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Uncle Sporkums

Alternate Bourbon Arc Fanfic.

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Let me just say this—I appreciate your work, immensely.


What I said on deviantart, all those months ago? I was being honest with my feelings... but it was still wrong of me. As someone who is not an artist, I should've thought about the demand and care art requires before accusing you of "cheating your fans" by deciding to stop with something. It's only because of you that this even exists—I should just be thankful for that. 


I apologize for being an entitled, inconsiderate douchebag, in that moment (It may not have been on purpose, but that was likely how I came off). I've regretted it for all this time—I knew, the moment I read the last words in your response, "I'm done talking in circles," you meant "I'm done talking in circles with you." And, yes, so many (if not all) of my conversations with you were about your wariness in continuing with this story because of low reader feedback, and me trying to convince you otherwise, even though you continually said that doing it for the readers was just not enough.


I may have damaged our relationship forever, but I still want to ask for your forgiveness.


If you never want to converse with me again, though, just say it, and I'll gladly respect those wishes.


Whatever your response to this post is, I wish you the best.





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Look, you don't need to apologize. You didn't even do anything wrong, just offered me advice that I'd already found unhelpful for my rejection complex. To be honest, I finished this latest chapter out of boredom if anything. Not doing anything creative had just as much results as working my butt off with nothing to show for it. The fact that I have a bunch of alternate DC ideas running around in my head would be nice to express, but if no one in any of these fanart/fanfiction websites seems that interested (which I'm not saying they have to be) while continuously praising the same old fics about couples falling in love, crying for the whole story, or both, well, it tends to be demoralizing to the point where one feels it's no longer worth it.

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Man, that was quick. He's already the apprentice.


The Bourbon arc would've been 2-3 years long if a bunch of cases were cut, and if certain elements from certain cut cases were grafted onto more important cases (Though one could take this further and apply it to the whole series, actually).

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  On 12/30/2015 at 4:37 PM, Uncle Sporkums said:

That's why I'm doing what I'm doing. Such a long period for a mediocre (in my opinion) payoff. 


I feel the Bourbon arc should've been comparable to the Haibara/Sherry (176–237/129–175) and Cell Phone (435–498/346–424) arcs—it should've been an interlude.


Just like the Haibara/Sherry arc was an interlude between the Conan/Intro and Vermouth arcs and like the Cell Phone arc was an interlude between the Vermouth and Kir arcs, the Bourbon arc should've been an interlude between the Kir and the Rum arcs.

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  On 12/31/2015 at 6:37 AM, Uncle Sporkums said:

I am planning several more cases, but now that I have set all of the suspects set up, now we can get back to the "FBI are targeted" theme that Chek thought up.


And that sounds like a good lead-in to Rum's appearance on the scene.


Speaking of which, what do you think of Rum, as in a character who's the boss' right-hand?

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Well, I was thinking that would end as soon as the "Bourbon situation" was taken care of.


That's a good question. I'm actually not that  big of a  fan of the concept, since a "second in command" - type besides Vermouth as "The Boss' Favorite" wasn't established until recently, and seeing as someone as old and high up as Pisco was portrayed as a bumbler who was simply taken out by Gin. but someone around the same bracket as he, is more dangerous than Gin just seems off-putting. It may have it's place, and I could give it a try, but I'm not actually sure how I would do it, and I don't even know if I would like how Gosho's done it, as I've greatly disliked his direction of the series lately.

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  On 1/2/2016 at 3:07 AM, Uncle Sporkums said:

I'm actually not that big of a fan of the concept, since a "second in command" - type besides Vermouth as "The Boss' Favorite" wasn't established until recently, and seeing as someone as old and high up as Pisco was portrayed as a bumbler who was simply taken out by Gin. but someone around the same bracket as he, is more dangerous than Gin just seems off-putting. It may have it's place, and I could give it a try, but I'm not actually sure how I would do it, and I don't even know if I would like how Gosho's done it, as I've greatly disliked his direction of the series lately.

I think there might be a Rum-related/BO case in April (around the time The Darkest Nightmare releases, on the 16th)—I think we might just get a better sense of things, then. After all, all we know is that Rum apparently has a prosthetic eye and that there have been varying descriptions given out by various BO members, and that was info given to us in September 2014—it's been a while since Gosho's given us anything, on that front.

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