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Metantei Kiddo

Conan's Dictionary

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A person who expresses their opinions through certain works (ie photography, storytelling, etc)


Upton Sinclair was a famous muckraker, and although his goal of touching Americans' heart about the plights of immigrants, he ended up strengthening health regulations.

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Stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; the people who have OCD are prone to be 'perfectionists', up to the point that anything out of order would give them the unstoppable urge to correct it. Although not particularly life-threatening, more serious cases of OCD affect the person in many ways.



A common symptom is the urge to continuously wash your hands, believing that it's not clean enough.

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Allergy: It is a sickness induced by your immune system which is triggered by causes that aren't threatening at all. Those causes are called ALLERGEN. (e.g. inhaling dusts. In a healthy person, dusts aren't threatening)

Fact: One of the most common allergy is hay fever.

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Angel: In the bible, they are the servants of God. It is stated there that they were created before the living things on earth.


Fact: Satan, in fact, is a fallen Angel. He disobeyed God's orders and was jealous of him.

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In a very simple explanation, communism is the idea that there should be no high or low class. It wants to get rid of the division between people in different parts of the economy, as well as poverty.


Socialism is a less extreme for of communism.

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The theory that our universe is not alone, but in fact one of many other universes like "holes in a slice of cheese".


It this was proven to be true (it's highly likely), that would mean all our components would be considered unique/rare.

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A medical term used to describe blood clots caused by excessive bleeding from a traumatic force (I think).


... Internal bleeding is related. (I think)

Emoticons: A small image that shows different face expressions.


Fact: :P is an emoticon

Don't forget ^-^

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A medical term used to describe blood clots caused by excessive bleeding from a traumatic force (I think).


... Internal bleeding is related. (I think)

Don't forget ^-^

yeah lol and "xD"


Hard Drive: It is a secondary storage device that stores data for a long time even when there is no power supply.


Fact: The most popular type of Hard Drive is the Magnetic Ones, which has rotating motors inside. The other type is Solid State Drive.

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An adjective that describes something that will keep adding up.


If your teachers tell you about having a cumulative test, be prepared to suffer.

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An adjective that describes something that will keep adding up.


If your teachers tell you about having a cumulative test, be prepared to suffer.


Fact: Truth on the time being

Fact: In Science, no facts are certain.

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A word that many find hard to define, but is really just something that describes the relationship between two people who experience a mutual understanding of one another.


Friends can hate each other, but still be friends.

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When whatever happens contradict to what the person/reader/character had expected to happen.


O. Henry has written many great examples of irony.

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A mining technique that involves injecting liquid into the foundation and cracking the rock.


Its full name is hydraulic fracturing.

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Simple Machines:

Very simple mechanisms that contribute in making things easier, other by themselves of in other, more complex, machines.


They include wedge, pulley (both types), inclined plane, screw, wheel and axle, and lever.

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