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Detective Conan World
Scar Akai

Boys vs Girls round 3

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Without even a hint at their motive, it seems nearly impossible to lure them out, as well. <_<

What a predicament.

Though, I guess if we dialed the number from the cellular phone of a member of the Men in Black and had Conan use his voice-changing-bow tie to imitate the voice of the member...

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Ya, if he went to a store wearing sunglasses and a trench coat, bought one of those throw away, one time use cell phones, wore gloves while handling the phone, used the bow tie voice changer to disguise his voice, call the boss, then throw the phone into the river, he could be pretty successful.

The glasses and trench coat (and hat) would be so surveillance cameras didn't capture him buying the phone, using a cheap over the counter one time use phone would be so the Organization would not trace the number, the gloves would make sure no finger prints were left on the phone, and then obviously the bow tie voice changer would be so that his voice couldn't be recognized, then throwing the phone into the river so no major evidence was left.

Or, to make it easier, we use Vermouth's phone and the bow tie voice changer to call up the boss. I'm sure with a little persuasion (maybe even a couple of judo throws)Vermouth would give in.

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Shinichi would have to establish an alibi, too, though! But he has seen through enough criminal's attempts at a secure alibi that I'm sure he would establish an air-tight one. Wouldn't that be intense to see Shinichi utilize his abilities and work things backwards — instead of deducing the criminal, he walks in their shoes! (Well, minus him killing anyone!)

Vermouth is devoted to Shinichi and Ran, so it seems. So it is a possibility — though I wonder what the "Pandora's box that must not be opened", means.

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At this rate in the investigation, we may need to open that box and see whats inside to get a lead.. <_<

Oh, wow! I actually think leaving it around 190 should be good since I need to get to bed soon. Jodie needs her beauty sleep. :rolleyes:

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Yeah. There is something about that quote that raises my suspicions.

That's fine with me if we go to 190. I guess I need sleep too, especially after spending half the night writing an essay. Ugh. I'm sure the boys won't get too far down!

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Detective Kaoko is back after a short investigation 154218d4.gif...

Kaoko: sorry Jodie-sensei, Shinichi-kun~ Some case happened and I need to investigate it 044.gif... eh, what!? 5a6157d0.gif The thief is dead th_110_.gif!?? OMG!! I- I didn't mean it...! It was self defense as Jodie-sensei says! Okay... in the name of justice I'll give myself in 016.gif...

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@Akai & Monsipogi: Hahaha I know you guys missed me x'D

Yeah, sort of...


Edit: Never mind!

Edited by monsipogi809203

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