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Jodie Starling

Boss of The Black Organization?

Who is the boss?  

422 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the boss?

    • New Character (not yet introduced)
    • Minor Character (appeared once or a few times before, such as a case suspect or in a case flashback)
    • Other known character not specifically mentioned below (Recurring characters)
    • Relative of known character (not yet introduced)
    • Someone else
    • Agasa Hiroshi
    • James Black
    • Miyano Atsushi
    • Elena Miyano
    • Okino Yoko
    • Okiya Subaru/Akai Shuuichi
    • Yamamura Misae
    • Matsumoto Kiyonaga
    • Kudo Yuusaku
    • Mouri Kogoro
    • Kisaki Eri
    • Sharon Vineyard
    • Gin

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  On 5/10/2011 at 6:00 PM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:

That's a dicey idea. Conan almost didn't make it. Akai was the one who bailed Conan and Kogoro out. Why couldn't the boss just not give assassination approval and ask for spies to verify Kogoro's involvement instead? Also what if Ran was home at the time? Gin would have ordered her killed as well. Eri didn't know where Ran was and Eri doesn't seem anywhere close to the type to order Kogoro and Ran killed anyway.

I wonder if I should go through every person in the series commonly claimed to be the boss and give reasons why that person couldn't be the boss. It would give me something new to do as I have already beat the Akai/Bourbon/Subaru/Scar Akai issue to death.

That would be a good idea.

It'll also pinpoint certain people who could actually be the Boss, that is, if the Boss is one of the characters already introduced.

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Boss likelihood list Part 1: Info about the Boss

This post only superseded by the DCTP version here: http://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3518#p117007

General info about the boss and speculations

Boss’s Personality/Background

1) The syndicate leader uses the song “Seven children/ Seven year old child” to encode his/her email. It is likely the Boss is probably Japanese, grew up in Japan, or had Japanese parents, relatives, or spouse as this children’s song is not well known elsewhere.

2) The operatives dress in black, which Akemi says is supposed to resemble crows. This is probably an expression of the boss’s dress code preferences. The choice to use Nanatsu no Ko as a phone number is probably also a reference to crows as well.

3) Uses alcoholic codenames.

4) The organization uses clever codenames, passwords, etc. based on mysteries and history. If the boss is behind the naming scheme then perhaps the boss has an interest in detectives and mysteries.

5) The org has ties to America although the only overseas components occur before the current storyline. The involvement of the American intelligence agencies is testament to this. Perhaps the boss has spent some time in America as well, although that’s not a requisite.

6) The boss is very careful. In file 704 Vermouth says, “The boss is always careful to the extreme. He’s the type to ruin the plan by overthinking it.” (Endless Youth scan.)

Boss’s opinions/relations

1) Vermouth is the boss’s favorite so he/she allows her some independence and overlooks some of her potentially dangerous behavior. It’s confusing why Vermouth is the boss’s favorite when she is the type to actively engage in behavior which is encouraging the syndicate’s downfall - like protecting Conan and allowing Ai to escape. (The boss doesn't know the specifics of course) I have a hard time believing the boss could not see that it is within Vermouth's personality to harbor sympathies or engage in behavior which is counterproductive to the org. Obviously, Vermouth has some characteristic that makes up for her actions. (The failure to age possibility?) At the same time the leader can also command the absolute respect of a wildcard like Gin who vocally despises traitors. Why would Gin follow a person who tolerates rogue agents like Vermouth? All of this makes me wonder what exactly makes Gin so loyal. Whatever the reason, the boss clearly knows people well enough to balance these contradictory personalities and their agendas successfully.

2) The Boss thought Akai Shuuichi could become the org’s silver bullet. (434) In that regard he/she's more like Vermouth than Gin who doesn't believe a single person who can take the syndicate down in one shot exists.

Boss’s Location

The infamous Nanatsu no ko number might have a Tottori area code; however, the number, including the area code, was altered to prevent prank calls. In the star case in 45-9, Haibara reacts to the word Kurayoshi – a city in Tottori province. (466)

Boss’s Age

The organization, or at least the main biochemistry project, has been around for over 50 years. (file 189, but see the ep 130/131 for a better translation) If the boss has been the same for those fifty years, assuming the boss started the organization at around 20, that would put him/her at 70+ years of age.

As a bottom end estimate, Haibara grew up within the organization and she hasn't mentioned there being a changeover in bosses. (Not that she mentions much of anything regarding the org…) Assuming she remembers things from when she was 6 or 7, that would put the boss at around 30 years at a minimum; however, due to aging wonkiness, the boss may not appear to be as old as he/she is. The grammatical ambiguity of “Nanatsu no ko” allows “child of seven” to be a valid meaning, which would be suitable for a boss stuck in the body of a child due to some aging problem like Vermouth’s.


Extra Detective Conan book info

Aoyama gave an interview where he discussed the boss. Original source found!




1 Aoyama had already put the name of the boss somewhere on the manga in some form or another. The time frame of the initial interview places this as before before File 551. Note osho is specific about the name, not the actual character.

2) Aoyama suggested that the true name of the syndicate, which has also never been revealed, is tied to the identity of its leader. If the Black Organization's real name were revealed, everyone would know who its leader is. This seems like a pretty big hint. I strongly doubt Gosho would do something as direct as naming the organization after the boss's last name. Given the organization’s use of classic literature, especially of the mystery genre, and allegory, the organization’s true name is probably a clever reference or a play on words. Haibara likely knows it because when discussing the Organization with Shinichi, she sometimes says, "the people you call the men in black". (One example occurs when she pretends to shoot Conan in desperate revival. Use the anime translation.)

3)This part was not in the original interview. Aoyama also said that Ai would be really shocked if she discovered who the boss is. “It’s someone that Haibara would never have expected.” Ai is very paranoid and untrusting, so the condition that the identity of the boss would really shock Ai helps narrow down the cases. There are several possibilities.

1) She trusts this person dearly. There’s a pretty limited number of people that fit this criteria and most of them seem to be dead or are protagonists and therefore very unlikely to be the boss.

2) The person wouldn’t fit Ai’s expectations

2.1) The person seems "useless" or of unsuitable personality to actually think of them as being a mastermind behind a large organization. Ai would have had to meet this person personally so that she could gauge their personality and subsequently write them off as unlikely to be anyone of consequence. This person would almost certainly not trigger Ai’s “black org sense.”

2.2) The boss’s front job or status is unexpected like a policeman or a school teacher rather than a scientist, company boss, or political figure. It would have to be an unusually benign front to really shock Ai. This person would probably not trigger Ai’s “black org sense” either.

2.3) The boss is relative of someone close to Ai. This is the “evil relative theory”; one of the protagonist’s relatives is the boss or has a direct connection to the boss. The unlikelihood that the honestly good protagonist has some sort of connection to the head of the evil syndicate makes it shocking. The boss could also literally be Ai’s blood-relative, but considering her family’s underworld connections, I’m not sure that Ai is naïve enough to assume that one of her relatives couldn’t be the boss.

2.4) The person's age is unexpected. Given the aging wonkiness that has gone on there is a possibility that the boss could even be a “child” somehow mucked up by drugs or whatnot which would explain why the boss only uses email to avoid allowing people to hear his/her youthful voice and avoids letting people meet him/her although this behavior can simply be explained as generic cautiousness. In this case, Shiho wouldn’t need to have met the boss before to be surprised.

3) She thinks this person is dead. Her parents would be an example of this, although that means they ordered the death of both of their daughters. Shiho’s mom especially seems unlikely to do so based on the tapes.

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Not the Boss list Part 2: Reasons why specific characters may not be the boss
People Gosho has said are not the the boss in interviews: Agasa, Kudo Yuusaku, Conan, Ran, Vermouth, Shiratori, Fusae Kinoshita Campbell, James Black, Sonoko, Ayumi, Genta, Mitsuhiko, Samizu Kichiemon, Gin, Kuroba Toichi
Eri is "not involved with the BO"

This list details evidence and logic about why certain characters would not be the boss of the Black Organization (ano kata) along with the summaries about how good that evidence is.

Strong (Very exculpatory) <---> Weak (not very exculpatory)

Generally, the boss should not be anyone who has had more than passing contact with Haibara. The boss would recognize her and take action to silence her and those around her because, according to Haibara, the Organization's priorities are to keep secret first then do research. (Manga Volume 18, File 9, pg 7: "The girl made of lies" - "If I reported your condition to the Organization, it's very likely you would have been terminated before I could do something useful.")
Pisco, Vermouth, and Akai all identified Haibara as Shiho very quickly. The boss should be able to do so as well if he is familiar with her appearance.

James Black - Word of Gosho says NO, formerly Strong - Alibi, failure to act on critical intelligence, contradictory behavior
(Jodie Starling's arguments are close to identical)

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Agasa Hiroshi - Word of Gosho says NO, formerly Medium Strong - Failure to act on critical intelligence, contradictory behavior, endangers self.

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Gin - Word of Gosho says NO, formerly Medium - Contradictory behavior.

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Elena Miyano - Medium Weak - Backstory would exclude if true, contradictory behavior.

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Miyano Atsushi - Weak - Backstory would exclude if true, contradictory behavior.

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Kisaki Eri - Medium Strong - Gosho interview saying not involved with the BO, Contradictory behavior.

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Mouri Kogoro - Medium Strong - Failure to act on critical intelligence, contradictory behavior.

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Kudo Yuusaku - Word of Gosho says NO, formerly Medium Strong - Failure to act on critical intelligence, contradictory behavior.

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Okino Yoko - Medium Weak - Contradictory behavior.

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Miyano Akemi - Strong - Requires implausible situation, failure to act on critical intelligence, contradictory behavior.

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Inspector Momose and Inspector Yuminaga - Medium Weak - Failure to act on critical intelligence (Haibara)

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Yokomizo Sango and Juugo, and Yamamura Misao - Medium Weak - Failure to act on critical intelligence (Haibara)

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Karasuwa/Karasuma Renya (the dead crow guy from the gathered detectives vs. Kid case) - Weak - Backstory would exclude if true, contradictory behavior

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Suzuki Jirokichi - Medium Strong - Contradictory behavior (endangers self)

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Kaneshiro Genichirou (old man from Night Baron contest) - Weak - Minor contradictory behavior.

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Fusae out according to this blog: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/page-8#entry326186
To be added: Any one else suggested in comments

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  On 5/12/2011 at 2:00 AM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:

Not the Boss list

Reasons why various characters are probably not the boss of the Black Organization (ano kata).

In Progress

Generally, the boss should not be anyone who has had more than passing contact with Haibara because the boss would recognize her. Pisco, Vermouth, and Akai all identified Haibara as Shiho very quickly.

James Black

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Agasa Hiroshi

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Kisaki Eri

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Yoko Okino

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Elena Miyano

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Miyano Akemi

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Inspector Momose and Inspector Yuminaga

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To be added: Kudo Yuusaku, Mouri Kogoro, and any one else suggested in comments

Possible Bosses for me

1. Agasa

2. Mouri Kogoro

3. Mother and Father of Ai

4. Eri Kisaki

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Chekov has a point in these suspects, but agasa is like Watson to conan. Cause holmes had watson on his side, and shinichi is holmes in this story. Doubt that aoyama meant the boss to apere in 500+ epis

What is it special (a little ) about the boss that is seen in one other character

  On 5/12/2011 at 2:00 AM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:

Not the Boss list

Reasons why various characters are probably not the boss of the Black Organization (ano kata).

In Progress

Generally, the boss should not be anyone who has had more than passing contact with Haibara because the boss would recognize her. Pisco, Vermouth, and Akai all identified Haibara as Shiho very quickly.

James Black

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Agasa Hiroshi

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Kisaki Eri

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Yoko Okino

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Elena Miyano

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Miyano Akemi

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Inspector Momose and Inspector Yuminaga

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To be added: Kudo Yuusaku, Mouri Kogoro, and any one else suggested in comments

My guess is Sango Yokomizo, Misao Yamamura, Jugo Yokomizo, Jirokichi Suzuki, Misae Yamamura,

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  On 5/12/2011 at 11:47 AM, Balthazar said:

Chekov has a point in these suspects, but agasa is like Watson to conan. Cause holmes had watson on his side, and shinichi is holmes in this story. Doubt that aoyama meant the boss to apere in 500+ epis

  On 5/12/2011 at 12:19 PM, Balthazar said:

What is it special (a little ) about the boss that is seen in one other character

  On 5/12/2011 at 12:44 PM, Balthazar said:

My guess is Sango Yokomizo, Misao Yamamura, Jugo Yokomizo, Jirokichi Suzuki, Misae Yamamura,


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Don't double post. There's a handy edit button. And I'm not singling you out, I do this to everyone.

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if the boss did not came in contact with ai, who are the suspects then

  On 5/12/2011 at 2:00 AM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:

Not the Boss list

Reasons why various characters are probably not the boss of the Black Organization (ano kata).

In Progress

General info about the boss and speculations

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Extra Detective Conan book info

Supposedly, Aoyama gave an interview for a book where he discussed the boss. The validity of this info is uncertain as I have not seen the primary source, nor have I seen anyone post it. Therefore the following information and the speculation based on it may be incorrect.

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Generally, the boss should not be anyone who has had more than passing contact with Haibara because the boss would recognize her. Pisco, Vermouth, and Akai all identified Haibara as Shiho very quickly.

James Black

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Agasa Hiroshi

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Elena Miyano

  Reveal hidden contents

Miyano Atsushi

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Kisaki Eri

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Mouri Kogoro

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Yoko Okino

  Reveal hidden contents

Miyano Akemi

  Reveal hidden contents

Inspector Momose and Inspector Yuminaga

  Reveal hidden contents

Yokomizo Sango and Juugo, and Misao Yamamura

  Reveal hidden contents

To be added: Kudo Yuusaku and any one else suggested in comments

Judging by what you said the only 70+ years, who has not seen ai, and was born in japan and is close to tottori is Misae Yamamura

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  On 5/12/2011 at 5:46 PM, Balthazar said:

Judging by what you said the only 70+ years, who has not seen ai, and was born in japan and is close to tottori is Misae Yamamura

Misae seems to be a gag character more than anything. Also she was introduced rather late.

Regarding the boss's age at 70+, I have a hunch the boss has aging wonkiness going on as well. My theory, although without evidence, is the boss was involved in the same project that Vermouth, aka Sharon Vineyard's mother, was affected by 50+ years ago. (Relevant posts copied below for convenience)

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  On 5/12/2011 at 6:12 PM, Balthazar said:

Why not make a board of these points you have of the boss and put character that fit in them and narrow down by the ones you think that could be or not

That's what I am doing.

Also, back on DCTP I started a thread of ideas and speculations about pretty much everything. It's outdated though, there is new stuff to add and some minor corrections to be made, so it may not be worthwhile to read. It's also long. Very long.

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  On 5/12/2011 at 6:21 PM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:

That's what I am doing.

Also, back on DCTP I started a thread of ideas and speculations about pretty much everything. It's outdated though, there is new stuff to add and some minor corrections to be made, so it may not be worthwhile to read. It's also long. Very long.

I like reading your theory's no mater how long

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  On 5/12/2011 at 2:00 AM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:

Yokomizo Sango and Juugo, and Misao Yamamura

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Maybe you could expand on these points and add them to the Yokomizo + Yamamura section:

-Yamamura's grandmother (unless they're both lying it seems that the age difference in what age Anokata should be and what age Yamamura is unexplainable...)

-Yokomizo brother's flashback thing 'bout swimming (I think there was a lifeboat or something like that in it, someone might want to check that, but if there is some sort of modern-ish equipment then they're probably telling the truth about their ages).

-They're all police officers. From what is heavily implied throughout the series there should already be undercover BO members in the police, why make the risk of capture higher when the org wouldn't really benefit from it...

-And if Yamamura was the boss wouldn't he have realised about the tranquiliser darts and perhaps even put surveillance on Conan.

G'night then...

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  On 5/17/2011 at 12:40 AM, Akakata said:

Yep... Now I'm officially confused... :mellow: :mellow: :mellow:

Try not to think too hard about it.

Eventually, the Boss will be revealed and we'll all laugh at our ridiculous deductions.

And the person who turns out to be correct gets bragging rights.

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  On 5/17/2011 at 3:13 AM, Meitantei Holmes said:

Try not to think too hard about it.

Eventually, the Boss will be revealed and we'll all laugh at our ridiculous deductions.

And the person who turns out to be correct gets bragging rights.

Let's look at it this way: who are the members of the organization in their social covers ?

Pisco: A business man, chairman of a car company.

Vermouth: An Hollywood legend.

Kir: A TV news reporter.

The organization has the means to place its members on the highest level of society. And they have the best scientists and computer engineers of the world. They have also the best professional killers.

I'm also pretty sure they have also agents in the highest level of police and justice, especially if things went wrong. And they have a great detective in their ranks that they can use if things become suspectful (like in the Kogoro Mouri's case).

Who would be powerful and wealthy enough to have such an organization and to keep it such a secret ? Knowing that he could have a cover more modest and a different personality for Aoyama to play with us.

One person I would rule out instantly is Jirokichi Suzuki because he would be too evident (but the fact that Ran has a very wealthy girl has her best friend is kinda suspectful though). Every children/teenagers of the series can also be ruled out instantly, I think. The same goes for Kogoro Mouri and Agasa.

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  On 5/17/2011 at 4:44 PM, Glass Heart said:

Let's look at it this way: who are the members of the organization in their social covers ?

Pisco: A business man, chairman of a car company.

Vermouth: An Hollywood legend.

Kir: A TV news reporter.

The organization has the means to place its members on the highest level of society. And they have the best scientists and computer engineers of the world. They have also the best professional killers.

I'm also pretty sure they have also agents in the highest level of police and justice, especially if things went wrong. And they have a great detective in their ranks that they can use if things become suspectful (like in the Kogoro Mouri's case).

Who would be powerful and wealthy enough to have such an organization and to keep it such a secret ? Knowing that he could have a cover more modest and a different personality for Aoyama to play with us.

One person I would rule out instantly is Jirokichi Suzuki because he would be too evident (but the fact that Ran has a very wealthy girl has her best friend is kinda suspectful though). Every children/teenagers of the series can also be ruled out instantly, I think. The same goes for Kogoro Mouri and Agasa.

The alleged Bourbon could be the detective.

As for the police, they might have some member in there, but probably someone not yet mentioned or introduced.

It would be a crime to have one of the already mentioned police members actually be a BO member.

As for the Boss, who would he or she be?

If we consider the Yoko theory, she's just a singer.

She's probably doing nothing but collecting money and helping to finance the missions.

For the Boss, he or she could have at least more say in politics and other stuff.

I guess that would be one flaw in the Yoko theory.

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  On 5/18/2011 at 6:26 AM, KudoKun18 said:
Do you think the organization really has some "connection" from the police?

For an important organization, it is very likely that they have several policemen (including some high-ranking to put pressions on some investigations) and some judges and attorneys in their hands. It is a very strong possibility. But I don't think the boss is a policeman himself.

And I'm pretty sure that Eri Kisaki will have an important role at one point or another of the story. Such a competent attorney, either she is part of it, either she will become a menace for them.

And there is the fact that Aoyama seems to try to prevent Haibara and Kisaki's meeting which is also strange, so she could be part of the Black Organization.

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  On 5/18/2011 at 5:37 PM, Glass Heart said:

For an important organization, it is very likely that they have several policemen (including some high-ranking to put pressions on some investigations) and some judges and attorneys in their hands. It is a very strong possibility. But I don't think the boss is a policeman himself.

And I'm pretty sure that Eri Kisaki will have an important role at one point or another of the story. Such a competent attorney, either she is part of it, either she will become a menace for them.

And there is the fact that Aoyama seems to try to prevent Haibara and Kisaki's meeting which is also strange, so she could be part of the Black Organization.

Eri is not a BO member

not by a mile, ep 425 explains it

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