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Please vote for DC characters in SMT XD

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Super Moe Tournament is up!

SMT is an extended tournament of Best Moe Tournament, the largest Korean character popularity contest.

It has a purpose of all anime/manga fans to enjoy and have a form of 'festival'. It also promotes sharing different views and opinions between group of people who have different views and seldom had opportunity to enteract with each other.

This Year's STM is a 'Pair Game'. This means a female and a male forms a pair according to a set up program named 'Random God'. After each character has a pair, they are choosen a pair to compete against, which is also decided randomly by Random God. Within a pair, each of the character's number of votes are added together, and the pair with larger number of votes deserves to go up to the next round. This means if a character who has the largest votes might not always gets to go up.

Each combate has a time limit, which is set up in Korean Time, and the result comes up right after the time ends. A day or two after the round is over, new combate for the next round comes up with new pairs. This continues until the Final, which the winner will gain the glory of victory.

Definition of 'Camps' in Moe Tournament:

A camp means group of characters that appear in an Anime.

Camps all tends to have different rate of 'Power' according to thier popularity and ability to fans to form an unity.

Some of the strongest camps known to be are Gintama, K-On!, Durarara! and Katekyo Hitman Reborn!.

Definition of 'Restraint' in Moe Tournament:

If a character belongs to a Camp with stronger power, he or she is most likely to get restraint. It's basic reason is to prevent the character that could hurt one's beloved character from going up the rounds, or to prevent same character winning Moe Tournament every years. This is the part that makes Moe Tournaments absolutely fun. XD

Definition of 'Chaos' in Moe Tournament:

Chaos is chaos. People call it a chaos when the result of combate is very unexpected, or the loved characters happen to fall in a situation where they have to compete against each other.

Definition of 'Female and Male District' in Moe Tournament:

There are Animes that Male tends to prefer more, like K-On and To aru Majutsu no Index, and and there tends to be Animes that Female tends to prefer more, like Katekyo Hitman Reborn! and Detective Conan. Camps like K-On are called Male Distinct, and Camps like Katekyo Hitman Reborn! are called Female District.

We are currently at SEMIFINALS, with three DC characters, Toyama Kazuha, Kudo Shinichi, and Haibara Ai still survived in the Tournament.


Kazuha became a pair to Byakuran, facing against Misaka Mikoto (To aru Majutsu no Index), who is known to be the most powerful in Male District, and Orihaya Izaya (Durarara) who has shown the strongest, storm-like power in current Moe Tournament. As she is on her way to the Finals, Kazuha has faced the largest pinch!


Shinichi and Ai became a pair to each other. Many might think 'Well, Isn't that good?' but that's absolutely incorrect, which they are stuck in a very difficult circumstance. Because the pair is composed of both DC characters, people who will be voting for Shinichi and Ai will only be the people from DC camp, which has a big limit.

Since Shouta, who seemed to have least number of Anti-Fans, and Haruhi, who belongs to one of only Male District left, have shown a sudden increase number of votes in the pervious round, and DC camp has faced a strong power of restriant, we have faced a dangerous situation where the probability of losing all of DC characters is extremely high.

Becuase we are in these difficult circumstances, we desperately need help from Detective Conan fans from all around the world. As the number of votes increase, it will be a great chance to acknowledge the anime of Detective Conan to the world, and support your love toward DC.

Just like every single votes in the elections are extremely important, all the votes that you could excercise in DC characters are also very crucial for us.

If you love Detective Conan with affections, please, PLEASE spend a little time of yours to vote for Detective Conan Characters in SMT.

(+ It'd also be nice if you could publicize SMT to your friend)

Thank you for reading this long text, and please help DC characters reach to the Finals!

+) If you have any questions, please ask me.

And, I'm new to this forum. Hope I could get along with you guys well XD

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