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Detective Conan World

Conan Cosplay??

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Okay, I'm a con-goer, AND a cosplayer. And I've only ever seen one Conan cosplay. It was a kid dressing as Conan. Needless to say, I got a hug from said kid (that was awesome!!!)

and at an upcoming convention, (Youmacon 09), I plan to cosplay Rachel/Ran in her school uniform. Its just a last minute costume for the simple fact that Gin said he'd be there, and apparently a whole group will be present o-o

I was just wondering though. Has anyone here ever cosplayed as anyone from this spectacular series? Or has anyone seen a really awesome cosplay of someone? I noticed that the series is slowly gaining in popularity here in the states, even though it's no longer on Adult Swim.

Also, posting pictures is fine by me xD I know I'll be posting a couple of Rachel/Ran once its done.

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Youmacon? This'll be my fifth straight year! Not planning on attempting to throw anything together this year. In '06, I *attempted* a (jacketless) Kyoji Kasshu, and in '08 I was a bit more successful as first-episode Amuro Ray (complete with a homemade V Project manual, and "4-Square Haro" as I called my painted-up green kickball!). I'll probably stick to civvies this year, though (which, for me, will usually consist of one of my Red Wings jerseys).

I don't recall ever seeing anyone from DC to date...

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Really? :D I went last year and there was a Conan walking around on the last day. I hugged him as Misa xDD

Are you going to the Detective Conan panel? There's gonna be one this year. I'm also planning on one for next year... it's gonna be an interactive game panel :333 For 2010, I'm planning on a "Detective Conan MURDER MYSTERY panel" in which a ton of people walk in, one of them is the murderer, one of them is the victim, and Conan has to help everyone else solve the case! :33333 It's gonna be fun.

Last year Youmacon was my first. I was cosplaying Code Geass for the majority of the time with a group of friends. Maybe you saw us? We're in this vid. I was the CC.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cEJasey ... re=related

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Hmm... if I saw Conan, it didn't register with me... it was before I got back into DC again, though, so I probably wasn't paying attention. I'll definitely be more observant this year! :lol:

Looking forward to the panel... I just hope there aren't any conflicts. If it comes down to the DC panel and a Gundam panel, it'll be DC... but I really hope it doesn't get scheduled at the same time as the AMV Wars. I've never missed that one yet, and I hope I don't have to this year!

Anyway, my 2008 pics are here.

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Turns out the Conan panel is one of the first ones, Friday afternoon from 2:00 to 4:00! Poifect! :lol:

Due to a recent crisis, I had to give up my room reservation (could no longer afford it), but fortunately I can crash and clean up at my sister's house (not too far away from the Hyatt). Lookin' forward to Youmacon big-time this year, especially since it'll be a chance to get away from all the crazy crap that's been going on in my life!

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