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British Member

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I hope that Treho Fini

I liked the Forum

I know that Ageleziti very weak

But do not perfected the English language, I am Swiss ...........

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انا فتآة امارتية

Oh, so that's how it is. You should have mentioned before B) . I also had been to Emirates before, not long time ago :D (I can't write in Arabic now because the CPU doesn't support it :lol: ). I was wondering why most of your posts is hard to understand.

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Oh, so that's how it is. You should have mentioned before B) . I also had been to Emirates before, not long time ago :D (I can't write in Arabic now because the CPU doesn't support it :lol: ). I was wondering why most of your posts is hard to understand.

Um...can someone fill me on this, cause I don't speak Arabic...

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I am the amazing Detective Gin. I speak all the language, and I welcome you to this website in your language. :grin:


مرحبا بكم والمتعة.

يشعر ر الحرة تسألوني عن شيء ما.

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مرحبا بكم في كلية دبي للطالبات

-well i hope its really the translation of the word i wanted to tell you, thanks to google translator. haha.. have fun, maybe you can practice more english. ciao!!

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مرحبا بكم في كلية دبي للطالبات

-well i hope its really the translation of the word i wanted to tell you, thanks to google translator. haha.. have fun, maybe you can practice more english. ciao!!

If you knew all the languages in the world like me, you willnot have to use google translator. :grin:


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مرحبا بكم والمتعة.

يشعر ر الحرة تسألوني عن شيء ما

لم أفهم شيئا ؟

ربما كنت مبتدئا في اللغة العربية فقط ,ثم مدير المنتدى كندي الجنسية اليس كذلك ؟؟

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