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5 minute presentation - please help me choose

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Hello, everyone


For my assignments, I need to do a short presentation next week that have to be approximately 5 minutes (8 minutes max).

I have to choose a topic that could be presented in that short time frame. So can you possibly suggest a nice and interesting topic for me? And I have only four days to prepare.


Please help. :(

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I assume that you can choose the subject randomly from any category. Maybe food? (This shouldn't take too much time to prepare, and people would probably be interested.) Or perhaps introduce a useful tip in life that not so many people know (a "how to....." kind of introduction). Oh and whatever you do, you should practice before the actual presentation to make sure that you don't exceed the time limit. It's because 5 minutes pass much faster than you think. I've also been assigned with presentations that couldn't be longer than 10min, and they're extremely annoying since you won't get to talk much, yet you still have to make sure that people will understand your very brief demonstrations.

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Probably something you're not that interested in, so you wouldn't get too engrossed in the topic and end up babbling too much about it. But something that's interesting all the same, of course.

Soooo, hm...how about how your summer went? Or a particular game playing. Perhaps a beautiful place you recently visited? [[sorry for my lame suggestions xD]]

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Make sure the topic you go with concerns everyone since your audience's area of interests would vary from person to person. Something specific bout the environment you're in, perhaps? A topic that would have an immediate effect on them. Mysteries surrounding your school, controversial figures roaming around the campus or the events that shaped the school, that sort of stuff. Do it in a 'countdown' format or something along those lines.

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Oww, thank you, everyone! I've decided on a topic! I'll reply to all of you first before telling you what it is...



I assume that you can choose the subject randomly from any category. Maybe food? (This shouldn't take too much time to prepare, and people would probably be interested.) Or perhaps introduce a useful tip in life that not so many people know (a "how to....." kind of introduction). Oh and whatever you do, you should practice before the actual presentation to make sure that you don't exceed the time limit. It's because 5 minutes pass much faster than you think. I've also been assigned with presentations that couldn't be longer than 10min, and they're extremely annoying since you won't get to talk much, yet you still have to make sure that people will understand your very brief demonstrations.

Thanks a lot for so many awesome tips, Black Demon! I really needed those advises on the topic I'm doing.


Ha-ha. Coincidentally, Coca-Cola sounds similar to my name. This will be really interesting thing to present except that I don't have much time to prepare for it since the presentation is in two days th_107_.gif


Any of your hobbies? I did a presentation on art once :)

I love reading, teaching and writing! 


A presentation on presentations.

That would be really good 8c460310.gif.


McDonald's vs KFC. 


Gamers vs Anime Otakus. :V

My classmates are older than me and most of them are married and have children so I don't think they'll be interested in otakus, animes and games (which is a shame)  072.gif.


 "A Day in the Life of a College Student" :3

How can you present that? What would you say and talk about?


Probably something you're not that interested in, so you wouldn't get too engrossed in the topic and end up babbling too much about it. But something that's interesting all the same, of course.

Soooo, hm...how about how your summer went? Or a particular game playing. Perhaps a beautiful place you recently visited? [[sorry for my lame suggestions xD]]

No, no. Not at all. - They're all brilliant. It's just that I don't have an interesting summer and the audience will not be interested in games and I don't have any interesting visited place I can talk about that would interest the audience 098eb4a5.gif.


Make sure the topic you go with concerns everyone since your audience's area of interests would vary from person to person. Something specific bout the environment you're in, perhaps? A topic that would have an immediate effect on them. Mysteries surrounding your school, controversial figures roaming around the campus or the events that shaped the school, that sort of stuff. Do it in a 'countdown' format or something along those lines.


A top 10 of something? I have lame suggestions, gomen. *cries in corner*

Yes, that would do 023.gif. I chose something similar.

Thanks, Nara-chan!


How about gaming then...

My classmates aren't interested in games kiddy.gif.

I decided on "Top Effective Ways to Improve Your English."

Like you said, something I'm interested in and that's teaching. And for 5 minutes presentation it's a very good to do the 'How-to' approach.

And the ways includes: Watching English movies and TV programmes, reading books, exchanging letters with a friend, join a forum, shadow reading, etc.


Since most of my classmates are struggling with English (some in writing, and some in speaking), that would be really beneficial. What do you think?


I thank you all for helping me choose the right topic 0eeeff42.gif!

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something like.. "do you know..." maybe

try to look on youtube channel "AsapSCIENCE"

there are a lot of references 

Ohh! You watch that, too!? I really love that channel...

But I'm not good at memorising, and the presentation is in two days, so I'll probably fail trying to do it th_015_orz-v2.gif. But thanks for the suggestion!

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Ohh! You watch that, too!? I really love that channel...

But I'm not good at memorising, and the presentation is in two days, so I'll probably fail trying to do it th_015_orz-v2.gif. But thanks for the suggestion!


I saw this short quirky passage about Coke in a magazine, I can start digging around if you want me (just change the wording voila xD). Small enough for five minutes. You can use google images for slides and stuff (I'm not sure is it a powerpoint presentation?)

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My experience preparing a 5-minute presentation was impressive! I used help of SlidePeak service. The user-friendly tools transformed my ideas into a visually stunning and impactful presentation. It's become my go-to for achieving outstanding results effortlessly.

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When preparing the presentation, I focused on well-designed and readable text. In my practice, this worked very effectively and attracted attention to my presentation from the audience.

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1 minute ago, luckywaynej said:

When preparing the presentation, I focused on well-designed and readable text. In my practice, this worked very effectively and attracted attention to my presentation from the audience.


Super. You've got me interested. Please tell me more details.

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Certainly. I will be happy to share my experience. The most important thing I found is clear and concise text helps the audience understand your message better. One useful tip is to blur text in a PDF to highlight key points. This way, people can focus on what matters most in your presentation without being distracted by too much information. Making sure your text is easy to read and well-organized is crucial for a successful presentation. It keeps the audience engaged and ensures they grasp your main ideas.

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