exchanged a incredulous glance but followed the man anyways. "Call me Mari." The other girl stated when walking behind the man. "Well, you can call me Tsukiko then." Tsukiko shrugged. "Say... what do think... of running like the wind? Like right now?" She swept the man's feet, making him fall down and grabbed Mari's hand. "Run." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tengaku squared 291 Report post Posted June 11, 2014 The mysterious policeman's arm darted out and grabbed Tsukiko's leg, bringing her to the ground. His arm tensed and the sound of bones breaking was heard. The man stood up and dusted himself off, then looked wistfully at the two girls – though it was hard to discern his emotions with such a blank face. "Now you are really resisting arrest." He put his foot down on Tsukiko's apparently now broken leg, hard. "I was bring you two there. I hoped you would come quietly." He turned to face Mari, but making sure to keep his foot on Tsukiko's leg. "Please don't push me any more than's tiring." He pulled out a gun from his holster and aimed it at Mari. Looking around, there was actually little commotion. People didn't seem to notice the strange mysterious policeman or the girl on the ground with the broken leg. In fact, a couple just walked right along as you thought that, right next to the scene, and didn't seem to notice a thing. But then: "Hey! Are you two alright?" a voice called. The policeman didn't react to the sound, but returned his gun to his holster, and gingerly took his leg off Tsukiko. "Well...looks like I've done what...I can. I'll see you later, under friendlier circumstances." When you blinked, the man was gone, and the source of the voice was in front of you. "Name's Sasaki Kyoko. You," she said and yawned, "look like a mess." ( Bolded indicates English. Oh, and :V ) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Henry Gordan 20 Report post Posted June 11, 2014 (I think there is some kind of mistake(And moho just blow my post(it's in "()"))) ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨Blue text isn't my post, it was going to be. (Aleksander watched as the two girls got speech from officer. That another is from Scandinavia. Probably from Finland. And they are in trouble as far as I can see. Suddenly the officer fall down and the girls started to run Alek's direction. They passed him and the officer was right after them. As the officer approached him, Alek suddenly fell and tripped the officer. "I'm terribly sorry,sir." he said and helped the officer up. "Why you were charging like that?" he asked. The officer grunted and said "Not your business, but they were drinking in park. And they are under aged. Also they resisted the arrest." "Well, I can pay their fine. How much?" Alek said and took his wallet out. "Humph. 27 000 ¥. Cash only." officer said and took Alek's money. After the officer left, Alek followed the girls. He found them from alley, hidden behind big trashcan. "Well ladies, I paid your fine. Would you like to have so more shots?" he asked) (And Moho blow this up) Aleksander looked two girls being arrested. Blond one is from Scandinavia. Most likely from Finland. Strange. They didn't do anything wrong. And now the officer just left after being so rough. Someone had approached the girls and they were chatting as Alek walked to them. The blond one wasn't OK. "Are you OK? That officer was strange. What you have done that he tried to arrest you two?" Alek asked as the blond bite her teeth. "And I can give you first aid as I was Medic in army."he continued. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tengaku squared 291 Report post Posted June 11, 2014 (Four more days until the round officially begins and we get some actual plot rolling in here! I'd advise everyone to group up before the round begins. Anyone who doesn't...well, let's just say a few unfortunate encounters like Mr. Skeleton Policeman can happen to you, too! He doesn't like crowds, you know. Cheers!) On 6/11/2014 at 7:34 PM, Henry Gordan said: (I think there is some kind of mistake(And moho just blow my post(it's in "()"))) ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨Blue text isn't my post, it was going to be. (Aleksander watched as the two girls got speech from officer. That another is from Scandinavia. Probably from Finland. And they are in trouble as far as I can see. Suddenly the officer fall down and the girls started to run Alek's direction. They passed him and the officer was right after them. As the officer approached him, Alek suddenly fell and tripped the officer. "I'm terribly sorry,sir." he said and helped the officer up. "Why you were charging like that?" he asked. The officer grunted and said "Not your business, but they were drinking in park. And they are under aged. Also they resisted the arrest." "Well, I can pay their fine. How much?" Alek said and took his wallet out. "Humph. 27 000 ¥. Cash only." officer said and took Alek's money. After the officer left, Alek followed the girls. He found them from alley, hidden behind big trashcan. "Well ladies, I paid your fine. Would you like to have so more shots?" he asked) (And Moho blow this up) (Well, that particular officer wouldn't have taken any amount of money anyway. So whether the post was blown up or not doesn't really matter.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief 197 Report post Posted June 11, 2014 (Group up? Okay. :V Sounds like something is going to happen.) =============== Some commotion started up again somewhere outside the store Amber was viewing. '...Again?' Amber sighed in frustration. She knew Shibuya had always been a busy and active place but people in this area were generally peace loving people and would not start up any troublesome issues on their own. She poked her head out of the shop to peep at what was going on. A close distance away, Amber spotted the same familiar face she had been noticing for the past hour. It seemed like she had gotten herself into some trouble with the police. "If it isn't that girl again? ...Hmmm?" Amber paused when she saw that another girl was beside her and this time, another foreigner. "Is today foreigner trouble day or what..." One of the girls seemed to be flipped to the ground. 'Eeeek! What!?' Amber did not know what to make out of the situation. 'There is a girl lying practically on the floor and abused by some policemen and no one is helping?' Strange enough, the passers-by are not lifting a finger to help, rather, most of them are practically walking right over them! Could this be the rumored passer-by syndrome? Japanese usually mind their own business if they had no idea what was going on, sometimes even if they knew what was happening. Surely, they would have some sympathy? It must be some misunderstanding. "Erm.... Do you know what is happening?" Amber asked a passer-by. "Hmmm?" The passerby looked surprised. "What? What's happening?" "Huh...? That!" Amber pointed over to the commotion. "There's nothing happening there what are you talking about?" He replied nonchalantly. 'What!? That much minding own's business is too much isn't it!?' "Haiz... It's fine... " amber waved to the person before he walks away. Amber was about to intervene to help her fellow visitors when another girl appeared out of nowhere. "Hey! Are you two alright?" 'English.... Another foreigner!? ... Maybe I should just pause and see what happens next...' Amber thought as she bit down on a kitkat. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tengaku squared 291 Report post Posted June 11, 2014 (^ KKLT, this isn't just passerby syndrome. There were no onlookers because no one could seem to be able to see the incident. It's not that they didn't want to see, they couldn't see it. In a way, it's like a spell of some sort. Could you amend your post to reflect this?) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief 197 Report post Posted June 12, 2014 ^ wait does that mean I can't see it too? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tengaku squared 291 Report post Posted June 12, 2014 (Maybe the spell didn't affect you? I really can't say the reason, but you (and by extension other role-players) could but the passerby couldn't. And Kyoko Sasaki, for whatever reason. Oh, but Kyoko Sasaki didn't see the strange policeman. Keep that in mind when conversing.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nara-chan 38 Report post Posted June 12, 2014 "Run." Wait...if I run..., but before she could finish pondering, Tsukiko (she wan't Japanese, but her name meant "Moon Child" in Japanese) had grabbed her arm and dragged her a considerable distance before Skeleton Guy did some judo on Tsukiko, bringing her to the ground with a loud CRUNCH While keeping his foot on Tsukiko's leg, he brought out a gun and pointed it at her. She managed to keep a neutral face, although her brain was on panic mode. Her eyes darted around, hoping for a kind soul to come do some epic jujitsu on Skeleton Guy and save them, but there was no such thing in Shibuya, apparently. It was like the three were ghosts. "Hey, are you two alright?!" Finally! Help! Skeleton Guy slowly returned his gun to his holster and his foot off Tsukiko's leg. "Well, I've done...what I can. I'll see you again...under friendlier circumstances..." She blinked, and Skeleton Guy was replaced with a girl. The source of the voice. "Name's Sasaki Kyoko. You..." She was cut off with a yawn. "...Look like a mess." "Call me Mari," she said. She was quite fond of the name, and it seemed like it added mystery to her, if that even makes sense. "Where'd that skeleton guy go?" "What guy? There wasn't even anyone who looked at you!" She yawned again. Is that skeleton guy invisible or something? she wondered. I wonder if we're invisible too, just not our eyes and Kyoko-san's eyes. Or people here are plain inconsiderate ----------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A L 217 Report post Posted June 12, 2014 "Of course a skinny kid like you is a vegetarian." "Must you remind me of my mother?" Aster muttered under his breath. She'd better not force him to eat something he didn't want to. "It looks like everybody here could use some grub. Since I guess I'm playing chaperone by the look of ages, guess you guys should follow me and I'll treat. Hey! Get off-" That was it. Aster hugged the angel sent from heaven who would finally get him a decent meal in three days. He let go quickly to avoid the slightly lethal blow that came his way. "Sorry, I became too happy." With that they went on their way. 'Hurray for seniors!' Aster thought slinging his bag over his arm again. The person he had kicked seemed a bit uneasy but Aster grabbed his arm and began to follow the girl with the red hair anyway. "What are all your names?" Aster said with no formality whatsoever. The company gave him weird looks before introducing themselves. Aster coughed. "Actually my name isn't really John Smith..." The person behind him, Warren placed a sympathetic hand on Aster's shoulder and shook his head. "My name is Hoshi." They were lead into a small restaurant. The first thing Aster did was to go into the WC and rinse his mouth. After that he drank two glasses of water before eating the non-instant and nutritious Ramen they were served (He transferred all the flesh into Warren's bowl, not caring about any manners) and ate with a plastic fork he had in his pocket, despite the alienated looks from other people. ===== Yippee, now senpai can pay and lead us to action XD BTW Aster = Hoshi in Japanese :3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tengaku squared 291 Report post Posted June 12, 2014 Kyoko Sasaki took a look around, then covered her next yawn with her hand. The motion made her star pendant swing from side to side for a moment, only to stop when her other hand reached to stop it. "Even though there's so many people, nobody here seems to care." She seemed to read Mari's expression for a moment, then sighed. "Look, I don't know what happened, but it seemed like something was intentionally diverting people's attention away from you two." She yawned again. This seemed to be a regular occurrence. She turned and pointed towards the direction of the restaurant Aster and several others happened to be in (though of course Mari and Tsukiko wouldn't know anything of that). "You aren't the only travelers here having a rough time. There's a group of them over..." and she briefly lowered her arm to cover yet another yawn. "Over there, yeah?" she finished. "I think it'd be best if you guys met up; it might stop something like this from happening again, yeah?" She turned her head to the side and mumbled, "But seriously, why'd he think to mess your leg up so bad?" Then her eyes widened as if she made a slip, and she waved her hands, a noticeably more energetic gesture that contrasted with the yawns she'd been given. "Anyways, you better head over there, Tsukiko...and Nara-chan." She made a dismissive gesture when asked how she would know that Mari frequented this one forum where her username happened to be Nara-chan, and responded thusly. "I* just happened to know." With that, she walked off in the opposite direction of where she pointed, yawning every so often. * washi (a Japanese pronoun typically used in Japanese media by elderly men, Definitely not a pronoun that a teenager or a young adult would use. Kyoko using it would sound rather odd. Trivia: Professor Agasa uses this particular pronoun.) ============================================================== (Hmmm, Kyoko seems to know more than she lets on. Or maybe she's just a stalker. Who knows for sure. Did she actually see the mysterious policeman? She claimed to see nothing, but then there was that slip...Who knows for sure. Whenever I typed that Kyoko yawned I yawned as well! It's seriously contagious!) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nara-chan 38 Report post Posted June 12, 2014 @AL- John Smith? :3 ----------- Kyoko Sasaki walked off and disappeared into the crowd, leaving her dumbfounded. In that forum where she managed to trick everyone, where she went into a cycle of depression, anger and laughter. Where she met people who called her stupid, never listened, and people who were very snarky and witty. "Nara-chan" was a pseudonym she used to express, at first, boredom and laughter, but after some events, her anger and frustration. No one even knew, even her parents. She wondered how Kyoko-san knew. She then turned to Tsukiko, which was her exact username on DCW. She was stupid to never have noticed. She turned to the older blonde. "You also have an account on DCW? With your name as your username? 5,000-plus posts?" She recieved a confirmation. "What about we go to that restaurant Kyoko-san told us to go to?" ------------- It was a small ramen shop. She was reminded of the time before graduation that she and her mother ate ramen at a nearby store. Her mother would give her right arm to be able to go to Japan. As would she. Now she was here. There was only a group of people eating at the ramen shop. She squinted. It was the group watching the Japanean/Japanglish person get beaten up by the younger guy, who was now rudely dropping meat into the Japanean guy's bowl. She wondered how many times she had to break part of her mantra. "Excuse me? Would you all happen to be foreigners?" she asked, while looking at the tatami flooring of the restaurant. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misaki-chan 164 Report post Posted June 12, 2014 By the time her hour was up, Misaki had learned far more than she needed to about the Kaito KID impostor. Well, at least it was an interesting read... Though it does remind me I need to catch up on the manga. Once she was out of the cafe, she began to walk straight, not particularly caring where she went so long as she was going somewhere. She liked it, this aimless wandering. It was nice. As she turned a corner, she heard someone say, "Hey! Are you two alright?" English? Misaki turned towards the general area of where the voice was coming from to see three girls talking, with the blonde girl leaning against her friend. I wonder why she's leaning against her friend. Is she hurt? She walked by them, intending to see if something was wrong without actually talking to them (she didn't really want to interact with them if it was avoidable). While she couldn't see what exactly was wrong with the blonde girl, she did look in pain. They were talking to a girl wearing a green cap who looked like she was giving them directions. Oh, it looks like they're ok then. Probably getting directions to a hospital, seeing how blondie looks in pain and all. There is one nearby here after all. So she walked past, not paying them any attention seeing as how they were already getting help. After a few more minutes of wandering about, she decided to head to a 7-11 that she knew carried Forte, a music magazine that was featuring Chris Aeigo in this month's issue. Once she was inside, she made a beeline to the magazine rack and grabbed one of the issues available before scanning the other magazines for something that looked interesting. She noticed the newest volume of Shonen Sunday and decided to indulge herself by grabbing that too. As she walked out the door, she flipped through Forte, mostly to see what was in it. She noticed an ad for a ramen place, one that happened to be nearby where she was. She considered going there, not sure whether or not she should, but her stomach growling convinced her. Ramen it is then. It didn't take her long to get to the shop, only about five minutes. She gave a quick bow to the owners as she took a seat. It was a small place, very homey. The tatami flooring was a nice touch. The place obviously didn't get much business, considering the size and the slightly worn down look it had (probably why they had put the ad in the magazine). But there was a group there, a bunch of foreigners considering that none of them looked Japanese. In fact... Isn't that that blonde girl in pain earlier? Well this was worrisome. She was in pain and yet she came to eat ramen instead of going to the hospital? Foreigners. They're such a strange bunch. But I don't know if she even wants to go to a hospital or if she was ever really in pain. I'll just... keep an eye of them. See what happens. If anything happens, I'll help. If not, then no harm done. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A L 217 Report post Posted June 12, 2014 "That depends. Some might be born in Japan despite what they look. Though if you're going by our race, we're still not. Because all of us are human. And the only country for humanity is Earth. And-" Aster trailed off. "Miss you need a senzu bean." He was clearly worried about the blond girl with the little tyke ===== Note: I won't comment about the fact that Nara's character description states her only wearing jeans. :V Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nara-chan 38 Report post Posted June 12, 2014 Hey, I said. "usually wears jeans", not "just wears jeans" And FYI, I'm tall for my age.---------------She was pissed off. So she started spouting some things in Filipino, her native language. She didn't really care if anyone undertsood or not."Alangan, sinasabi ko kung hindi kayo Hapon! Alam ko naman na wala pang nadidiskubre na buhay sa ibang planeta!" She crossed her arms, and switched to English. "But you just said something in English, and the people here don't seem dumbfounded, so I can guarantee all of you know how to speak English.""Someone sent us here. She said there were some travelers who were having a rough time, and we better go here to avoid trouble.----------------Note: I know three people here will understand what I typed in italics :V Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Henry Gordan 20 Report post Posted June 12, 2014 On 6/11/2014 at 7:34 PM, Henry Gordan said: "Are you OK? That officer was strange. What you have done that he tried to arrest you two?" Alek asked as the blond bite her teeth. "And I can give you first aid as I was Medic in army."he continued. So nobody noticed my real post how sad. Maybe I'll just follow them ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alek followed the girl, who didn't notice him at the scene. Well, nobody ever notices me. Alek found himself buying ramen with the girls. They really didn't notice him even thought he is tall and blond. But still Alek tried to talk to them "Hej. Talar du svenska? Vai puhutaanko suomea?" The blond girl looked him in surprise and said "Jag talar svenska, men finska är mina modersmålet. Joten puhutaan suomea vaan." Alek grinned and said "Tuo siun jalkas turpoaa aika paljon jos stä ei hoida. Vaikkei se olis ees murtunu. Vois olla parempi et sidonsen ja sitte jäillä painais sitä. Nää varmaa antais jäitä." (In English that was about first language and the last line was about first aid.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites