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Hi! I am a new member.


I have been watching detective conan for a long time, but I had never read the manga. I went to this local, because I really wanted to know if Akai Shuichi is dead or not and started to read manga from there. I found that he is not dead, but would appreciate if someone could tell me where I can find that information in manga and what are some numbers of the most important manga (black organisation and kaito kid appearances, etc ...)


Thank you.

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Can someone please answer me, please?


I would like to contribute to this community, but anyone seems to be active ...  -_-


Also, what can i do to help?


Thank you.


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*I am now replying to your post*


Please don't post twice... and PLEASE don't make 2 topics with the same title.

As for contributing, it's best to ask the moderators! They're really nice people!

As for me, I'm a hyperactive Ai Haibara fan and I'm ShinRan. Pleased to meet you.

If you are interested, I find that a LOT of people on DCW are interested in these theories, so you'll find plenty of those topics.

If you don't like waiting for posts, please know that we have our own personal schedules- it may not line up with yours, but we try our best.  :)

If you don't like waiting that much, reply to another topic. Expressing your opinion could help contributing! 

I hope that was satisfactory for a reply. 

*bows and shakes your hand*

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I swear there's a page that marks every thing you're looking for, but it might be only for the anime, so I might be wrong. ^^;






Warning: the following message is... interesting. XD

And now, I give you the Yoyo & Cici Welcome!!




Hello, and welcome to DCW!!JFBQ00154070129B.gifyociexpress08.gifyociexp86.gif

I have a bit of advice: Don't be like me and disappear for months the day after you join... whoops... JFBQ00125061225b.gif

I'm Sherlock Lupin. I'm THE Master Procrastinator and Trickster Extraordinaire, and I'm DCW's Yoyo & Cici Specialist yociexp88.gif. I have a lovely habit of calling IdentityUnknown Prye instead of Pyre. I suggest you don't do it because it aggravates dear Pyre. Some call me SL, some call me Sherlock, others call me Lupin. Come up with your own name if ya like.icon_e_biggrin.gif

We're not too crazy here JFBQ00218070525A.gifJFBQ00173070312A.gifyociexp99.gif, and we love DCJFBQ00163070213B.gif.
I'm sure you'll enjoy being friends with us yociexpress01.gif, and if you don't...JFBQ00217070524A.gif

Just kidding~!JFBQ00241070914B.gif We're not trying to scare you away....is it working?yociexp108.gif


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Welcome to DCW!

Regarding your question I'd say: "To find out you have to research first". DCW is THE PLACE to research about Detective Conan. The Wiki offers more details than anywhere else!

Regarding your investigation on Akai, I encourage you to read the forum, use the wiki instead of just using Google or any tool which leads straight to the conclusion.

Please note that I'm not criticizing your motivation to acess DCW, but the opposite -- I sincerely want you to awake your detective spirit!


Best regards

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Thank you all for answering  :).

I was away and I only saw this today.

You are all cool guys.

And the monkeys are pretty coll, too.


Best ragards

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