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Moonlit Flower

What was your first impression about Detective Conan?

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When you first found out about Detective Conan and first started watching the Anime and/or reading Manga, what were your first thoughts about it?


I always thought that the show was about a little kid who was a detective. And literally just thought that. I didn't think he was actually a highschooler stuck in a kid's body until I first watched the anime. But before that I saw an opening of Detective Conan by stumbling upon it while looking up songs from one of my favorite J-Rock bands, Breakerz. At first I thought "So, wait. When he takes off his glasses, he becomes an adult?" lol. But then I started to watch it, and soon, everything started to fall into place.


Oh yeah, and I always thought that Kaito Kid was just Shinichi in disguise. :P Until I saw episode 76, then everything started to make sense.

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Well, my first episode of it was the mountain bandage man murder case...and it blow me away of how awesome it was

but as a kid i did not watch them all


later in 2010 i got back on it and watched them all

it was amazing, but i did not feel the same thing for the later ones as i did for the first 345

the clash series kinda saved it for me later, even though i feel that the work gosho did in the cell phone arc and kir arc was good

the one thing that kills it are the AOs (just flat out terible, maybe some were good/great)

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Hahahahaha.... that's actually a great question.


Well, I was in middle of a summer binge watching fest - anything anime I could get my hands on. I had recently discovered you could watch episodes online, and it was something my mom hadn't directly disapproved of (unlike Yu-Gi-Oh! and other things available on TV..). She had let me watch Sailor Moon with my sister when I was younger and they just re-ran the first two seasons over and over. (My sister had printed out the airing schedule and everything.. XD) So after previously running through all of Sailor Moon (Some things you should probably just leave unwatched..), all currently available Naruto (that's when Shippuden was fairly new.. >.>;;;) and I thiiink I gave up on One Piece because the story lost my interest. So I was no stranger to watching suuuper long series. I looked up popular and suggested anime and came across Detective Conan.


Now with books I have a policy: give it three chapters. If it still sucks, I'll stop reading. I had developed a similar rule with anime (I had watched several muuuch smaller seasons of anime that were recent on certain sites) and decided that anime needed three episodes to determine if I would grace it with my viewership.


As an author of tons of stories on Haibara Ai, I could say thank goodness that I gave it that chance. Taking the other point of view with the amount of time wasted purely on a show, maybe I shouldn't have.. XD;


ANYWAY my reaction: I hated it. The first episode confused me a bit. But I could do nothing but cringe at the art. CRINGE. Taking on episode two, there was just more of this arrogant detective brat. He was inconsiderate and inappropriate, and if his head up Ran's skirt was going to be a sign of the 500ish episodes to come (oh how that number has grown), then I wanted no part in it.


Gin. Gin literally saved Detective Conan from being on the "tried it and hate it" list when he wielded his bat and knocked that arrogant jerk to the ground. And then he was a kid. And then there was a plot. A story line. People I started to care about. And before I met Haibara, I was a ShinRan x.x. I sadly spoiled the fun of learning about Haibara through the episodes because there were pictures of her when you search "detective conan" on google pictures XD But she changed the whole dynamic and I love her to pieces.


So in the end, I guess we can thank Gin for knocking Shinichi out so I wouldn't hate him anymore :D ... Best life lesson ever?

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I first watched DC is when I was a kid around 7 or 8. so basically when I first saw it I say " cool a new cartoon to watch!"

I like the first episode and it was enjoyable so I always watch it on tv. it was one of plenty anime that I can never forget. :)

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For me I happen to start watching detective conan on satellite tv at golden time (When they show anime's that a lot of people watch). Originally i thought detective conan was just one of those "Golden time animes". Little did I know that i would spent the rest of my life watching it haha.


I actually never knew the backstory when i started watching so to me conan was just some sorta super genius kid who was younger than me but somehow said words i didnt understand (I was like 7 :P and my vocabulary was horrible)


Seriously Conan has been a big part of my life haha.

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The first episode I actually watched was the first KID case involving the Black Star, and I really got a good first impression of the series, and thought it had promise.


The series would go on for several years afterwards and I stopped watching it as actively as I used to. I couldn't stand how the series had stagnated over time. In fact, DC is the reason why I will not pick up series with over 100 episodes, because I don't think any series can go on so long without remaining good (and besides, long series are hard to get into).


I still watch the plot-advancing stuff but have since moved on.

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When I was 7:

"Ooooh, new anime! Detective Conan... Hmm..."

Back then, I just thought of it as something to watch when I had the time... (Please don't stab me for saying this) I didn't really care whether I watched it on a daily basis or not.

My first contact with DC was when I saw it airing on the TV... I had been waiting for a show I really liked at that time to come on. The first episode I ever watched was the one that involved the locked bathroom and the tape that sealed the doors and the cuts on the little sister's wrist (It's around episode 124, I think...). Perhaps my impression of the series would have been better it the episode I watched involved Kid, Shinichi (as SHINICHI) or Ai...


"THE NEW DC EPISODE IS OUT!!! MUST WATCH IMMEDIATELY!!!" (Okay, maybe that was exaggerated)...

Now, I make time for DC. And I must watch it at least once a week... Otherwise bad things happen...

The difference is pretty obvious, right?

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I can't remember too well since I first discovered the show as a child, but it was probably something along the lines of "holy crap this 7 year old genius can outwit these adults, wow!"


But that was before I realized I should have watched the first episode after I dove into the series, lol

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My first impression of Detective Conan was pretty good I guess.  Or at least as good as watching movie 8 with absolutely no context in Chinese dubs can be.  DC was my gateway anime since I had narrow-mindedly shunned the genre when I was younger, so it definitely made a strong impression at least.


But like Moho said, this series really has dragged on for too long.  The only other long manga I follow is One Piece, which I got into rather late and for an embarrassing reason and only continue because it's just a bunch of stupid fun.  DC on the other hand is kinda eh...

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So my friend (her username is Kirsch) wouldn't stop talking about it (SHE WAS FANGIRLING SO HARD IN CLASS) so my first impression was

"Detective Conan sucks. Why is she so obsessed with it? The plot makes no sense. So unrealistic and cliché."

and then I watched an episode...

and I'm more obsessed than her now. ^-^

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  On 9/30/2014 at 2:18 AM, Raki said:

So my friend (her username is Kirsch) wouldn't stop talking about it (SHE WAS FANGIRLING SO HARD IN CLASS) so my first impression was

"Detective Conan sucks. Why is she so obsessed with it? The plot makes no sense. So unrealistic and cliché."

and then I watched an episode...

and I'm more obsessed than her now. ^-^

You're just like Avatar-neetan XD I sorta feel like Kirsch-tan!

I was fangirling about it everywhere and Avatar was pretty clueless for a while until I got her into it :D It's her favourite anime now!

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The first time I watched DC was at age 4 at my maternal grandmother's house. She is an Arab and had only Arabic channels, so I watched DC in Arabic. In contrast to English version the Arabic one is lots better to me at least, when I first watched it I thought of Conan as the idealistic 'kid'. I started imitating Conan and Shinichi, my first impression was admiration of the character's qualities. Thought the first horrifying thing I saw in my life was both the tengu character (episode 50) and the bandaged man (episode 35 ) alongside the serial murders with Beethoven's moonlight sonata (episode 11). But it was thanks to DC that I'm not scared of anything after getting used to gore and horror alongside the depth of Arabic voices in DC.

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  On 9/30/2014 at 8:12 AM, A.Haibara said:

You're just like Avatar-neetan XD I sorta feel like Kirsch-tan!

I was fangirling about it everywhere and Avatar was pretty clueless for a while until I got her into it :D It's her favourite anime now!

Hehe ^-^

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At first, I didn't have any impression to it since I only watched it to pass time, when I was a kid. I even thought that it was boring since you only solve cases and stuffs. But I got sucked up to it and things got good. This is the only Anime that I'll ever watch besides One Piece and Fairy Tail. It even beats the other two. Also worth noting in the series is how the plot expands and the variety of character personalities. But the best thing is how Gosho Aoyama blended in almost all genres in the series while keeping the plot undisturbed. (Mystery, Drama, horror, supense, comedy, action, what else?) To me, He's way above the other anime writers because of this. (But there's more than that :P )


Anyway, Never knew I would comeback watching DC again after 4 years of hiatus. LOL. It's the most unique anime that I had ever watched. It's like it made a new genre of it's own.


Stood time when only few animes succeeded and I hope the series continues well.

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at first I thought the graphics weren't good, but the story made up for it. it was so interesting to look at, and by the time I finished the first episode, I loved it!!! So don't judge something or someone by the first impression!! 

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When they aired the first episode here in my country, it all really piqued my interest. I was thinking "How can a kid with a small body be this smart and thinks like an adult?" So, I googled the name of the show and watch the first 5 episodes and yep, it hooked me since then. I've been a DC fan since the year 2006. I thought at first that Conan was given powers to become this smart but then it all comes down from the inherited genes. I remembered how I used to envy his mind power. The power of deduction indeed!

Appearance_of_Shinichi_and_Conan.PNG shinichi_conan_lieg%5B1%5D.jpg

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My parents introduced me to it when I was in preschool, so first impressions weren't really first impressions. It was more like, "Cool! Now can we go back to Doraemon?" I kept on remembering Detective Conan's existence in the back of my brain as this one image (of Conan and his pointing pose), along with a picture of Kekoro no Gunsai... I have no idea why :P

After a while, I decided to have my dad dig it up again, and made it up to ~20 episodes before dropping it. That was when I was first grade, so I didn't really get much of what was going on.

In March or so (of this year), my dad put it up on the TV, just 'cause. It was the newest episode at that time (the cherry blossom special?), and I had no idea what was going on. I knew Conan was smart and Agasa was the one who helped him, but Haibara was just... There. I didn't get the deduction since it included Vermouth and Bourbon, so luckily, not a lot of spoilers :D. Out of curiosity, I searched it up by myself (which was pretty hard when you're trying to go from what little you know with Chinese subs and find it in its English name). I combed through a lot of the suggested episodes, thinking that nobody would have the time to watch all 700+, but skipping around was a pain, so here I am, going through one filler at a time >.<

Oh, and the Chinese subs. Obviously, I couldn't read when I was in preschool, so I had to have my parents read out the subs for me. It was hard going from Maoli Xiao-U-Lan (it's an approximation, not pinyin) to Mouri Kogorou, and et cetera. At least Shin-ee vs. Shinichi isn't as bad as Jimmy :P

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