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Favorite Opening or Ending?

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I really like Step by Step by Ziggy, is a song that easily stucks in your head, and I always sing it everywhere xD

But my favorite is undoubtedly Miho Komatsu and Kimi Ga Inai Natsu by DEEN, and video of the ending is so sweet, the fact of seen Shinichi for a long time and then see him being Conan ...is disappointing but in a good way, I don't know if you understand me, that ending has something that makes it very special for me, at least.

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I love almost all the detective conan songs and have all of them on my ipod. Only being on 345 I would have to say my favroite opening is deistiny and ending overture ( which was only used for six episodes :sad: ) apart from that break by two mix is also a nice insert song

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Honestly, not a huge fan of Detective Conan openings or endings but some of them can be real good! ;D

For the openings, I would say:

1. OP 15 - "Hoshi no Kagayaki yo" 星のかがやきよ

2. OP 27 - "Magic"

3. OP 01 - "Mune-ga doki doki" 胸がドキドキ

and as for the ending:

1. ED 01 - "Step by Step"

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My top 6 favorite openings are:

1. Mune ga Doki Doki by The High Lows

2. Nazo by Miho Komatsu

3. Winter Bells by Mai Kuraki

4. Kimi to Yakusokushita Yasashii Ano Basho Made by Yuuka Saegusa

5. Girigiri Chop by B'z

6. Truth by Two-Mix

My favorite closing is:

Step by Step by Ziggy

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Detective Conan Opening 25 - Revive also i like Detective Conan Opening 24 - Mysterious

and for ending i like Detective conan ending 9 - Secret of My Heart

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This reasion the openings are sorta happy and get you pumped up is because it trys to get you excited for the whole thing with the BO and etc. The reasion i think the enedings are sad is cuz well Shinchi shouldn't be happy about being shurnken into Conan and he really wants to be shinchi again. That's in my opion tho. My fav openings are:

23.Ichibyo goto ni love for you-the video and song has a happy time summer theme to it. I think they did that becuase the whole thing with the BO and Renea was over for now.

20.Namida no Yesterday:I really love the video and the song! the video has a lot of effects but it has the feeling of just having fun at the beach xD

27.Magic:This opening has a really lovey dovey beat to it. I think the video really suits the song.

28.As the Drew:This opening has a sorta sad feeling to it. The video has both the happy and sad feeling to it. I think it really balances it. And my fav part is when both the song and video get really epic(if you know what i mean xD)

1.Pounding of my heart:I really like this opening. I would always sing or hum this song without realizeing it xD.

25.Revive:This is my all time fav opening. I really like the beat of the song and the video. I really like the parts where The song goes "don't stop" and ran get's closer to conan (xD),when the song goes "say goodbye" and Ai points and shoots the gun at Conan,I really think thoese lyrics fitted the song and my fav part is when conan takes off his bow tie,glasses, and shoots his stun gun and it goes "resume and revive" xD.

My fav endings are:

31.Go you're own way:I don't know why but i'm in love with the video and the song. I think it's really cute how Ran si doing the whole "he loves me,he loves me not" (replace he with shinchi xD) with the flower. It was sad when the last pedal was a not but it was cute when conan gave her more flowers.

33.Doing all right:i don't know why but i really like this song. I really like the beat.

34:Hikari:I'm in love with the video and song~ I just love the song and video a lot. It's my type of song for sure.

9.Secret of my heart: I really like this song. I really like how the video makes it look like Ran is singing this song.Well maybe it's her voice character who sings it iunno. I just really love the full version too.

11.Start in my life:Really sad ending. The song and video is sad but it was my first fav ending tho xD.

35.Hello Mr. My Yesterday: This has to be my fav ending ATM~. I just love the video. The song video gives off that feeling of being sad but love at the same time. It might be cuz Ran wishs to go back to the time when she and Shinchi were happy.

Puzzle:Just had to add this one. This is also like my second fav. This song describes Ran and Shinchi relationshop perfectly. It's got that really epic feeling to it and up beat music and it's like Ran and Shinchi relation in one song like i said before. I could listen to it for hours~(not like i haven't done that already xD)

In my opion all the openings are endings are cool but there are some that i like more then others xD. Sorry if i posted too much. Bad habit of mine xD.

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I think Nazo would be my favourite opening. I would sing it all the time when I first started learning Japanese. I also like Love Is A Thrill Shock Suspense and Secret of my Heart. My favourite endings would probably have to be still for your love or Always.

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Revive (opening 25) is my favorite.

Just a question: the openings you have in the english dub of Case Closed are the same that in the original version ?

That being said, I seriously don't think any opening can be worst that the french one. To think I used to hear that crap (the name Conan isn't even pronounced correctly) during my youth...


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I like Feel Your Heart and 100 mono tobira

and I have 2 favorite endings Go Your Own Way and Mou Kimi Dake Hanashitari Shinai

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Opening themes are:

1. Magic by Rina Aiuchi (OP 27)

2. Mysterious Eyes by Garnet Crow (OP 7)

Ending themes <3

1. Secret of My Heart by Mai Kuraki (ED 9) - Most favorite DC song!

2. I Still Believe by Yumi Shizukusa (ED 27)

3. Summer Memories by Aya Kamiki (ED 30)

4. Hikari by BREAKERZ (ED 34)

5. Tomorrow is the Last Time by Mai Kuraki (ED 36)

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I really can't decide on my favorites... I think my favorite opening song is Magic my Rina Aiuchi and my favorite ending song is Yukidoke no Ano Kawa no Nagare no Youni by U-ka saegusa IN db. But I really like all of them!

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My favorite openings are: As the Dew, Magic, Revive

Favorite Movie Themes: Overdrive, Time after Time

Favorite Ending: Tomorrow is the Last Time, hands down. (it's by Mai Kuraki)

I love all DC songs, especially if they're sad. They relax me and help me write my fanfics.

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I do like openings:

Op 1:Mune ga doki doki-Heath

Op 3:Nazo-Miho Komatsu

Op 5:TRUTH~a great detective love-TWO-MIX

Op 10-Winter Bells-Kuraki Mai

Op 13:Kimi to Yakusoku shita yasashii ano basho made-Saegusa Uka in DB

Op 29:Summer Time Gone

Op 30:Teardrops-Caos Caos

I do in Endings:

Ed 2:Meikyuu no Lovers-Heath

Ed 3:Kimi ga inai natsu-DEEN

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Ai wa Kurayami no Naka de (epic opening is EPIC)

Kimi To Yakusoku Shita Yasashii Ano Basho Made (my favorite <3)

Revive (except that 1 frame near the end that makes me want to smack the artists)

Shoudou (I love the special opening)


Overture (B'z <3)


June Bride ~Anata Shika Mienai~

Secret of my heart

I still believe ~Tameiki~

Summer Memories

Kanashii Hodo Anata ga Suki

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Detective conan's almost every song is mind refreshing, soothing, calming or sometimes making our feet dance upon... among these songs.. my favorites are...


Mune ga doki doki


Winter bells

Mystery eyes


As the dew

Summer time gone

Tear drops


Natsu no Maboroshi

Tomorrow is the last time

Hello Mr. my yesturday

Movie endings or themes



kimi ga ireba

Boku ga iru

These make me sing along and make my mind fresh for more hard work... ;):)

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