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DCW IRL Round 14: Shibuya Infinity

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"There is a language of words and then there is the language of the universe. While I would enjoy cursing the hell out of people in Greek, it would be quite comedic, just like you. Mark Twain did advise against debating fools because then the onlookers can't tell the difference."


'I know five more people who speak filipino, otherwise I might be ticked at not understanding.' Aster added in his mind. Feeling everyone's gaze on him and not the slightest hint of embarrassment, Aster stood up. 


"Whoever that person was, they were right. Unity is strength. I have no problems with you people tagging along but she really needs a senzu bean." Just because was he was rude didn't mean he was uncaring about people with broken legs.


"Hej. Talar du svenska? Vai puhutaanko suomea?" The blond guy who had shouted about picking fights, introduced himself as Alexander said.


"Jag talar svenska, men finska är mina modersmålet. Joten puhutaan suomea vaan." The girl with the broken leg responded in surprise. 


Alek grinned and said "Tuo siun jalkas turpoaa aika paljon jos stä ei hoida. Vaikkei se olis ees murtunu. Vois olla parempi et sidonsen ja sitte jäillä painais sitä. Nää varmaa antais jäitä."


'I might just run out of my knowledge of languages for once.' Aster sweat dropped.






Heksu, I didn't ignore you :( I did respond once and then you also had the chance to make your cool intro when everyone was walking to the ramen place. You know the part before I introduced my character as Hoshi. :<

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She was about to say, "Was I even debating with you?!" ,but she just inwardly sighed. I'll take your word against you, rude guy. No time for spouting philosophical crap here. The way the guy spouted out philisophical crap reminded her of someone else, but really, there's a time for philosophy and a time for wondering about rude people's identities.

A blonde-haired guy had started talking to Tsukiko in...maybe Danish or something? It did sound Scandivanian. This brought her to thinking about languages. She only spoke two: Filipino and English, with English being her better language. She preferred to stick to a few languages and master them all, than to be a jack-of-all-trades.

"Hay, nakakainis..." she muttered. The Japanean guy was staring at her, but she dismissed it as a what-the-heck-did-she-just-say expression. She noticed another girl, silently observing. She would rather be like that: observing silently from the sidelines...like she did earlier with these two.


Italics- thoughts and languages other than English.

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Aster thought it best to leave the two people who spoke in a language he didn't understand to their own devices. He looked at the time. 'Crap, already?
"I have to go somewhere." He said and picked up his bag. "There's a park not far from this place, let's meet up there in an hour." Without another word he ran off. 
There was a public phone booth in the vicinity, just the one he was looking for. He entered and inserted on his ten 100 yen coins and picked up the receiver, dialling a number.
"Check below." A female voice from the other end said and the line dropped. Still holding the receiver in his hand, Aster reached below inconspicuously and pulled out an envelope. "You're getting darn careless..." he muttered before dropping it in his pocket and stepping out. Like he had been told, he could see the hotel he had to stay in from the booth. 
He headed towards there fast as possible and checked in. His room was small but there was a bathroom at least. He showered quick, barely five minutes and wore changed his clothes. His other pair was the same as the one he had worn before. Aster was quick on his feet and what he needed now was something to ensure his daily supply of sugar.
Aster walked into a shop. Half an hour had passed and he'd hope they'd taken the girl to the hospital. Someone familiar was searching about the chocolates.


"Mata aita ne, neechan." (We meet again, sis). Her reaction confirmed Aster's suspicions. "The tiny things give you away." He said in English then, knowing she'd understand. 





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(No wait!? You found me!?) >__<


Amber was watching as the girl communicate with the foreigners. She pointed in the direction of the restaurant before walking away.

"Wait... What? Just like that?" Amber thought as she crushed the wrapper of the kitkat and crammed it into her pocket. "Shouldn't she be like... Sending the girl to hospital or something?"

Amber muttered out loud and in doing so, received several weird glances by passersby. She quickly composed herself and turned back for the duo but in the fine moments of a few seconds, they were gone. 'What was that? ... This is getting a little creepy...'

Trying to return to her normal state of mind, Amber decided to get back to the shop, getting more of her chocolates.

As the saying goes, 'Time flies when you're enjoying shopping for chocolates', before Amber knew it, she spent an hour in the shop and her basket full of guilty food. 'Guess that's enough... Or could this be too much... But whatever~'

Guilty or not, chocolates are the soul's food. As she was about to pay for them, she heard a voice behind her.

"Mata aita ne, neechan."

'Ah yes... We meet again... Wait... ' amber turned to meet the eyes of THE familiar guy earlier.

"Urg-!!!" Amber flinched as she choked on her own saliva.

"The tiny things give you away." The guy then spoke in English, fully confident that she would understand.

'How on earth!? No wait... It couldn't be!? Nooooo my private lifeeeeee!!!'

"A-AL!!!!! How... How did you find out!? " Amber asked as she dropped her basket of chocolates on the ground, as though her life was over. "You didn't recognize me earlier either! Why recognize me now!" Amber frantically used her chopper pouch to hide her face in embarrassment.

Amber's world is now like a smashed and melted chocolate. The only thing in her mind is she wants to get out of this awkward situation. 'Oh what should I do!? What should I do!?'


*shy* >__<

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She narrowed her eyes at the rude guy, who bound for the door, asking them to meet him at the park nearby. Really? I'm not controlled by you, you know? She wasn't just pissed at that guy. She now disliked him very much.

She returned to silent mode (She really liked thinking that she had two modes: snarky and silent. Most people only see the silent one, since snarky only comes when she's pissed). "Can I gat your names?"

What she was doing was very out-of-character for her, since she was more of a backstage gal, but she was the initiator, so might as well...

A flurry of names passed. Then, one of them suggested that they take Tsukiko to the hospital, since she seemed pretty beat up. She silently turned to Tsukiko, waiting for a response.


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"Actually I did recognize you earlier. Besides, I talked in Japanese, I could have meant any neechans." Aster deadpanned and the girl hiding behind her pouch froze. 'Oi oi I think I broke her!' He had never been good at jokes but he suspected that Amber giving herself away was the worst punchline he had ever made. 


Sure, he had spoken fluent English and the girl who had somewhat similar interests with Amber-neechan while pretending to be bad at the language had understood correctly judging by her body language meaning she was hiding something. But nevertheless he had been worried after seeing that blond girl with the broken leg.


"I just wanted to check up on you. I saw someone with some serious injuries a while ago. I suppose my concern is unneeded then." Aster sighed and turned to the stalls to pick up some Twix, though his hands slightly crushed the chocolates in frustration.


"That being said, am I that much of an embarrassment to be around? My parents always say that too." The boy laughed slightly at some untold joke. "If you're wondering why I'm here I ran away." He said in response to the girls' quizzical look.


"And I'm stuck with strangers, though one is really cool with red hair and did I mention she bought me breakfast?" Aster continued to speak. That's what he always did when he was afraid; spoke in sentences he had no idea of just to quell the silence and not think of things. 




(Hate me if you want but my character is spontaneous because Niichan guilt-tripped me somewhat to joining IRL :P)

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( XDDDDDDDD how did he do that!? I wanna learn the art of guilt tripping :V)




"Actually I did recognize you earlier. Besides, I talked in Japanese, I could have meant any neechans."

'Wai-what...?' Amber was sure she felt a surge of cold air brushing past her back. 'He did.... Recognize me earlier... So... that was it... wasn't it...? He did... he did... So... So... Was he only pretending then?! ... I ... guess. And... I thought... I escaped... I guess not... haha... and yea... I suppose he ISSSSS absolutely....right. Right?  Right... By neechan... he could have meant... ANY ... neechan... ANY! Possibly like... BIGGGGGG sister... neechan... or... or... MISS older girl... neechan  Not neechan as in... MEEEEEEE neechan... Ahaha... If he actually didn't recognize me... then...I WOULD HAVE... HAVE.... HAVE GIVEN MYSELF AWAY FOR FREEEEEEEE?!'

Amber froze.



'He's definitely mocking me... DEFINITELY!!!!' Amber's face turned whiter.


The other boy just continued talking after dropping an asteroid on her. 

"I just wanted to check up on you. I saw someone with some serious injuries a while ago. I suppose my concern is unneeded then."

'Eh? Serious injuries? Does he mean the girl earlier? And he's concerned about ...me?' 

Amber paused for a moment. Was she feeling a little touched?

"........ Uh... I se-"


 "That being said, am I that much of an embarrassment to be around? My parents always say that too." He said, after turning to the stalls to pick up some Twix.

'Wait what? Embarassment?'


"Huh? Wait... No... Tha-"


"If you're wondering why I'm here I ran away. And I'm stuck with strangers, though one is really cool with red hair and did I mention she bought me breakfast?"

'He ran away!? No wait what!? Why is he so depressed? Stuck with strangers?! Breakfast!? No actually that sounds goo-NO I mean.. he's not giving me a chance to taaalk-Oh... He stopped... Uh... yes. I should say something...... ...Wait... Wha- what should I say now!?'


"Uh... Actually, I'm not feeling embarassed by you... it's just that... I'm... kinda like... just...shy...I dunno. WELL, erm... I'm kinda happy you're concerned about... me..... AND UH... I don't really mind so... well if you're alone or something... wanna like... get.. stuck wit- I MEAN wanna just like... WALK TOGETHER for a while...or something? yea.. you know... so ........................................................................................................................................................... 

...why.. did you run away?"



:V I know it's hard to read. Don't kill me too.

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((sorry for being this late...))

-- --


That f*cking cop broke her leg! Tsukiko was furious. And now she was sure that creepy-looking guy wasn't a cop at all.

Much happened int he flurry of tem minutes after that. She and Mari - who she now knew as Nara-chan from DCW - met a strange yawny girl who pointed them to a Ramen place where they met a bunch of people, including another Finnish.

They introduced each other and someone... was it Mari? ...pointed out that tsukiko should go to a hospital.


"Yeah... I guess..." The blonde admitted with a shy nod. Her leg was throbbing and even though she didn't know was it broken or not, better safe than sorry. Especially if who knows what would happen during the next days.


"Hei, tiiätkö lainkaan mitä oikein on tapahtunut? Miksi kaikki muutkin ovat täällä?" She asked Alek then.


-- --

((trsl. "Hey, do you know at all what has happened? Why everyone else are here too?"


By the way... How did you identify me so soon as Finnish? I do have a blonde hair yes, but that doesn't really say anything. I could be just European/American/Australian. At that point I hadn't even talked that much so one can't say anything abotu my accent either...


And am I really the only blonde here?))

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"Uh... Actually, I'm not feeling embarassed by you... it's just that... I'm... kinda like... just...shy...I dunno. WELL, erm... I'm kinda happy you're concerned about... me..... AND UH... I don't really mind so... well if you're alone or something... wanna like... get.. stuck wit- I MEAN wanna just like... WALK TOGETHER for a while...or something? yea.. you know...so........................................................................................................................................................... ...why.. did you run away?"


Aster karate chopped Amber's head with a light but quick motion. 


"Maybe it's just me or maybe you people can't understand it but I do hang out with people for no apparent reason without benefits. But I still think we should stick together with the others unless we want to be attacked." But Amber was hesitant to do so. Aster sighed.


"Why did you run away from your home though?" Amber pressed. 


"I felt like it~" Aster spread his arms and mimicked an aeroplane, getting them looks from other people. "Come on Ms.Amber, let's go for our walk but we'll stick to crowded places. Don't want us to get attacked by whoever broke Tsukiko's leg. I've got a feeling I'm familiar with that name though..." Aster trailed off. "But just to be sure, elders buy youngsters candy don't they?" He pointed to the Twix bar. 

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(An hour later)

She was staring at Tsukiko's newly casted leg. "How is it?" she asked. The blonde smiled in reply.

Some of the people at the ramen shop had joined, while others were left at the tatami-floored shop. They were doing exactly what "Mari" (now she wishes her parents had just cut her name that short) was doing: staring at the cast. "What shall we do now?" One of the people asked.

"...I guess we should just stick together...?" she said. She was really on silent mode now. "No one wants to be attacked like Tsukiko here..."

She stayed silent as the others muttered their agreement.


Whoever wants to join, join! :V

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@ Tsukiko: I said you looked Scandinavian. And then tested if you speak Swedish or Finnish. (People from Norway and Denmark would understand too.) Well maybe it was a bit too easy. Maybe you wouldn't answer to stranger



"Hei, tiiätkö lainkaan mitä oikein on tapahtunut? Miksi kaikki muutkin ovat täällä?" She asked Alek then.

Aleksander investigated Tsukiko's leg and notised that it was most likely to have at least minor fracture if not major.


"Ite satuin tänne sattumalta. Enkä kyllä tunne muita" He answered to her question and said to another girl next: 

"Hey you,umm... Mari? Could you give that ice bag.This on isn't anymore cold." 


"Puhutaan englantia  niin toisetkin ymmärtää." Alek said and continued: "This is most likely broken so I don't pressure it much. But we should get you in hospital." Aleksander turned around and said "Could someone call ambulance so we could get her get casted?"


Soon he, Tsukiko, Mari and few others were in local hospital.


"What shall we do now?" One of the people asked.

"...I guess we should just stick together...?" Mari said "No one wants to be attacked like Tsukiko here..."


"Well yeah, but were can we go? I got apartment near Fuji, but it's small and a bit far away." Aleksander said

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Aah, the ice felt so nice on Tsukiko's leg. She wanted to just close her eyes and shut everyone else outside. Especially when they all were staring at her casted leg.


She exchanged a few words with Alek who later offered everyone to come his place near Fuji.


Hmm... Fuji... Fujiwara... DCTP... DC... Kaitou Kid.


"Hey, have you already seen the news? About the Kaitou Kid copycat?" The blonde asked suddenly.

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Aster then tapped Amber's head lightly and said, "Maybe it's just me or maybe you people can't understand it but I do hang out with people for no apparent reason without benefits. But I still think we should stick together with the others unless we want to be attacked."

'The others??? Who??? I don't know them do I? It'll be awkward! Hmmm uh...'

Aster sighed. Maybe he knew she was hesitant.

"Why did you run away from your home though?" Amber tried to say something else.

"I felt like it~" Aster replied playfully, imitating an airplane like a child.

"Come on Ms.Amber, let's go for our walk but we'll stick to crowded places. Don't want us to get attacked by whoever broke Tsukiko's leg. I've got a feeling I'm familiar with that name though..." Aster trailed off.

'Tsukiko? Isn't that a Japanese name? That blonde foreigner is actually Japanese!?'

"But just to be sure, elders buy youngsters candy don't they?" He pointed to the Twix bar.


After Amber purchased the entire basket of chocolates together with some extra luggage of twix bars (which she also likes and ended up grabbing more of it), they exited the shop. Aster offered to be a gentlemen and helped carry the bags despite his already huge luggage. (:3)

"So... Where are we headed to then?" Amber asked as Aster unwrapped a packet of twix.

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((I totally forgot to log on and post today :V So just a little thing until L gets back in the swing and action.))


L went with the flow from breakfast on, sure to take her tamagoyaki when everyone began to migrate toward the hospital. She ate and walked, listening to her mp3 player and forgetting that she still hadn't introduced herself to anyone yet. She hovered at the edge of the group, not wanting to be separated from the other English-speaking foreigners but not much for the socializing and introductions that were going on. While everyone got situated and comfortable around one another she sat a few feet away from the largest grouping and listened to Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture, mulling over a way to introduce herself. 'I'm L, 'sup,' was about as good as she could come up with to keep things simple, and despite her confusion she wasn't overly concerned with how they'd all arrived in Shibuya. After all, this could all be something as simple as a dream. She only hoped there was no sleep paralysis here, and that if somehow it was the true, real world that her sister was taking care of her belongings. L gazed up at the sickly off-white ceiling and wished there was a pattern to count to occupy her mind as for the third time a round of cannon-fire ended the overture seeping from her red earbuds.

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(I carry everything, I open doors, I collect dishes, I start dusting/cleaning and following whatever is said to anyone by instinct no matter whose house it is because I have do everything at home. :P)


"So... Where are we headed to then?" Amber asked as Aster unwrapped a packet of twix and popped a single stick into his mouth. "Dora's house." Amber gave him 'the look'. "Not that I watch that show or anything. We'll just walk on the side-walk here. So, I saw the picture of a KID card in the newspaper today."

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(I suppose you meant the people part, but I do state each and every mundane thing like a Captain Obvious. Edited ^^; )

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@Tsukiko- LOL at DCTP reference


 "Well yeah, but were can we go? I got apartment near Fuji, but it's small and a bit far away," said Aleksander. 


While she was pondering whether to accept the kind offer, Tsukiko, who seemed like she was dozing off, suddenly asked, "Hey, have you already seen the news? About the Kaitou Kid copycat?"


Flashes of the news she had read at the cyber cafe came back to her: the elusive thief taking advantage of the melee of rush hour; the notes, which proved he was truly trying to pull off a KID-like heist (although she had brought herself to leave the place) before she had caught what the notes said) and the police force chasing after him/her. Oh, so I'm not the only one interested? was what she was thinking, but what came out of her mouth was...


 Nothing. She instead bobbed her head up and down two times to say yes.  


(Not much action :/)

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"Kid card?" Amber responded by pulling out the newspaper she was carrying. "Oh this?"

Aster popped his head over and nodded after seeing the image.

"Hmmm... I wonder what's the guy thinking?" Amber shrugged. "Imitating kid in this way... Haha."

Aster shrugged as a response.

'There's something fishy going on, but what is it? What is going on??? Fake kid thieves appearing and strange occurrences in the city with suspicious attacks on foreigners...' Amber turned her head to Aster. 'Strangest being having her meet up with the most unlikely person in the whole universe...'

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(I'm going to move everyone to the park. Yes, the same park Tsukiko was attacked.)


"Excuse me...hello. Good morning." The skeleton man looked up at the sky, and noticed the sun was starting to descend. "Oh, it's...more like afternoon. Good afternoon, then." He noticed the tension present in the group, and raised a single hand to interrupt, "Please don't make any commotion."


"Nobody but me can hear your screams anyway."


You looked around, and once again, it seemed like everyone's attention was being directed away from you. Nobody took a second glance at the strange police officer or the group of foreigners. It definitely felt eerie, like you were invisible. Or a spell was cast over everyone's eyes. I can't really tell you why you guys did, but you decided to gang up on the police officer – he was, after all, hopelessly outnumbered. You moved in on him to take him down, and you began to realize the folly of your actions.


The man effortlessly dodged every single attack you launched at him with movements too fine and acrobatic to come from that thin structure. He didn't land a single blow, almost as if he was trying to hurt you, but you couldn't land a single finger on him.


"Ah," he sighed. "That was a waste of effort. I just wanted to tell you a few things you might want to know." Seeing as you were totally exhausted and attacking him would get nowhere, and calling for help was apparently useless, you decided to hear him out.


"First, I do apologize for that attack." It was a rather dull apology, and if the guy didn't sound monotone all the time, you'd have taken it as an insincere one. But with the lack of emotion and expression, you couldn't really tell.


"Second, there will be an attack on the 109 Building tonight by the KID. If you don't stop the attack or otherwise interfere, people will die during this particular attack." He paused, maybe to let you process the information. "Don't ask me how I know. I know everything." He paused again, a shorter one this time. "Naturally, I know that this entire group is comprised of people that frequent the same forum. You all are very interesting for that and other reasons. I guess...that's why I've been watching you this entire time, as well."


He abruptly turned around, but then he turned his head back to look at the group. "The attack won't occur until midnight. Well, good luck, then. I wish you good luck...from the smallest portion of my heart." And once again, he disappeared.

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How did they end up to that park again, Tsukiko didn't know. But the guy who (almost) broke her leg was there. Skeleton Guy the others called him.


While the others attacked him, the blonde merely watched while sitting on the same park bench than before meeting Mari. With her injured leg she was no use and besides attacking that Skeleton Guy did no good.


When the others were exhausted, the Skeleton Guy finally got a chance to speak.


"First, I do apologize for that attack."


Tsukiko snorted. The guy had broken her leg after all.


"Second, there will be an attack on the 109 Building tonight by the KID. If you don't stop the attack or otherwise interfere, people will die during this particular attack... Don't ask me how I know. I know everything... Naturally, I know that this entire group is comprised of people that frequent the same forum. You all are very interesting for that and other reasons. I guess...that's why I've been watching you this entire time, as well."


Entire time... What a creep. Everyone from the same forum... DCW?! Tsukiko blinked when she realized that. Mari had indeed indentified the blonde from the forum and Tsukiko was also familiar with the other girl's username. So everyone else was also... Wait, "interesting for that and other reasons". What other reasons?!


"The attack won't occur until midnight. Well, good luck, then. I wish you good luck...from the smallest portion of my heart." And the Skeleton Guy disappeared.

One of the boys announced immediately that they were in. Tsukiko was more hesitant.
"I guess I'm in too. We can't let innocent people get hurt, right?" The blonde smiled nervously. "I don't know will I be much of use but I'll do my best.
((I went to read the DCWIRL round 5... I think I'll update my bio a bit...))

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A park. 'Ah. The same one where the blonde foreigner was attacked.' When did they reach the park? Amber was sure she was walking along the side walk. When did they return to the park?


"Excuse me...hello. Good morning." A voice came from somewhere nearby. Amber turned her head to the source. 'The policeman just now!'

Around her were the familiar faces she had met earlier this morning. The blonde girl, the stalker girl, the newspaper guy and bystanders. 'What's going on!?'


"Oh, it's...more like afternoon. Good afternoon, then. Please don't make any commotion. Nobody but me can hear your screams anyway."

'Eh?' Amber looked around. It was the same situation as earlier where no one seems to notice the commotion. She thought it was passer-by syndrome, but now it appears to be something even more worrying. It seems as though they were invisible. 'What's goin on!? Thi-this guy... He's dangerous!'


Amber took a defensive step back. The others started to make noise, and not before long, someone started an attack and the rest followed. Strangely, none of the attacks managed to hit. The policeman dodged every single attack as though he had some sort of teleportation magic or some untouchable jutsu and all attacks just pass through without hitting him. So it seems, that the invisibility, isn't limited only to the situation there.


"Ah, that was a waste of effort. I just wanted to tell you a few things you might want to know."


Amber was baffled.

What is this!? Have they been absorbed into the world of anime or something!? Or has the characters escaped from the anime world?! Whatever it is, it doesn't seem like the group of people would be able to do anything helpful anyway, so it would probably be better to listen to what the guy has to say first before making a move.


"First, I do apologize for that attack."

'Yea. Like that helps.'


"Second, there will be an attack on the 109 Building tonight by the KID. If you don't stop the attack or otherwise interfere, people will die during this particular attack."

'And how the h*** do you know about that!?!? And people will die? Is this really not an anime!? Am I even IRL?!?!?!'


"Don't ask me how I know. I know everything."



"Naturally, I know that this entire group is comprised of people that frequent the same forum. You all are very interesting for that and other reasons. I guess...that's why I've been watching you this entire time, as well."

"EHHHHH!?!?!?" Amber accidentally blurted out in surprise. 'Same forum!? Don't tell me.... USOOOO!!!!' ("NO WAYYY!!!!)


"The attack won't occur until midnight. Well, good luck, then. I wish you good luck...from the smallest portion of my heart."


And with that, the guy disappeared. The color from Amber's face also disappeared... along with the guy.

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"You are all from same forum." and the guy disappeared.


"Well that was unexpected. Didn't guess you are all from DCW. But still, how can we stop the killing. We have to do something but what?"

Aleksander said and turned others faces to himself.


"First we should possibly rent van so our transportation would be cheaper and more accurate." he continued

"So who is in this hunt? Because I don't have better things to do."


Others were thinking hard what would they do. First one to start talking was Tsukiko:

"I guess I'm in too. We can't let innocent people get hurt, right? I don't know will I be much of use but I'll do my best."


Brave with that leg. Possibly stupid but brave.

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