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Detective Conan World
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Another new user (who would have thought that)

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Hi everyone!

I'm yet another new fangirl of DC :). I started watching the anime last year, but I've already watched all episodes and movies, and other things (exept Magic Files). I haven't read the whole manga, but I've read almost all not animated cases. I've been checking stuff on the Wiki for some time and I think it's very nice and useful.

I'm sorry, my English may be really bad sometimes, but I'm trying to do my best, to write correctly. Also, my nickname is kinda stupid, but... well, if I chose it, then I guess I like it? I couldn't think of anything better. I have watched some other animes, and I like watching some cartoons for kids (although I'm not so much older than them) like Dreamworks:Dragons, or some Marvel cartoons (yeah I like Marvel). Oh and I am a teenager.

Soooo... I don't really know what else to say (as for me, I said really much). So, nice to meet you. ^_^

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Welcome to DCW. We're bit of a graveyard nowadays, but don't mind that! Just think of this site as a shopping store void of people and you'll have plenty of fun.

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Hey there, everyone. Yet another BIGGEST fan of Detective Conan (Case Closed) all the way from India.
I have watched all the 20 movies and 700 + episodes, still can't get over it. Great work and even better story line.
Also, this site is amazing, and keeps every fan of DC updated and together.

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