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I don't know much about DC, and I only kinda follow the anime not the manga

So i would like to ask this question about kaito kid's appearances in the manga :

Was his last 7 years ago ? The last chapter he  appeared in was published in 2010 right ? or am I wrong ?

Thanks in advance

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Kaitou Kid's latest appearance in the Detective Conan manga was in mid June 2016. Kaitou Kid took some pictures that he wound up regretting and dealt with another Kichiemon contraption: a puzzle box.

The previous Magic Kaitou chapter series, Midnight Crow, dealt with the return of Kuroba Kaito's father -- or someone who looks like his father. It was released October 2014ish I think? The current series, Sun Halo, is also a part of the Magic Kaito manga, not Detective Conan.

You can find out more about Kaitou Kid on his wiki page: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Kaitou_Kid

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