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How much time has passed since chapter 1 until now?

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The series has a lot of time discrepancies. I find it very absurd that no less than a year has passed since Shinichi shrank. But, accurately, if we were to count days and cases, how much time has passed?

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Detective Conan utilizes a floating timeline. It's not something you can "accurately" measure. There are several contradictions with the series itself in regards to "time", so normally it would be absurd to think that a year hasn't passed... but that's just how it has always been. Trying to figure this out is a futile effort.


If the manga says a year hasn't passed yet since the start of the story, a year hasn't passed. Counting all the cases/days/holidays/etc. that have passed isn't going to change this or give you a sense of how much time has gone by.

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  On 4/3/2016 at 1:09 PM, BlackLabel said:

But, accurately, if we were to count days and cases, how much time has passed?

Something I have often wondered myself. Let's see if we can figure it out!

  On 4/3/2016 at 3:32 PM, Heliotropic said:

If the manga says a year hasn't passed yet since the start of the story, a year hasn't passed. Counting all the cases/days/holidays/etc. that have passed isn't going to change this or give you a sense of how much time has gone by.

True, but I think we need to look deeper.

  On 4/4/2016 at 4:37 AM, DCUniverseAficionado said:

Currently, we're on case #276.

First, a question. Is this manga cases or anime cases, and does this count seperate cases within a single episode as individual cases or as a single case and does it include the flashback cases (Shinichi and Ran on the plane or in New York, etc.), the movies, the OVAs, or the live action dramas? Anyways, 276 cases. Well, there are some cases where it is definitively stated that time has passed since the previous case. Conversely, there are some cases where it definitively flows directly into the next case. And finally, there are cases which it does not say either way. If the ones in which time is NOT clearly defined are taken as happening the very next day, or perhaps even (in some cases) later the same day, then we balance out the cases that have had a defined amount of time pass and those that have clearly flowed directly into their following cases, then we can make an educated guess. I am only up to episode 420 of the anime, and do not recall exactly how many cases have clearly defined a time period since the previous one, how many flowed right into the next one, or how many didn't clarify, but it seems that, at least in what I have watched, the vast majority fall into the final category. This means that, at least in the anime, we shouldn't need to add a very large number of days to that number of cases. That said, I will estimate adding 59 days (if anyone has a more accurate number, please let me know), leaving us at a nice, clean 335 days, meaning we are still one month short of one year within the story. So yes, it actually COULD have been less than a year for Conan since his body shrank, even though it's been 20 years for the audience! Thanks, DCUniverseAficionado, I couldn't have even TRIED to figure it out with the case number tally! What do you guys think? Does 11 months sound right, proportionate to the number of cases?

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  On 8/16/2016 at 1:46 PM, AnimeOtakuDrew said:

First, a question. Is this manga cases or anime cases, and does this count seperate cases within a single episode as individual cases or as a single case and does it include the flashback cases (Shinichi and Ran on the plane or in New York, etc.), the movies, the OVAs, or the live action dramas? Anyways, 276 cases. Well, there are some cases where it is definitively stated that time has passed since the previous case. Conversely, there are some cases where it definitively flows directly into the next case. And finally, there are cases which it does not say either way. If the ones in which time is NOT clearly defined are taken as happening the very next day, or perhaps even (in some cases) later the same day, then we balance out the cases that have had a defined amount of time pass and those that have clearly flowed directly into their following cases, then we can make an educated guess. I am only up to episode 420 of the anime, and do not recall exactly how many cases have clearly defined a time period since the previous one, how many flowed right into the next one, or how many didn't clarify, but it seems that, at least in what I have watched, the vast majority fall into the final category. This means that, at least in the anime, we shouldn't need to add a very large number of days to that number of cases. That said, I will estimate adding 59 days (if anyone has a more accurate number, please let me know), leaving us at a nice, clean 335 days, meaning we are still one month short of one year within the story. So yes, it actually COULD have been less than a year for Conan since his body shrank, even though it's been 20 years for the audience! Thanks, DCUniverseAficionado, I couldn't have even TRIED to figure it out with the case number tally! What do you guys think? Does 11 months sound right, proportionate to the number of cases?


Right now, the manga has 280 cases (there have been 4 more since I made that post in April), and the anime has covered 266 of those cases. Separate cases within a single episode are counted as separate (Episode 585), and flashback cases are included. The movies, OVAs and Live-action dramas do not count.


Ran thinks, in File 882/Episode 772, "Not even a year has passed" since a case that took place (at least, by my reckoning) just a few weeks (it could be even less) before the events of File 1/Episode 1. This case came out in the manga from December 2013 to January 2014—in other words, it was the 20th year anniversary case, so Gosho wanted to establish that, after nearly 900 files, less than a year had passed between File 1/Episode 1 and File 882–File 884/Episode 772–Episode 773. My takeaway from this case is this—by the time File 882–File 884/Episode 772–Episode 773 rolls around, it has been 8-11 months since File 1/Episode 1.


The way I count months in DC is this: 50 manga episodes in the anime = 1 month. Here's how far along we are in DC, by that way of counting months:


1 Month After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 14, File 139–File 140 and Volume 15, File 141–File 143/Season 4, Episode 84–Episode 85
2 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 25, File 243–File 245/Season 7, Episode 172–Episode 173
3 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 32, File 325–File 327/Season 10, Episode 258–Episode 259
4 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 40, File 413–File 415 and Volume 41, File 416/Season 12, Episode 333–Episode 334
5 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 48, File 499–File 500 and Volume 49, File 501–File 504/Season 14, Episode 425
6 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 57, File 595–File 597 and Volume 58, File 598/Season 17, Episode 495–Episode 497
7 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 65, File 682–File 685 and Volume 66, File 686/Season 18, Episode 558–Episode 561
8 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 72, File 762 and Volume 73, File 763–File 764/Season 20, Episode 632–Episode 633
9 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 79, File 834–File 839 and Volume 80, File 840/Season 22, Episode 712–Episode 715
10 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 87, File 925–File 926 and Volume 88, File 927/Season 26, Episode 822–Episode 823
11 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Not yet reached
12 Months/1 Year After File 1/Episode 1 = Not yet reached


So the pattern is this (again, going by the 50 manga episodes in the anime = 1 month principle)—around every 90 or so Files/around every 90 or so Episodes, a month passes in DC (though in some cases it could be 70 manga files, or 63 or even 110 episodes, between months).


I did count the number of cases myself... only to find they'd already been counted... -_-




If you're going to check this link out, don't go past Case #142—else, you'll be spoiled.

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  On 8/16/2016 at 5:49 PM, DCUniverseAficionado said:

Separate cases within a single episode are counted as separate (Episode 585), and flashback cases are included. The movies, OVAs and Live-action dramas do not count.

Okay, this helps cut that time down a little bit. The episodes that featured multiple cases (at least in the 224 episodes I have now watched) have pretty much taken place within a single day. Likewise, if that number is including the flashback cases, we can subtract those as they took place prior to Shinichi's transformation (there have been at least four in the episodes I have watched thus far). I think, between those two amendments to the timeframe, we should be able to cut it down by anywhere from two weeks to a month, which leaves my estimate somewhere between 10 and 11 months now.

  6 minutes ago, DCUniverseAficionado said:

My takeaway from this case is this—by the time File 882–File 884/Episode 772–Episode 773 rolls around, it has been 8-11 months since File 1/Episode 1.

And it seems as though your estimate is pretty much in line with that, even if we had different methods of reaching it (though, arguably, one might say that the fact that, since such a similar conclusion was reached by two completely separate lines of reasoning, there is probably something to it).

  6 minutes ago, DCUniverseAficionado said:

If you're going to check this link out, don't go past Case #142—else, you'll be spoiled.

Warning noted and appreciated!

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By DCUniverseAficinado's method, the first month covers 39 cases some of which go on for more than one day. If you just count the days shown in manga (ignoring seasons and stuff) and assume that two cases don't take place on the same day unless shown, more than 31 days that have passed.


I remember doing this type of tally and gave up around the Hatamoto Family Murder Case because it became clear that I wasn't going to get a logical or useful result. It's a noble attempt, DCUniverseAficinado, but just as nonsensical as the floating timeline. It ultimately doesn't matter because Gosho has been careful to make sure exact times don't matter as far as current events go. Other than the fact that Conan-form is less than a year old, Gosho is pretty careful to scrub references to when other events happened relative to one another because he doesn't want readers thinking about it too much. The only time precision matters are events prior to Conan where Gosho often gives relatively precise times.

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The only direct reference of how much time has passed in series that I remember is in file 599, page 8, when Jodie said that Akai's girlfriend was killed several months ago. Even then, it was very vague (how many months is several months anyway...). Akemi's death probably happened relatively close to Conan's shrinking day. Conan's shrinking, Akemi's death-->several months--> Shuichi's fake death.

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  On 8/17/2016 at 11:17 PM, cchanged said:

The only direct reference of how much time has passed in series that I remember is in file 599, page 8, when Jodie said that Akai's girlfriend was killed several months ago. Even then, it was very vague (how many months is several months anyway...). Akemi's death probably happened relatively close to Conan's shrinking day. Conan's shrinking, Akemi's death-->several months--> Shuichi's fake death.


Miriam-Webster definition of "Several":



"more than two but not very many"


More Specific:

a ) more than one

b ) more than two but fewer than many


And as for "many:"

1) consisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number

2) being one of a large but indefinite number


So "several months" means more than 1-2 months, but less than a large but indefinite number.


At the very least, it can be said that File 599/Episode 497 (when Jodie says how long it's been since Akemi's death) takes place 3 months or more since File 16/Episode 128.


By my calculations, Clash of Red and Black takes place 6 months after File 1/Episode 1, which definitely could be described as a period of "several months" since Akemi's death, considering how close her death is to the start of DC.

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  On 4/3/2016 at 3:32 PM, Heliotropic said:

There are several contradictions with the series itself in regards to "time",


  On 8/17/2016 at 10:01 PM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:

If you just count the days shown in manga (ignoring seasons and stuff)

I was thinking some more about this and these two things kind of stuck with me. @Chekhov MacGuffin is absolutely right, the seasons and dates are all over the place, which makes @Heliotropic's statement accurate as well. Then another idea hit me. What if the series is out of order?! What if we grouped all of the winter episodes together, all of the spring episodes together, all of the summer episodes together, and all of the autumn episodes together? We then would arrange within each season according to any specifically mentioned dates and references to earlier events. In this way, the Shonen Tantei cases could fit into gaps where the series specifically states a period of time between cases at the Mouri Detective Agency. Another reason this could work is the number of episodes following the introduction of Haibara where she doesn't appear and isn't even mentioned. In fact, MUCH of the series as a whole seems random and largely disconnected, which would lend itself to rearranging the episodes into a more cohesive timeline. If someone can post or send me a list of episodes broken down by seasons, I will gladly take the time to go through and see if I can collate them into a new timeline and we can see if that supports the findings of myself and of @DCUniverseAficionado or points us to some other time frame for the series thus far.

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  On 8/16/2016 at 5:49 PM, DCUniverseAficionado said:


Right now, the manga has 280 cases (there have been 4 more since I made that post in April), and the anime has covered 266 of those cases. Separate cases within a single episode are counted as separate (Episode 585), and flashback cases are included. The movies, OVAs and Live-action dramas do not count.


Ran thinks, in File 882/Episode 772, "Not even a year has passed" since a case that took place (at least, by my reckoning) just a few weeks (it could be even less) before the events of File 1/Episode 1. This case came out in the manga from December 2013 to January 2014—in other words, it was the 20th year anniversary case, so Gosho wanted to establish that, after nearly 900 files, less than a year had passed between File 1/Episode 1 and File 882–File 884/Episode 772–Episode 773. My takeaway from this case is this—by the time File 882–File 884/Episode 772–Episode 773 rolls around, it has been 8-11 months since File 1/Episode 1.


The way I count months in DC is this: 50 manga episodes in the anime = 1 month. Here's how far along we are in DC, by that way of counting months:


1 Month After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 14, File 139–File 140 and Volume 15, File 141–File 143/Season 4, Episode 84–Episode 85
2 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 25, File 243–File 245/Season 7, Episode 172–Episode 173
3 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 32, File 325–File 327/Season 10, Episode 258–Episode 259
4 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 40, File 413–File 415 and Volume 41, File 416/Season 12, Episode 333–Episode 334
5 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 48, File 499–File 500 and Volume 49, File 501–File 504/Season 14, Episode 425
6 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 57, File 595–File 597 and Volume 58, File 598/Season 17, Episode 495–Episode 497
7 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 65, File 682–File 685 and Volume 66, File 686/Season 18, Episode 558–Episode 561
8 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 72, File 762 and Volume 73, File 763–File 764/Season 20, Episode 632–Episode 633
9 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 79, File 834–File 839 and Volume 80, File 840/Season 22, Episode 712–Episode 715
10 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Volume 87, File 925–File 926 and Volume 88, File 927/Season 26, Episode 822–Episode 823
11 Months After File 1/Episode 1 = Not yet reached
12 Months/1 Year After File 1/Episode 1 = Not yet reached


So the pattern is this (again, going by the 50 manga episodes in the anime = 1 month principle)—around every 90 or so Files/around every 90 or so Episodes, a month passes in DC (though in some cases it could be 70 manga files, or 63 or even 110 episodes, between months).


I did count the number of cases myself... only to find they'd already been counted... -_-




If you're going to check this link out, don't go past Case #142—else, you'll be spoiled.


Going by your calculations, I think DC would end around vol. 100 since Gosho once mentioned that the whole story is set to be in a year..

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  On 9/6/2016 at 11:15 AM, AnimeOtakuDrew said:


I was thinking some more about this and these two things kind of stuck with me. @Chekhov MacGuffin is absolutely right, the seasons and dates are all over the place, which makes @Heliotropic's statement accurate as well. Then another idea hit me. What if the series is out of order?! What if we grouped all of the winter episodes together, all of the spring episodes together, all of the summer episodes together, and all of the autumn episodes together? We then would arrange within each season according to any specifically mentioned dates and references to earlier events. In this way, the Shonen Tantei cases could fit into gaps where the series specifically states a period of time between cases at the Mouri Detective Agency. Another reason this could work is the number of episodes following the introduction of Haibara where she doesn't appear and isn't even mentioned. In fact, MUCH of the series as a whole seems random and largely disconnected, which would lend itself to rearranging the episodes into a more cohesive timeline. If someone can post or send me a list of episodes broken down by seasons, I will gladly take the time to go through and see if I can collate them into a new timeline and we can see if that supports the findings of myself and of @DCUniverseAficionado or points us to some other time frame for the series thus far.

Wow, you guys sure are determined...This is a matter that has all dc enthusiasts confused on...I was surprised that someone shares the same theory, that dc is out of order, Have been thinking about it everytime a season was mentioned... And seriously, regarding gosho-sensei's statement,just how many valentines day and new year can happen in one year? It's totally illogical no matter what theory we make...I won't be so upset if this isn't story based but sadly it is, and every story needs an ending. While dc's an amazing one,just how long does gosho-sensei planning to drag this...

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But, off the top of my head, I only recall one Valentine's Day story  (when they took Ran and Sonoko to make chocolates), one White Day story, one Christmas story, and so on. As for New Year's; yes, the first episode broadcast each year starts with the characters wishing the audience a happy new 2, but that's not part of the story. I actually can't recall and episode that included New Year's Eve/Day in the story. Now, I admittedly have a lousy memory, so it could just be that I'm not remembering, or it could be that there are repeated holidays after episode 651 (which is how far I currently have gotten). Still, I think this might be an idea worth exploring. Again, just a thought that occurred to me.

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  On 9/13/2016 at 11:57 PM, AnimeOtakuDrew said:

But, off the top of my head, I only recall one Valentine's Day story  (when they took Ran and Sonoko to make chocolates), one White Day story, one Christmas story, and so on. As for New Year's; yes, the first episode broadcast each year starts with the characters wishing the audience a happy new 2, but that's not part of the story. I actually can't recall and episode that included New Year's Eve/Day in the story. Now, I admittedly have a lousy memory, so it could just be that I'm not remembering, or it could be that there are repeated holidays after episode 651 (which is how far I currently have gotten). Still, I think this might be an idea worth exploring. Again, just a thought that occurred to me.


The contradiction that I can think of the easiest is this:


The Young Witness and the Giant Hammer (Volume 53, File 550–File 552/Season 15, Episode 462–Episode 463) – January 4th

The Shadow of the Black Organization – The Mysterious Job and the Shining Star of Pearl (Volume 53, File 553 and Volume 54, File 554–File 555/Season 15, Episode 464–Episode 465) – February 5th

The Magic Spell of Friday the 13th (Volume 58, File 605–File 608 and Volume 59, File 609/Season 17, Episode 501–Episode 504) — January 13th and January 16th


The dates for these three cases seem to indicate that the Kir arc's (File 499–File 621/Episode 425–Episode 508) second half took place over the course of a year. This seems to contradict Ran's thoughts in File 882/Episode 772 that it hadn't even been a year between (just before) File 1/Episode 1 and File 882/Episode 772.


After all, the period between File 550/Episode 462 and File 609/Episode 504 can't take up a year when the period between (just before) File 1/Episode 1 and File 882/Episode 772 is supposed to take up less than a year.

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  On 9/14/2016 at 10:46 AM, DCUniverseAficionado said:


The contradiction that I can think of the easiest is this:


The Young Witness and the Giant Hammer (Volume 53, File 550–File 552/Season 15, Episode 462–Episode 463) – January 4th

The Shadow of the Black Organization – The Mysterious Job and the Shining Star of Pearl (Volume 53, File 553 and Volume 54, File 554–File 555/Season 15, Episode 464–Episode 465) – February 5th

The Magic Spell of Friday the 13th (Volume 58, File 605–File 608 and Volume 59, File 609/Season 17, Episode 501–Episode 504) — January 13th and January 16th


The dates for these three cases seem to indicate that the Kir arc's (File 499–File 621/Episode 425–Episode 508) second half took place over the course of a year. This seems to contradict Ran's thoughts in File 882/Episode 772 that it hadn't even been a year between (just before) File 1/Episode 1 and File 882/Episode 772.


After all, the period between File 550/Episode 462 and File 609/Episode 504 can't take up a year when the period between (just before) File 1/Episode 1 and File 882/Episode 772 is supposed to take up less than a year.

But, if we are working from the idea that the series is presented out of order, then it becomes possible that Ran's assertion that less than a year had passed in episode 772 actually PRECEDED the events in episode 501-504, so at the point when she said that it had still been less than a year.

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  On 9/14/2016 at 9:05 PM, AnimeOtakuDrew said:

But, if we are working from the idea that the series is presented out of order, then it becomes possible that Ran's assertion that less than a year had passed in episode 772 actually PRECEDED the events in episode 501-504, so at the point when she said that it had still been less than a year.


If you do that, you'd have to watch for possible contradictions (either from placing an earlier story later on, or placing a later story earlier on). I don't think it'd be possible—there'd be at least one major contradiction if you re-arrange too much... and the risk would only increase as the number of Manga Files and Anime Episodes increase.

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But I have noticed that many episodes don't include a lot of the characters and make little or no reference to the overall plotline of the series. For example, most of the Shonen Tantei episodes, amd a lot of the random cases could fit just about anywhere, limited only by the seasons in which they take place (yes, there are some that must occur in a certain order or must at least follow certain other episodes, but largely, they are random). With that in mind, I think it wouldn't be too difficult to find a timeline if I could just get a detailed list of episodes telling all definitively given dates and seasons when they take place. If I could get my hands on such a list to start from, I would have no problem spending the time to try to find a working timeline. It would be an interesting way to fill my time.

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