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Movie 20: The Darkest Nightmare

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  On 4/17/2016 at 5:52 PM, MeiTanteixX said:

I don't agree with that logic. Why would they reveal the voice actor just because it's a new character? It would be just as bad if they ruined the Rum reveal because they used the same voice actor as the new character, who is his true identity. I think it was good of them to hide the voice overall, I mean I already think it's a big step for them to make Rum have dialogues in the movie in general, since his speech patterns should fit his true identity and it might be a big help in revealing his gender.

I understand your point,but there is a 1 year time gap between manga and Anime,so by the time we reach the current chapter in the anime we will have already known RUM's identity. For me it's the same because audience can't recognize the new voice actor as well as a computer voice.

As for the gender reveal,i guess we already have a huge suspect list so making it male only/female only doesn't make it easier to know RUM's identity

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I already think it's strange that they decided to put Rum in the movie, even if all background because it's so early... but I understand why when it comes to hyping up the movie. Heterochromatic woman is a prime example of this. They utilized "Rum" and the fact that they have a prosthetic eye to their advantage (and I know they aren't the same thing, but you'd be surprised at how many people still think she's going to turn out to be Rum, or at the very least question it). 


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Even 1 year later, we may still not know Rum's identity in the manga. I think with a movie "reveal" like 18, this was done simply because we had plenty of information to piece together Okiya=Akai in both the anime and the manga. It did not matter at that point. 

At this point, there's still not much to go in in the manga, especially the anime... so I think taking anything as evidence (especially something that can hardly be regarded as any form of proof) in a movie not connected to the manga is a bit presumptuous.


I myself am still betting on a new character. There's really no reason for me to think otherwise at this point.


Here's some major spoilers from the Red Thread's page

(Do not open - If you wish to remain unspoiled)

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There could be so many reasons to make RUM make a "voice" call in this movie not a "text" message like many have predicted,the most clear reason for me is to tell us that he's already appeared.

I don't find this information similar to what we got in the case of Movie 18 which was a direct confirmation of Okiya's identity.This case is different and it doesn't affect the manga ,as you still have got a long list of pre-existing characters being suspects

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I don't really see the correlation.

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Movie 20 basically had Rum to further hype the movie, and the main guest character was even built around having "odd eyes"

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I just brought up the M18 thing since I agree about it being different this time around, different in a way that they wouldn't really give any hints to Rum's identity. Even the manga doesn't have much to really go on.


While I'm pretty adamant on this issue, I'd really need to see the movie myself to really get a proper impression, and that'll be awhile yet.

Before the spoilers, I had included the possibility that they might do something to give some sort of clues on Rum's identity, and I'm glad they didn't. That would have been a really bad decision.

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  On 4/17/2016 at 10:34 PM, Heliotropic said:

I don't really see the correlation.

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Movie 20 basically had Rum to further hype the movie, and the main guest character was even built around having "odd eyes"

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I just brought up the M18 thing since I agree about it being different this time around, different in a way that they wouldn't really give any hints to Rum's identity. Even the manga doesn't have much to really go on.


While I'm pretty adamant on this issue, I'd really need to see the movie myself to really get a proper impression, and that'll be awhile yet.

Before the spoilers, I had included the possibility that they might do something to give some sort of clues on Rum's identity, and I'm glad they didn't. That would have been a really bad decision.

My point is,the fact that they have already made a contract with a voice actor to do RUM's role,it's not their habit to make a random voice actor do a major character role temporarily ,they choose VA's carefully base on the personality of each character

You cannot give a voice actor a role of a new character that haven't even appeared in the manga,Their physical appearance and personality are important for the VA

Thus ,either RUM is an pre-existing character ,or let's assume it's a new character that have been drawn and designed by Gosho to be revealed within the next few chapters.

But again there is a question,why go through all of this and make a contract with a VA to say a single line in a movie,while you can replace them with a "text message" or a "dark silouhette" and by this Gosho will have his promise kept that "RUM will be in the movie"

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I get your point, but I just think it's a bit presumptuous to come to this conclusion.

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Wait I don't get it, when did the say that they made a contract with a VA for Rum's role?

The obvious reason they masked his voice was to not let us know of his gender (I say his just to not keep typing his/her). Therefore, this was in no way a confirmation that Rum has already appeared.

However, I do believe that this confirmed that the boss is someone who is a recurring character and also present in the movie, OR there is someone among the recurring characters(non-BO) who knows who the boss is and perhaps is an important member of the BO him/herself. My guess is that the person would be the boss him/herself, not just related to the boss. The fact that Gosho revealed the boss' identity confirms this I believe.

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By the way heliotropic, the anonymous user who added the info about Rum's voice on the computer being female is known for digging up unreliable info. It might be true but I haven't seen the source so I removed the statement for the time being.

-edit to remove unneeded complaining-

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  On 4/18/2016 at 4:59 AM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:

By the way heliotropic, the anonymous user who added the info about Rum's voice on the computer being female is known for digging up unreliable info. It might be true but I haven't seen the source so I removed the statement for the time being.



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  On 4/18/2016 at 6:18 AM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:
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BTW the computer voice is not feminine

and noone confirmed that Asaca is Rum

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  On 4/18/2016 at 2:50 PM, Hanfois said:

BTW the computer voice is not feminine

and noone confirmed that Asaca is Rum

What? I never said either of those things were confirmed. I brought up the issue since someone claimed Rum's voice was female on the wiki, and I didn't think it was probable. I offered the suggestion that Atsuko Tanaka (Mary's VA) voiced the lines because she is Conan's current flight of fancy suspect and Tanaka has a low voice and can sound semi-gender neutral (which would then be heavily modified by audio processing).

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  On 4/18/2016 at 2:50 PM, Hanfois said:
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Summary of M20 (Heavy Spoilers)

Part 1

Part 2:

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  On 4/18/2016 at 6:18 PM, Heliotropic said:

Summary of M20 (Heavy Spoilers)

Part 1

Part 2:

i have already read these,nothing about RUM's voice

My understanding to the computer voice thing is that it's the same as the high-pitched voice they usually use in the anime for any culprit before they are revealed

After all we still need to watch the movie to know how the setting was.

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  On 4/18/2016 at 9:08 PM, Hanfois said:

i have already read these,nothing about RUM's voice

My understanding to the computer voice thing is that it's the same as the high-pitched voice they usually use in the anime for any culprit before they are revealed

After all we still need to watch the movie to know how the setting was.


I was just linking them for other people, it was completely unrelated.

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  On 4/19/2016 at 3:16 AM, DCUniverseAficionado said:
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It's possible,but not their habit

Now we should wait to watch the movie to get an answer to the uestion "why RUM used thier voice",they could simply deliver  their message through  text or any other way. The setting might explain this as well

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  On 4/19/2016 at 3:16 AM, DCUniverseAficionado said:
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Yes I am quite sure that's true, as Chek pointed out it should definitely be at least a year(probably much more) until Rum gets to speak in the anime, so it's far too early to choose someone... I believe Gosho would take his time instead. 


  On 4/19/2016 at 8:48 PM, Hanfois said:

Now we should wait to watch the movie to get an answer to the uestion "why RUM used thier voice",they could simply deliver  their message through  text or any other way. The setting might explain this as well

I honestly think there isn't any reason for that really... I just believe it was to create hype, and sure as a fan I found that it was a much better choice than having a mail by Rum shown. Besides it's really not any kind of a clue, the voice is well masked and probably by a random voice actor, not even necessarily of the same gender as Rum so I find nothing wrong with it.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 5:37 AM, EthanHunter said:

Yes I am quite sure that's true, as Chek pointed out it should definitely be at least a year(probably much more) until Rum gets to speak in the anime, so it's far too early to choose someone... I believe Gosho would take his time instead. 

That's correct only if you believe that RUM is a new character.Which is not my opinion.

I personally believe that RUM is either a woman (we already have plenty of suspicious & unused female characters),or a feminine man.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 11:00 AM, Hanfois said:

That's correct only if you believe that RUM is a new character.Which is not my opinion.

I personally believe that RUM is either a woman (we already have plenty of suspicious & unused female characters),or a feminine man.


Which one?


  EthanHunter said:

I wonder what is your opinion on whether Gosho revealing the Boss' identity to the director and producer of movie 20 is some sort of a clue as I mentioned in the movie 20 thread. If you want you can reply in the thread, thanks a lot!

Probably motive and behavior related. It is easy to think the reason is a character the anime directors have to be careful to tiptoe around (Shiho and Vermouth would be my guess), but the biggest change this movie makes to the anime canon about the BO is that it is now a firmly global organization with incredible reach. One problem is that Gosho doesn't want the anime directors to portray the Organization as a typical secretive power and profit-motivated mafia, like most such global organizations are. The boss has a particular mission and he/she only needs just enough money and power and growth to sustain progress. By revealing the boss and his motive, Gosho is likely aiming to keep the anime directors from portraying behavior inconsistent with that motive.

Also, I think it isn't wise to assume that the current version of Movie 20 is the reason Gosho told the anime directors the boss's id. My understanding is that the storyline of Movie 20 went through several pretty dramatic drafts and it is possible that one or more of those drafts had something incompatible. Gosho figured it would be faster to explain why the events were a no-go and let the directors sort it out for themselves rather than be forced to review every story revision for problems.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 12:09 PM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:


Which one?

for the suspicious Mary

For the unused characters there are so many but the most popular suspects :Yonehara & Elena

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  On 4/20/2016 at 2:34 PM, Hanfois said:

for the suspicious Mary

For the unused characters there are so many but the most popular suspects :Yonehara & Elena


Mary is as much of a Rum red herring as Hyoue is.


Sakurako way too young to be Rum, and I don't think Gosho's going to have Rum replace her like Vermouth replaced Tomoaki—instead, I think, she's going to be a character connected to Rum. Maybe she'll end up employed by Rum, or was once employed by Rum.


As for Elena, if she was Rum, would she really tell Rei/Tooru what she told him in that flashback from The Tense Tea Party (888–890/770–771) about how he shouldn't be fighting. Then there's the question of her apparent death in that fire—why would she fake it? Why didn't she ensure that Akemi was made into an assassin who would've become a codenamed member?

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  On 4/20/2016 at 2:46 PM, DCUniverseAficionado said:

Mary is as much of a Rum red herring as Hyoue is.


Sakurako way too young to be Rum, and I don't think Gosho's going to have Rum replace her like Vermouth replaced Tomoaki—instead, I think, she's going to be a character connected to Rum. Maybe she'll end up employed by Rum, or was once employed by Rum.


As for Elena, if she was Rum, would she really tell Rei/Tooru what she told him in that flashback from The Tense Tea Party (888–890/770–771) about how he shouldn't be fighting. Then there's the question of her apparent death in that fire—why would she fake it? Why didn't she ensure that Akemi was made into an assassin who would've become a codenamed member?

I am not even supporting the theory that RUM is a female.Just answering his uestion about the possible existing characters that could turn to be RUM.

For Yonehara she could possibly have stopped aging as Vermouth.But i am not supporting that .

For Elena everything is possible,even Vermouth sometimes sounds wierd, and the only one who could accept akemi into the BO is anokata ,maybe she couldn't gain their trust eventhough RUM is her mother. again i am not supporting this,but just telling that it's possible.

For more female suspects we have got Fusae,Minerva,etc but these are just minor recurring characters who could possibly be RUM.

I've already discussed before who i believe is RUM (Koumei)

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  On 4/20/2016 at 3:11 PM, Hanfois said:

I am not even supporting the theory that RUM is a female.Just answering his uestion about the possible existing characters that could turn to be RUM.

And I was just responding to your post—I held no assumptions, either way.


Same goes for my response to this:

  On 4/20/2016 at 3:11 PM, Hanfois said:

For more female suspects we have got Fusae,Minerva,etc but these are just minor recurring characters who could possibly be RUM.

We don't know if Vermouth is fully American, or if she has a Japanese parent, like Akemi and Shiho did—her being involved in the Japanese-based BO would make more sense (IMO) if she had a Japanese parent/Japanese heritage. Minerva is half-British and half-German—plus, the characters in Holmes' Revelation strike me as one-timers, who may not even be mentioned again, outside of situations where Holmes' Revelation is referenced. She's also too young to be Rum.


Fusae is old enough, but given that Gosho hinted that she and Billy were in the FBI, her odds of being in the BO go down immediately (yes, Gosho said we can ignore them in an interview, but that, in itself, means they're likely not to play a major role, going forward, and I doubt that Gosho would turn Shuichi's subordinate into Rum). 


  On 4/20/2016 at 3:11 PM, Hanfois said:

I've already discussed before who i believe is RUM (Koumei)

Hopefully, next Nagano case, Shiho/Ai will appear... that should help to make things clearer, in regards to this possibility.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 4:43 PM, DCUniverseAficionado said:

Fusae is old enough, but given that Gosho hinted that she and Billy were in the FBI,


When was this??

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