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Detective Conan World

Movie 18- Being Subbed?

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As some people might know from my introduction thread, I am a part of two subbing groups for Detective Conan (HubukiSubs and ShinRanSubs)... 


So there are bad quality versions of movie 18 out so far, and subbing groups other than the two I work with, are subbing it to have the text ready for when a good quality comes out.


Now, I don't want to confirm anything, since this is supposed to be a surprise/secret... but -coughs-Hubuki and SRS-coughs--coughs-are teaming up-coughs--coughs-just for this movie-coughs-.


Oh, sorry about that, a bad cough.  During my coughing fit, you might have heard words that sounded like a sentence, but it could be your imagination ;)

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*cough*I'm really*cough*excited*cough*to hear*this.*cough*My GPA*cough*is officially*cough*screwed*cough*when October*cough*rolls around.*cough*


Fall allergies, amirite?

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cough-thanks-cought-for-cough-the news-cough-i'm-cough-really-cough-excited-now-cough


ugh that's weird I don't even have allergies and I'm sure I'm not sick anymore-cough

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