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Detective Conan World
Scar Akai

Boys vs Girls 4

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5.STRICTLY NO EDITING OF INCORRECT POST NO MATTER WHAT YOUR REASON IS(unless it is about editing the rules)!! If you will be CAUGHT editing your incorrect post, this will ban you from playing Boys vs Girls for 2 rounds and also making the opposing team advanced by 100. The 'Game masters' can easily find out if anyone have edited their post through our Email notifications which have the exact copy of the original post. So, don't even think about editing you post as the Game masters are monitoring you

Looks like someone has violated the above-mentioned rule. Take a look at the screenshots below:

This is her post:


And this is her original post courtesy of the email notification sent to me from DCW:


We warned you all about this. Because of this, the boys will get a 100-point advantage from the last correct post by:

108.. started getting stucked again.. :P


108-100 = 8

8 - 1 = 7

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