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Detective Conan World
Officer Kaoko

What would you do if this or that happens? [Forum Game]

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I just realized; shouldn't it be the other way round? I mean not girl-saves-boy? http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.

well it doesn't really matter to me, but sort of yes. Unless ur extremely irresponsible and clumsy. ;)

Not go to school anymore and maybe get into the world record book... I forgot how to spell it's name. The one with a G.

What would u do if you discovered all the people from DCW were all robots except u?

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call the police and try to look for u myself...

if u had to write a 2 pages essay and ur hands were hurting so bad that u couldn't write even a paragraph?

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Celebrate by myself and leave everyone out of a fun party, or else appreciate it more when it did come around.

If my account became inactive or was deleted without notice or a visible reason. (not gonna happen, btw)

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Run as fast as I can, quickly look back once just to make sure whether I know that person or not...

If you were imprisoned for something you didn't do and you knew the real culprit but no one believed you...

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