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[SPOILER DISCUSSION] File 909-912 (Nagano's Kamaitachi case)

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Round two, now that translations are out:

What concerns me is that the old man yelled out while all the suspects were with the detectives. That likely means the man either 1) hadn't died yet and it was something else that made him yell - then he was killed later while the detectives were running around outside 2) Whatever killed him was an automated mechanism or 3) There is a fourth suspect.

The gash in the door and the lights having gone out may be related to the technique the culprit used. One suggestion is that the culprit only pretended to run with the detectives around outside to the annex and instead turned back and bee-lined across the bathwater in order to kill the old man before the detectives arrived. If that is true, then they broke the lights and made a gash in the door as a distraction. The lights going out made the man yell. They wanted to focus attention to the room with body right away so no one would realize they had slunk in from a different direction in the shadows.

Since none of the fragments of lightbulb have blood, I'm going to have to revise my solution for that part a bit. I'm going to guess for now the bulb was broken with a water gun rather than a piece of gum - I think the culprit would have collected the gum if they used that - and pieces of the bulb would have been sticking to it. Squirt the bulb with cold water and it will break at a distance. Something else was used by the culprit to cut in the dark.

There might be yet another technique still that I have overlooked that was the cause of the fluorescent lightbulb and the balloons popping in the child's room. It could be related to cold.

The next thing that needs to be explained is for what purpose did the culprit (assuming it is the same culprit) cut people in the dark in the warehouse. Is there a psychological trap, or were they attempting to portray themselves as a victim to avoid suspicion? Is it possible that the bulb breaking and all the cuts were accidents? I can't think of any way that could be true, but maybe I need to reconsider.

One of the items stolen from the warehouse might have been cornstarch or something else you can add to water to make it shear thicken.

I'd like to point out that Hattori might not have noticed he was cut right away if his skin was chilled. That's why the kamaitachi appears in cold places. Cold skin is numb and registers pain slower, so by the time someone realizes they have been cut and are bleeding, they have already moved past whatever caused the injury. The myth of the kamaitachi was created to explain that discrepancy.

(Note to self: check the dyed haired lady's fingernails in 911. They were painted with stars before.)

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i do learn about viscosity last semester, but i haven't try to make ooblek (water+cornstarch). how many cornstarch that would be needed? it's an outdoor bath after all, they should be in a large number. cleaning will be hard too. conan and heiji haven't check the bath, right?

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I want to copy over what I posted to the DCTP Forums version of this topic just to get other peoples opinions on it possibly before the last chapter comes out. Warning: each spoiler box is a wall of text. (lets hope the spoiler/quote boxes work when copy pasted over) What I though changed several times, so its probably only necessary to read the last one if you choose to. 


Posted immediately after 910 chinese release

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Posted after 910 was out in English
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Posted This morning
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Just now:


In addition to all of the above, while talking at the Dctp spoiler cbox and looking stuff up, it seems that Kudzu roots contain a lot of starch and that the location in the manga is known for having good Kudzu soup. It would not be strange at all if the owner just ordered tons and tons of kudzu root. She is probably the one who set up the hot springs bath area to have such starchy water but is probably not the one who commited the crimes. The killer probably waited until the owner needed to fake another kamaitachi appearance and choose then to strike. 

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I am going to try to push out a complete solution before Monday spoilers. Check back in later today for progress updates - I'm being interrupted by IRL issues, so I can't finish this all at once like I want too.


Recap timeline:

Long ago - Head waitress with child fired by Gifu

One year ago - Husband of proprietor passed away

One year ago - Kouhei nearly drowned in pool.

One year ago soon after previous incident - storage shed broken into for the first time.

Photographs when?

"A few days ago" - a robber breaks into the warehouse

Attack in warehouse

Balloon popping

Immediately after - scream heard.

Murder found

The photographed Kamaitachi

The running on the water technique

Large amounts of starch used for making kudzu soup stolen from the warehouse days earlier was added to the water of the pond. Nobody noticed because the water was already an opaque white, and stories of the kamaitachi dissuaded anyone from going to the pool. Starch turns the water into a shear-thickening fluid, which means that it behaves like a liquid when under little stress, but like a solid under high shear, as might be expected from a sudden application of weight. This allows people to run on it - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2XQ97XHjVw

Drowning boy

The child had difficulty swimming in the soupy "water" because it does not behave like regular water. It is rather viscous. The "kamaitachi" saved the boy and then washed his unconscious body off thoroughly afterwards so there would be no white starch residue.

Why was this done?

Practice for sure.

To attract a neutral witness on a suitably snowy day with the right weather?

To create a legend so that people will avoid the bath and thus finding out about the starch in it?

The first cut incident


Light bulb break method

Gum on the lightbulb probably caused it to break. There a myth that sticking a piece of gum on a lightbulb will cause it to break after a delay. The gum was found by Yamamura and the forensics. I'm not sure why the culprit didn't recover it.


Cut method

The culprit could find Heiji and Kogoro in the dark using the lit up objects they were carrying. Kogoro had a lit cigarette in the hand he was cut in, Heiji was wearing a watch with glow in the dark hands on his cut forearm.

Item used to cut was.... I don't know. Honestly it doesn't matter too much what it is because they didn't body search. The culprit could have tossed it anywhere the police wouldn't think to look or keep it with them out of fear. No one was wearing gloves wasn't wearing gloves, so it almost certainly has the culprit's fingerprints on it and tests positive for Heiji and Kogoro's blood. That makes it a vital clue to find.


The culprit

Almost certainly Midori.  In order to see the faint glow of the watch, she equipped herself with orange tinted glasses. Orange tinted goggles, or in this case glasses, are standard crime scene equipment for looking at luminol other faint greenish/blue glow in the dark substances that are used to find bloodstains. Midori was not wearing anything glow in the dark, so she probably cut herself.


Why was this done?

To attract police. The later murder needs to be found quickly before more snow can fall and cover the prints of the people running to the annex the long way around and make them all suspects. Even better, if the murder was confirmed by the police, the culprit will have a very solid alibi.

Other notes

Note that Midori couldn't have known Heiji would wear a glowing watch, so the glasses must have been for another purpose - to see something else glowing in the dark. Also since Heiji and Kogoro were unexpected guests, it's possible that Midori had tagged the landlady and the other reporter with glowing paint somehow and would have aimed for them.

The culprit broke into the storage area a few days earier to disable one of the lights so that once the one working lightbulb breaks, the entire shed will be dark. Second they needed to steal the starch for the kudzu soup to prepare the bath.


Ran's and Kazuha's balloon popping incident


Light bulb break method

A BB gun or water gun filled with ice cold water could both break hot lights. What Conan said about only finding 3 BB pellets suggests to me that the BB gun was used on the light because it was not enough to hit the balloons. The culprit knew about the balloons in advance and the setup because they had seen it before and had pictures. Heiji described where the shot was from (the one pane of the paper sliding door that rools up) and where the gun came from (the storage shed).


Balloon pop method

The ice cold water wasn't water at all, it was acetone, a solvent which can dissolve plastic (aka nail polish remover). Acetone is put in a water gun and sprayed, when it contacts the balloon surfaces the balloon plastic weakens and the balloons pop. A spray from a water gun can hit many balloons at once, which explains Ran and Kazuha's observation that the balloons popped simultaneously.

Room temperature acetone feels ice cold when it is on the skin because the heat of vaporization is so low that it evaporates extremely quickly. It also has a strong cleaning solution smell.

I assume the balloons were marked with glow in the dark paint which the tinted glasses would help the culprit see.


The culprit

Since it requires shooting in the dark at illuminated stuff, probably Midori again. Definitely the same person as the murder.


Why was this done?

To attract attention and bring everyone together so that when the man's scream happens, the culprit can have a firm alibi because they were with everyone.

The guns need to be disposed of. They couldn't have gotten far because the murder happened right after and the killer had other things to be doing. The bath would be an easy place to drop the things.


Murder Incident

Trying to think of if I forgot something

Killing Gifu

The culprit probably crossed the pond and killed Gifu rather than going around the long way and then came back by running across the water. I assume he was killed right before the balloon popping incident because it would wreck the alibi if the body was not extremely fresh and no footprints were visible in the snow.

Perhaps Gifu was attacked through the paper door which would explain the slash and splash and the blood on the door? If he was backlit by the light in the room, then he could be seen clearly from outside the door without trouble (and the culprit would be hard to see).

Gifu could have been killed with a weapon other than the scythe (although the scythe would work); any weapon that could be disposed of that would slash through the door would work. If another weapon was used, then the scythe would have been stabbed into the body after the culprit crossed for a third time to retrieve the audio broadcasting device before the police and detectives going around the long way could arrive at the crime scene.

Finding the body

The Gifu's scream was prerecorded from the foot massage tape mentioned in 911 page 11. That allows the culprit to have an alibi. The audio device placed in the annex that broadcasted the man's scream needs to be recovered before the police can find it, especially since the earlier incident in the storage shed was designed to attract their presence. That means the culprit needs to pretend to follow the others around the long way, but then fall behind so they can take the shortcut across the starchy bath soup to recover the device before the others arrive. After recovering the device, they then need to clean up their footprints. If they scrape clean the path clean with the scythe (as agreed upon by Heiji and Kogoro) and then wait in the dark (it has to be dark to hide, necessitating the lights be cut out by flipping the breaker) for the others to arrive they can rejoin the group and pretend they never left. The culprit then stabs the scythe into the body (that explains the discrepancy between the blood on the door where the murder took place and the current position of the body and scythe).

The culprit

The same person as the balloon shooter, probably Midori.

The motive

Gifu firing the woman with the child in the past. Maybe Gifu perved on her. Midori is probably the child from that time. Something bad probably happened to the mother and Midori wanted revenge.

Other notes

Koyanagi Midori is definitely the most suspicious here because of the way she tried to convince the detectives the foggy white pool was just normal water by throwing a rock in it.

The recording device would have to be disposed of (in the bath?), or be something easy to hide like a phone.

The specks of liquid on the rocks bt the bath were made by splashing water soup as the culprit ran across and jumped over.

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hi guys I'm new! I was thinking that Midori could be the little daughter of the woman who got fired by the old man many years ago.


I also think that probably the old man's scream they heard was recorded from that TV show Goro was watching on the PC, that's why they were all together when they heard the scream. The victim was already dead


the light bulb in the childs room probably was broken with 3 bullets shot from the air gun, while the balloons popped because of some ice thrown at them


Midori may have used her nails or maybe some ice to cut the others. Then the ice melted and they found nothing

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Wow. since when Ai knows Heiji that close to tease him?

SKYE come up with translation of the last page

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thanks I read the translation, but there are 2 things I dont understand:

1. why did she use a sickle to kill the old man. She could use the blade in her nails or anything else

2. why she cut the others in the storage room if she had to take the sickle from that storage room

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couldnt she use a normal blade to kill him? She had to steal the two guns and break the balloons just to draw police attention away to steal a sickle she didnt even need!

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All this romantic development teasing at the end of the series is getting tedious.  Because of how this case ended, we're practically guaranteed another mini-London arc involving Heiji and Kazuha in the future when the time could have been spent on something more pertinent to the plot.  I'm just hoping for some more legit info on RUM; I don't want his/her involvement to be as drawn out and as eventually disappointing as Bourbon's.

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  On 11/22/2014 at 10:23 PM, Akazora said:

All this romantic development teasing at the end of the series is getting tedious.  Because of how this case ended, we're practically guaranteed another mini-London arc involving Heiji and Kazuha in the future when the time could have been spent on something more pertinent to the plot.  I'm just hoping for some more legit info on RUM; I don't want his/her involvement to be as drawn out and as eventually disappointing as Bourbon's.

it will be another good 3 years for it to resolve 

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