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[SPOILER DISCUSSION] File 1,006–1,008: Maria Higashio’s Treasure Hunt and the Kudo Family Stalker

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Here is the interview Gosho did in SS 3-4, regarding File 1,008's big reveal, translated by Spimer from DCTP (again, big spoilers, so proceed at your own risk):



Mr. Aoyama Direct Interview

November 30th, 2017, Mr. Aoyama Gosho House.

In the [Shonen] Sunday Combined Issue #3-4, the identity of “That Person” has been finally established. I directly asked Mr. Aoyama Gosho about his mental state as he temporarily takes breaks from serializing the manga in the weekly magazine and he works on checking the storyboards from the 22nd movie.

Interviewer: Today “That person” was finally identified so I was thinking of asking you about things that everyone wants to know.

青山 はいはい(笑)
Aoyama: Yes, yes (laughs)

Interviewer: If you could please blur the bad questions… By the way… On the same day, that video that I recorded will be made public (“Sunday Webry” App Limited Publishing). 

青山 へー、そうなんだ(笑)はいはい。
Aoyama: Huh, is that so? (laughs) Yes, yes.

Interviewer: First things first… We also asked in the video, but can we assume that is your mental state, Mr. Aoyama?

青山 いやぁまぁ…いつか言わなきゃなぁと。ちょっと急ぎすぎるかなとは思ったけど、まぁいいかなぁと…結構ファンの間でも、アナグラムのヒント(90巻FILE 2)あたりから「##じゃね」と言われていたし、これまでも年賀状で「##ですか?」と聞いてくれる人がいてね。当たってるって返事書いちゃって良い?って、担当編集に聞いたんだけど「いや、それはちょっと…」と止められていてね(笑)あ、これインタビューにちゃんと書いといてね(笑)年賀状は他にも、早い段階で「領域外の妹」のこととか当ててる人がいて、その人たちには「当たってるよ、でも言わないでね(笑)」って書いたけど、##に関しては全スルー。
Aoyama: Oh, well… I did think that I’d have to say it at some point. I did think that I was rushing a bit too much but that it wasn’t a bad idea… A lot of fans said “It’s ##” since they the anagram hint (Volume 90, File 2) and others asked me “Is it ##?” in the New Year’s Postcards. I tried asking the editor in charge “Can I answer telling them they met the mark?” but they stopped me saying “No, that’s a bit [too revealing]…” (laughs) Ah, make sure to write this on the interview (laughs) There were also other persons who guessed the identity of the “sister outside the domain” at a very early stage in the New Year’s Postcards and I answered them “You’ve met the mark but keep it a secret (laughs)” but I ignore all questions about ##. 

Interviewer: When did you decide that “####” was the Boss?

青山 いやぁもう…ちゃんと決めたのは30巻だね。出てくるの30巻だから。ボス出してとかなきゃ(笑)思いまして…
Aoyama: Oh, well… I properly decided that in Volume 30. Since it appears on Volume 30. They have to appear as the “Boss” (laughs) Or so I thought…

Interviewer: There’s a lot of conjectures on the net about “That Person”.

青山 ほうほう。
Aoyama: I see, I see

Interview: “Is it Yuusaku?”, “Is it Mitsuhiko?”, amongst others. 

青山 えー、いやー(笑い)全然違いますよ、ぶぶぶって(笑)でもさすがに当ててくる人が増えてきたからね。
Aoyama: Eehh!? Nooo (laughs) They’re totally wrong. Beep (laughs) But there’s more people who’ve met the mark: it’s to be expected

Interviewer: I thought that the editor in charge at the time of Volume 30 would’ve been specially told, though…

青山 えー、その時、誰かな、担当。
Aoyama: Eeh? Who was the editor in charge back then…?

Interviewer: It was the 4th one. By the way, the first time that the word “That Person” appeared was in the scene of Volume 24 when he says “It’s a direct order from That Person”. You’d already decided then that “The Organization has a Boss”?”

青山 ぶっちゃけ1巻から決めてたよ(笑)でも実はボスが(ピー)は、この24巻からかなぁ…。でもホンとは(ピー)なんだけどね(笑)
Aoyama: To be frank, I’d decided that ever since Volume 1 (laughs) But, actually the Boss being (beep) was from Volume 24, I think… But, in truth, it’s (beep) (laughs)

Interviewer: In the video you allowed me to record a while ago, you did say that ## has some secret to them, but…

青山 めっちゃありますね(笑)だって(ピー)はボスの(ピー)だから(ピーピー)されて(ピー)なわけじゃん。このへん全部、「ピー」だね(笑)
Aoyama: They have tons of them (laughs) Because (beep) is the Boss’ (beep) so they were (beep beep) and they’re (beep). Put “beep” on all of this part (laughs)

Interviewer: Obviously (laughs)

青山 それはそれで面白いかもね(笑)おお、すげーこと言ってるって(笑)
Aoyama: That’s pretty fun (laughs). Oh, he’s saying some spectacular! (laughs)

Interviewer: I do think that there’ll be a lot of those from now on, yes. By the way, ever since you decided it’d be ##, I think you’ve made some hints appear in the manga. Is “Seven Children” the first of them, like I thought? 

青山 そうですね、まぁ、「七つの子」はカラスだしね…
Aoayama: True… Well, “Seven Children” is about crows, so…

あと、組織の正式名称と深い関わりが…と、インタビューでお答えになっていた…という情報を見たことがあり… 出典が定かではないですが(汗)
Interviewer: Also, that it’s deeply related to the Organization’s official name… Or so you answered in an interview… I’ve seen such information… But the source isn’t clear (sweats)

青山 なんだって?そんなの有ったっけ… 組織の名前?そんなこと言ったかな…
Aoyama: What did you say? Was there such a thing…? The Organizations’ name? Did I say that..?

Interviewer: Have you decided on the Organization’s name?

青山 うん(ピーピー)が(ピー)なんですよ。
Aoyama: Yes (beep-beep) is (beep), see. 

Interviewer: Fantastic…

青山 うん、そう、でもボスの名前…?それはあまり関係ないかな。
Aoyama: Yes, true, but the boss’ name…? I think it’s not too related… 

Interview: By the way, there’s several theories flowing in the net like “Maybe it’s indeed the Professor?” or “James Black from the FBI?”…

青山 めっちゃ違いますね(笑)
Aoyama: They’re totally wrong (laughs)

Interviewer: You officially denied Agasa before, but some say that then the story isn’t beautiful…

青山 美しくないというか、面白くないというか…それだといままでの博士のいい話が全部ダメになっちゃうじゃん。でもほら、ベルモットと対決するところで「いかん新一くん!」って言ってビートルで駆けつけたじゃん(笑)あれでボスじゃないってオレとしては描いたつもりだったんだけど…
Aoyama: That’s it’s not beautiful, that it’s not interesting… Were it to be case, all the good episodes the Professor had would have been in vain. But, see… When [Conan] faced Vermouth, he said “No good, Shinichi-kun!” and rushed there with his Beetle (laughs). My intention when I drew that is that he wasn’t the Boss, but… 

Interviewer: True. 

青山 なのにみんな、まだまだ「ボスじゃね」って言ってたからね(笑)
Aoyama: But despite that they all kept saying “He’s the Boss”, so… (laughs)

Interviewer: Also, ## is supposed to be dead in the manga, but… 

青山 あー、そうね、それは言えませんね(笑)それはのちのち…
Aoayama: Ah, true… I can’t talk about that (laughs) In due time…

Interviewer: Obviously. From what you’ve told me, from now it’ll be a very grand story, so… 

青山 まぁ、ボスの名前があきらかになっても、まだまだ「コナン」は謎が多いってことですよ(笑)
Aoyama: Well, even if the Boss’ name has become clear, there’s still a lot of mysteries in “Conan” (laughs)

Page 2 header: After pointing “That Person”

Interviewer: You say that it’s a lot of trouble to explain the foreshadowing to each editor in charge when they change… 

青山 うん(笑)何か思い出したけど、ハッキリ言ったのは、9代目担当の時かも知れないな(笑)黒幕までは、それまではうすらぼんやり担当に伝えて「とにかくオレに任せとけよ」って思ってたような。担当が聞いて感動してて、「凄い良く出来てますね!」って言ってたから(笑)それを覚えてる。
Aoyama: Yes (laughs) I remember something, though… I clearly told one of them, I think the 9th one, for all I know (laughs) I dimly told him up to the mastermind and he seemingly thought “Just leave it up to me”. The editor in charge heard it, got emotional and said “it’s a wonderful work!” (laughs) That much I remember.

Interviewer: Rum’s identity and movements are also a point to focus upon in this episode. They’ve contacted Amuro-san and it’s very big info, so…

青山 ですね(笑)急展開だよね。
Aoyama: Indeed (laughs) It’s a sudden development

Interviewer: By the way, what about your recent status…?

青山 「艦これ」イベント「甲」でクリアしました(笑)今回はいままでで一番大変だった(笑)
Aoyama: I cleared the “Kan Colle” even with “Kou (Shell)” (laughs) It was the hardest insofar (laughs)

Interviewer: What about your feelings…?

青山 そりゃ嬉しいよ(笑)「矢矧」も出たし!これでコンプリート!
Aoyama: I’m glad, of course (laughs) “Yahagi” also appeared! Now I’ve completed it!

Interviewer: Congratulations!

青山 もうこのインタビュー早く終わらせて「矢矧」育てたい(笑)やっぱりセリフがいいんですよ、矢矧。大破したときにさ…「私を沈めたいなら、魚雷5,6本くらい撃ち込まないと、駄目よ」…って、みんな、持ってた人たちはこれ聞いてたんだなと、かっこいい!
Aoyama: I want to finish this interview already and raise “Yahagi” (laughs) Yahagi’s lines are very good, indeed. When she gets seriously damaged… “If you want to sink me you’ll need to shoot 5-6 torpedoes at me, else you won’t be able to”… To think that all people who had her could hear to these… Cool!

Interviewer: You said that you’d wished to get her since 2-3 years ago.

青山 いやもっと長いだと思うけどな…ずーっと「矢矧」だけ出なかった。建造で出るんですけど、100回以上チャンレンジしたけど出なかったからね。今回のイベント(2017年秋)で、ドロップしてビックリした。E-3…E-3の前半のボスかな…?
Aoyama: No, I think it’s been longer… “Yahagi” never popped out. She pops out by construction but even though I did over 100 challenges she didn’t pop out. I was surprised that she was a “drop” in this event (Autumn 2017). E-3… Was is it the Boss of the E-3 first half…?

Interviewer: And you’re also playing “Tsum Tsum” alongside “Kan Colle”…

青山 あーそう!「ツムツム」夢中です。オレのお気に入りのツムは「ピターパン」です(笑)強いから(笑い)
Aoyama: Ah, true! I’m crazy about “Tsum Tsum”. My favorite “Tsum” is “Peter Pan” (laughs) He’s strong (laughs)

Interviewer: By the way, how many 10000s of points do you have in “Tsum Tsum”?

青山 300万点いかなくらいだね、いまのところそれが限界です(笑)
Aoyama: I think it’s below 3,000,000 points. That’s my current limit (laughs)

Interviewer: Also, I can see that the movie storyboards look like the usual ones but greater, even… 

青山 あーそう!がっつりやった!ちなみに次回の映画は、クライマックスでコナンくんが安室に「え!?」っていうことを聞くので、お見逃しなく(笑)安室ファンはみんな気になってることだろうからねぇ…それね、インタビューに書いてくれていいけど、高山さんにはもう言っちゃいました(笑)コナンくんのこういうセリフがあるよって(笑)「わかった」って言ってた(笑)
Aoyama: Ah, yes! I did them with all my might! By the way, in the next movie’s climax… Conan-kun is told something by Amuro that makes him reply “Huh!?” so don’t miss it (laughs) Amuro fans must be curious about that… You can write that in the interview, but I already told Takayama-san about it (laughs) That’s there this line by Conan, that is (laughs) And she said “Gotcha” (laughs)

Interviewer: (laughs) Understood. Then should I say that your message towards the fan is that the manga and movies will still go on?

青山 そうですね、いまちょっと休んでますけど、充電を兼ねてますんで…
Aoyama: Indeed, I’m resting a bit now but I’m also recharging energies so…

Interviewer: This should be better said when one’s at top condition…

青山 そうだね、今後はちょっと作画中の3時間睡眠はやめるかも(笑)なんで、ペースは遅くなっちゃうかもだけど、これならいけるかもとういうのがつかめたらはじめますんで、それまで待って下さい(笑)
Aoyama: True. I might stop having 3-hour sleep during work (laughs). So the pace might slow down but until I begin to get a grip of “this works”: please wait until then (laughs)

Interviewer: Also, Mr. Aoyama, you allowed me to record you while drawing the “true manuscript” but… I think it’s unusual for you to draw a true manuscript and not a dummy… 

青山 あー!そうだね、NHKの番組で、カラーの原稿を描いたときは、本物だったけど漫画の原稿が初めてかもな。
Aoyama: Ah! True, when I drew a color manuscript for the NHK program it was a true manuscript but I guess it’s the first time I do that with a manga manuscript. 

Interviewer: You used a mapping pen, though…

青山 あー!そう!タッチの部分は丸ペン。あれはピグマだと出ないから…オレは元々Gペンや丸ペンを使ってたから、ミリペンを使っても強弱のついた線が描けるけど、いきなり最初からミリペンだと強弱のない、つるんとした絵になっちゃうんで、これから漫画家を目指す新人さんはホンとはGペンや丸ペンで絵を描き慣れといた方がいいよと、書いといてね(笑い)
Aoyama: Ah! True! The touch section is a mapping pen. Pigmas don’t achieve that… I originally used G Pens and mapping pens, so even if I used a millipen I can draw lines with strength, yet… If I suddenly use a millipen from the start, it becomes smooth pictures without strength, so write that any newbies aiming to become mangaka should get used to drawing with G Pens or mapping pens (laughs)

Interviewer: Yes (laughs) And so… Thank you very much for this very important interview. Is there something else you want to say about your recent status, Mr. Aoyama? 

青山 あ、「ドラクエ11」で、ボスを倒して最初のエンデイングまで見た。(現在、裏ボスを倒すべくレベル上げ中)
Aoyama: Ah, I beat the boss in “Dragon Quest 11” and saw the first ending (now I’m leveling up to face the secret boss) 

Interviewer: Speaking of which… You finished re-reading the manga “The March Lion” and you’re into the drama series “Policeman Yugami”, right?

青山 アニメだと「宝石の国」だな、あれいい!面白い!スタッフの中にオレと同じ大学のサークルでアニメ作ってたやつがいるし(笑)(泉津井陽一(センツイヨウイチ)さん)あのアニメ、声優さんもいい!主人公が「響け!ユーフォニアム」の黄前ちゃんなんだよね〜(黒沢ともよさん)
Aoyama: As for anime, I like “Jewels Kingdom”, it’s good! It’s fun! Amongst the staff there’s a guy from the same college circle as me that made anime (laughs) (Mr. Sentsui Youichi) The anime and voice actors are good! The main protagonist is Oumae-chan from “Sound! Euphonium” (Ms. Kurosawa Tomoyo)

Interviewer: So that’s what you’re into lately, then… Thank you very much!

青山 はいはい(笑)
Aoyama: Yes, yes (laughs)


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7 hours ago, Shreevatsa said:
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The piece is35px-Shogi_ryuma.png, horse, UMA, the last 3 letters of CARASUMA (Crow & black Horse, both associated with nightmare/ evil)

Is it only me or the shougi piece https://image.prntscr.com/image/TwPKPZIuSKi8z_7pIOocdg.jpg https://image.prntscr.com/image/PBFkCep4T66yR1vpj0dKTA.jpg strangely resemble the kana characters キち, Kichi,  as well


Like Shukichi?


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2 minutes ago, Shreevatsa said:

Yes, exactly what I thought


There might be a bigger clue.



The UMA piece when written in Kanji is 龍馬, which is the same as Sakamoto Ryōma (坂本 龍馬)


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7 minutes ago, Shreevatsa said:

Yes, that is correct


  Reveal hidden contents

BTW, what if Boss (Karasuma) is the descendant of Samizu Kichiemon, another famous mysterious character from past)




Probably just a coincidence but there was a Sakamoto Ryoma exhibition held by Jirokichi Suzuki.


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Karasuma was suppose to be have died 50 years ago, so it could fit with Haibara's statement, at Conan has gotten himself involved with a project, that the organization has working on for half a century. I think that it fit with the theory that the intention with the drug is immortality.

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Hey everyone, how are you all? wow to think the theory I started turns out to be the closest to real, we are getting near the end. I believe that either Karasuma Renya is assuming a younger version of himself like Vermouth did, and named himself Daikouko Rentaru the name we saw inside the book in the Mermaid case. And the two persons we saw in the Renya's mansion in the auction one of them is either Renya himself, or all together it is his next in line who is taking part of being the boss. Though the former case is more likely.


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8 hours ago, Shinan-Kudogawa said:
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Hey everyone, how are you all? wow to think the theory I started turns out to be the closest to real, we are getting near the end. I believe that either Karasuma Renya is assuming a younger version of himself like Vermouth did, and named himself Daikouko Rentaru the name we saw inside the book in the Mermaid case. And the two persons we saw in the Renya's mansion in the auction one of them is either Renya himself, or all together it is his next in line who is taking part of being the boss. Though the former case is more likely.


They don't exist. The story about the two visitors and the auction is fabricated.

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17 hours ago, Aries Bless said:

Did you see the shogi piece next to Wakasa's computer? I think that's the thing she had in her pocket. It looks like promoted bishop.


Yup, it's definitely the promoted bishop.




The shogi-like shape of missing "U" in the mirror was most likely hinting to the shogi piece that starts with "U" too (for "Uma").



A potential clue to U's relevance:




Rumi most likely used it to figure out what shogi piece was taken from Kohji's right hand, and has been going around with the Uma piece ever since.




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56 minutes ago, Aries Bless said:

I thought that the buise in the palm was from that finger brace on the scissors.

Chek made a very detailed picture of how it can't be from the scissor:




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On 12/19/2017 at 7:18 AM, MeiTanteixX said:

They don't exist. The story about the two visitors and the auction is fabricated.

We can't say for sure, as far as the series goes. It can be a true story that deemed fabrication in order to distract the truth. Nonetheless it has been mentioned and there is a mystery about it so we can't make certainties for now ;) 

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I'm not a Manga reader, but this reveal gave me a big shock and a bit of confusion. I mean why did Gosho decide to reveal this now? I feel like Conan is near the end now.

Regarding my confusion, there is something that I don't understand;



Is Carasuma now the boss of the BO, RUM, or someone who had a connection with them? because if he is the boss that is

REALLY disappointing. From the beginning, he was suspect of being the boss. I really really hope that Gosho is trolling us with this one big BS. 


Another thing that I saw, back then when Gin wanted to open the locker which Conan was inside it had the number "219", and this the Episode's number in which Carasuma was revealed in.


What do you think?





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1 hour ago, Zeaos said:

I'm not a Manga reader, but this reveal gave me a big shock and a bit of confusion. I mean why did Gosho decide to reveal this now? I feel like Conan is near the end now.

Regarding my confusion, there is something that I don't understand;


  Reveal hidden contents

Is Carasuma now the boss of the BO, RUM, or someone who had a connection with them? because if he is the boss that is

REALLY disappointing. From the beginning, he was suspect of being the boss. I really really hope that Gosho is trolling us with this one big BS. 


Another thing that I saw, back then when Gin wanted to open the locker which Conan was inside it had the number "219", and this the Episode's number in which Carasuma was revealed in.


What do you think?





Health issues are likely why he decided to put this reveal in 1,008.


At bare minimum, he was the original boss of the BO. Without more info, we have no idea if he's still the boss/if he's really dead or not.


It's gonna take us a bit until we can get a sense of how Gosho's going to change his pace, because of this. He only produced 25 files this year—last year, he produced 39. It could very well be that 25 files a year will be the new norm for the rest of DC—if this really is the case, then he can still maintain a fairly slow pace, even with this new sense that the end really is in sight.


Bottom line—we need 1,009, the case that 1,009 will begin, and, heck, every case in 2018, so that we can get more info, so that we can get a better understanding of just what we're in for, from now, on, in DC.


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Iori Muga might be Tsutomu who took APTX4869 & became young, became butler. that'd explain why he has mascara kinda eyes, like Akai, also his debut was very silent killer without revealing his presence just like Akai's debut, similar body language, build, wearing muffler, similar clothes,face mask, revealing identity at the end of chapter, also that'd explain why he has knowledge about historical black Fridays of European countries, also Scar Akai & Subaru had appeared in previous Friday the 13th

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Still no file! Damn!!!!  wish he gets well very soon & make next chapter with huge plot twist, having Bourbon & Vermouth, coincidentally giving hints about

events that night, werewolves


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On 12/19/2017 at 10:48 AM, MeiTanteixX said:

They don't exist. The story about the two visitors and the auction is fabricated.


My reasoning : It must be RUM & Vermouth who went wild (& even held auction/party, invited everyone in Karasuma's name to begin with on that night) to conceal, destroy any traces of & leads to Karasuma just in case over cautious like always, in Pisco, ASACA & drugged, made/drove his guests/ acquaintances to sheer madness like werewolves, kill each other in his mansion, instead fabricated it as a horror treasure hunt battle royale death game story to ensure, officially establish that Karasuma died along with his acquaintances circle, so that to make Karasuma mainly associated with werewolves instead due to famous tragedy night rather than being associated with Crows he was originally associated with and even had Emblem,  which'd then again become hints as black, nanatsu no ko, phone no., who'd be well alive in reality, then later go on to found BO(or he sent them to get rid of traces/any leads to him) & even made it urban legend for  leaving it to speculation for what truly happened & what did not events of that night, obvious ー red-herring. He also initially probably funded, became donor to Miyanos research, but become selfish at some point & ordered some sinister research & made them his pawns when he founded BO, Also Carasuma mansion & immortality mermaid legend were released almost one after another in quick succession(but in manga Kouji, seeking immortality came first then 2 volumes later came Karasuma mansion) which revealed BO's visit in seeking immortality as well as Kouji's name in BO hitlist. Further Hints, info to both, in same order(Kouji then Karasuma) in very similar fashion, which were then revealed within an year within very few volumes just like Vol 28 & 30, last year. Also Crows vs Silver Bullet Werewolf just like Magician Phantom Thief vs medieval satanic gargoyle Witch & organisation seeking immortality in Magic Kaito. That'd make most sense . also my theory that original RUM was Karasuma himself who took persona of RUMーsecond in command (self proclaimed or spread rumors as so by Vermouth) to test loyalty of members & possibly identify any potential insiders/traitors/spies/silver bullets, the one identified/described as an old man holding stick/cane.... Who for some reason he could not become RUM again for some reason when RUM again had to make an formal appearance in front of members after first, hence someone else took place of 2nd gen RUM(middle aged, strong build) by Vermouth's suggestion  obviously, she knew about RUM all along, then over time something again happened to 2nd, which once again, then again RUM had to make formal appearance in front of members, which again lead another person to become 3rd gen RUM of present by again Vermouth's suggestion/order/recommendation (most probably female now) who was yet a rookie inexperienced untrained member atm which might indicate it's RUMI (Kanenori is her other unnamed rival BO member or even 2nd gen RUM( (fits with middle aged, strong build) something had happened to him, absence which led to his successor, but now he's back wanting his code name back, also why he said this one is quick-witted to Rumi, competing over who gets to be RUM of present, as well as future, he might hacked Bourbon's phone to see RUM's message to Bourbon Time is money (her rival's name scrambled) red herring, then straight went to Agasa's house to gather info, since he wants his position back asap)  hence why she screwed up her mission of Kouji's death(since she was rookie who messed up, Vermouth spared her, plus RUM recovered Horse piece, U shard, despite 'messing up'  huge Carasuma which gave out boss' name, as well as just happened to contain red-herring characters RUM, she was so focused on Horse piece, U shard, that she didn't notice then, which was her great mistake, as well as there was a 'need' of RUM's appearances in future, is also kinda clumsy, has Kouji's horse shougi piece & possibly U shard from mirror (dying message?) & wears cleavage, breasts, thigh, legs.skin, back, shoulders, belly revealing skimpy clothing (Camisole/Tank top) like Vermouth when seen alone, hence why there are 3 completely contradictory different descriptions about RUM appearance. Kuroda is a former PSB spy who had infiltrated BO but quit for uncertain reason or exposed, thus camouflaged death like Akai (accident, coma) ,took completely new appearance to hide from BO hence why he knows about Rumi who messed up her mission, cautious around her, Also Furuyo Senma' s father might've been also a BO member, or knew something about BO that he was not supposed to know, or knew truth about Karasuma for which he had to die along with for finding treasure he was forbidden to...... 


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Iori Muga : He is the most intriguing character of this rc. Despite being one of Rum's body description(womanly man) in the fandom he always plays the second fiddle to Rumi(the woman who is as strong as a man, which is not Rum's description.) Now this guy has some interesting habits, when the Poirot Cafe stabbing case happened, this guy didn't care for the victim, which everybody else did as they were trying to switch on the light to asses the damage.) he directly went to the door to guard it so that the criminal can't escape. Now the question is why Iori thinks of apprehending the culprit rather than helping the victim. He is probably an agent whose primary task is to catch culprits and secondary task is to play butler to Momiji. he might be protecting Momiji from BO.

Kuroda: The most chilled out of the Rum suspects. Given his story looks genuine, as anyone impersonating his injuries upto minute details won't forget to dye their hair black to avert suspicion. Now he has seen Kohji's corpse, thinks Wakasa Rumi is the message left by Kohji. The thing is why would he link Rumi with Kohji's murder? I think the reason being he has seen Rumi around Juke hotel back then.(In his memory we see a fidgety Rumi.) Given he's yet to notice the bruise in Haneda's palm. He's probably someone who didn't fight with Rum during the case.(Asaka??)

Rumi: The most angsty one. She has a Shogi piece, doesn't give a damn to the mirror message.Trying to get Conan's attention after testing his mettle, has exceptional intelligence and unconditional hatred towards the word prosthetic. When she saw Kuroda for the first time in Burning tent murder case she glared back at him for no reason. She then thoght Kuroda was spying on her and tried to know that how had he come across her name. This means Rumi doesn't recognise Kuroda but thinks Kuroda is the person whom she hastes. Incidentally Kuroda might have a prosthetic eye. So possibly, Kuroda looked quite different 17 years ago during the Kohji case and Rumi thinks he's Rum.

Wakita: The most intelligent one of the lot, tested both Conan and Kogoro(with his eyepatch), has affinity towards using idioms and proverbs, tries to stick with Kogoro at all costs and thinks Rumi is quite quick-witted. I think indications are there that he's Akai Tsutomu in disguise , who 17 years ago faked his death, infiltrated BO, started influencing their executives by his idioms and proverbs. Knows that Rumi is the one wh created fake message and the real message was the Shogi piece.



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