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Detective Conan World

Note to the Admins!!!

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I have been reading through several of the forums on here and something occurred to me. The "General" forum has its "Thread Reference Guide," the "Artwork" forum is organized by artist, and so on. But there is no organization to this forum, and I think it desperately needs it!


My recommendation would be something akin to the "Thread Reference Guide " from the General forum. Within that guide, you could offer a few options for readers/posters to find what they're looking for. The obvious one is by author/original poster of the threads, but there is also by fanfic genre (ideas, crossovers, continuations, AU/divergence, etc.), and finally by prominent characters or pairings.


If something like that was sticky posted at the top of the forum along with the "Fanfic Recommendation Thread," it would be a significant help to anyone wishing to navigate the forum and find stories, ideas, or whatever. Hopefully you guys will do something with this idea. I'm not sure who all the admins are or I would tag them on this post. If anyone reading this knows who the admins are, please tag them to make sure they see this suggestion!

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