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Detective Conan World
Officer Kaoko

What would you do if this or that happens? [Forum Game]

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Then you don't know any Yellowglow around...

What if Ai made a permanent antidote, and both Conan and Ai took it and they grew back to their normal bodies and then Shinichi confessed to Ran and Shiho was in love with Saguru and Saguru in love with her?

Wouldn't that be a wonderful story :rolleyes:

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What would I do if DC was real simple:

step 1)Manufacture pills that make people into kids

step 2) ? ? ?

step 3) Profit!!

What would you do if you had to push a rock up a hill for all eternity?

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I suppose I would become angry and my shoes would be filled with rage and then I would seek vengeance.

What would you do if you had a bomb on your chest and the timer was running lower and lower?

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I would say I called that shit way in the beginning son! Which I did because I'm awesome, Also Shinichi's Father I would like that as well which ever really.

What would you do if you were asked to give up your dreams for freedom?

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