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Officer Kaoko

Japanese Classroom

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  On 5/29/2011 at 9:42 AM, Shirayuki Hana said:

Can i join? i want to be able to speak japanese fluently:

Do i know some japanese words?

Sukoshi na.

Please please please let me join. I'm gonna take notes. :D



  On 5/30/2011 at 3:58 AM, Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief said:

What do you mean let you join?? <_<


No matter what it is!!!You're welcome agree to KKLT!!

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  On 5/19/2011 at 2:44 AM, Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief said:

kaoko san!!!

shashin ga subarashii desu yo! Totemo kirei desu!

watashi wa kyo, itsuka no subarashii koto o manabimashita.

watashi wa motomoto nippon o ikitai'n desu.. demo... saigai no sei de... :(


doumo arigatou!


Sugoi, Kaitou-kun! Your Japanese is wonderful!

Yokatta~ I'm glad you liked our lessons. It's a pleasure to know that our lesson is benefiting other people. :D

  On 5/21/2011 at 6:24 AM, Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief said:

Im in~

K-Kaito-kun..? You were a girl...?! I thought you were a boy! :o

  On 5/27/2011 at 3:04 PM, conankoibito said:

I should post on the FORUM!!!!

Doumo! xD

  On 5/29/2011 at 9:42 AM, Shirayuki Hana said:

Can i join? i want to be able to speak japanese fluently:

Do i know some japanese words?

Sukoshi na.

Please please please let me join. I'm gonna take notes. :D

Of course you can join! You think we'd ever say no? xD

Welcome! Don't worry, in our classroom we start from a scratch! Begin with learning the characters first (hiragana and katakana) ~

  On 5/30/2011 at 3:58 AM, Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief said:

What do you mean let you join?? <_<



  On 5/30/2011 at 4:12 AM, conankoibito said:



No matter what it is!!!You're welcome agree to KKLT!!


  On 6/1/2011 at 2:51 AM, Cheesus said:

Dubs get!

Glad to see Kaoko knows dem Kanji!

What are you referring to, Cheesus? xD

BTW, since the story for the hiragana lessons is getting longer (Tna... just how awesome is your writing skills?! xD), it's a pain to have it all transferred here (you know, the forum codes and such). So I am going to post the link of the blog!

Here goes lesson 30 -> Hiragana: Lesson 30 - ‘ほ’ [ho], ‘ぼ’ [bo] & ‘ぽ’ [po]

Enjoy~ :mrgreen:

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Kaito: xD xD xD

Yup, let's pay it a visit! :-D

Here's an example for of when to say 'いってらっしゃい (itte rasshai)' and 'いってきます (itte kimasu)':

Before Ran went for school, Conan tells her to have a good day (itte rasshai), and she responded that she will be off then (itte kimasu).

行ってらっしゃい【いってらっしゃい】 (itte rasshai): have a good day; take care; see you

行って来ます【いってきます】 (itte kimasu): I'm off; see you later

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  On 6/3/2011 at 11:53 PM, Misaki-chan said:

May I join? I know very little, not much, and I really need to learn at least the basics or July will be rough.....

You don't have to ask. Just say the word 'I wanna join! \o/' and we'll add you to the list :-D

Welcome in! I hope you enjoy it here ;-)

  On 6/4/2011 at 12:29 AM, Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief said:

Lol!!! Misachan!!!! *pulls her to forum by force* :P

Let's go!!!! XD


  On 6/5/2011 at 1:54 PM, Misaki-chan said:

Ok, ok! I'll go check it out when I can! :)

Sorry for the late reply by the way :V

  On 6/5/2011 at 2:52 PM, conankoibito said:

I hope Kaoko_san approve it immediately.

I did :-D

  On 6/5/2011 at 2:56 PM, karan said:

i don't understand a single word

Well, duh. What do you expect for someone who hasn't studied a thing? If you are just here to bug us, then get lost.

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Sorry for disturbing the lesson tongue.gif.

Maybe some of you frequently have heard about Aisatsu. What is Aisatsu?

あいさつ or romanized as 'Aisatsu' is a common greeting that Japanese people usually said. This is the very first thing that the beginner should do when learning Japanese, because Japanese culture highly regards the courtesy.

Take a look at this page for more information -> Aisatsu/Greeting in Japanese smile.gif

Oh yeah, and feel free to register on forum. Hano-kun made such an awesome games there laugh.gif

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  On 6/6/2011 at 7:19 AM, Hano said:

Could you please add me to the list. After all, I'm already a member of the super-awesome forum: http://japaneseken.freeforums.org/

Sorry, Hano! I hadn't update the list in awhile D: *goes and updates*

  On 6/6/2011 at 7:34 AM, Tna Uchiha said:

Sorry for disturbing the lesson tongue.gif.

Maybe some of you frequently have heard about Aisatsu. What is Aisatsu?

あいさつ or romanized as 'Aisatsu' is a common greeting that Japanese people usually said. This is the very first thing that the beginner should do when learning Japanese, because Japanese culture highly regards the courtesy.

Take a look at this page for more information -> Aisatsu/Greeting in Japanese smile.gif

Oh yeah, and feel free to register on forum. Hano-kun made such an awesome games there laugh.gif

Don't forget to also post it in your blog :D

  On 6/6/2011 at 8:15 AM, akaishiwOo said:

i wanna join... i know some words of Japanese's language ~ i love watching their dramas and anime~ may i..?

WOOOOOOOOT! Welcome in¬ <3 If you are a beginner who yet hasn't begin any Japanese course, start from here -> Getting Familiar :-D

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  On 6/6/2011 at 4:40 PM, Officer Kaoko said:

Sorry, Hano! I hadn't update the list in awhile D: *goes and updates*

Don't forget to also post it in your blog :D

WOOOOOOOOT! Welcome in¬ <3 If you are a beginner who yet hasn't begin any Japanese course, start from here -> Getting Familiar :-D

i just take a look at it... it very fun~~ :)

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