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Avatar: 8/10 It's really well drawn! Who is it?

Sig: 9/10 Classic spoiler box inside a spoiler box :D! And that picture... So pretty, and so sad! DX

@ Ayame-chan; *accepts lolly* Thnx! And for my sig, I'm still trying to decide on what I should put there... DC scene? GIF? Something from another anime? O_o I don't know what to do! D:

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Avatar: 9/10: Your avatars are always simple and pretty~

Sig: 8.7/10: I'm not sure which anime that is, but I find it funny ^-^


@Kirsch: I can give some gifs from my collection if you like~

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Avatar: 10/10 Haibara! I love her! And she looks so pretty in that drawing :D

Sig: 9/10 Haha! I love them! Cutely drawn Gosho Boys and Pervy Conan XD

Really? I'd love to see some (can't find great ones on Google images; is that just me? O_o), and I might actually get a signature for a change!

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A: 8.5/10 It's Haibara. <3

S: 9/10 I'll give you credit for your cool sense of humor. Nice! finallyplz.gif?1

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A: 9.5/10 I have no idea who that is but I like the artist's style and the red streak ^-^

S: 9/10 Again, no idea where they came from T^T (It's my fault for not watching a lot of animes). The ice-skating gifs looked nice ^-^

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^Yep, but the irony behind that pic is that behind them is the movie 14 poster (with kiddo almost kissing ran) XD. Of course, Aoko doesn't know that.

Avatar: 9/10 -The downside is that I don't know which anime it's from so I can't really judge it

Signature: 9.5/10- Always appreciate your fandoms~ 

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I like your old display picture better. This one's good too, though!

Both are 9/10. Cool signature!

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Avatar: 7/10 I don't know... Maybe it's because of the blushing face?

Signature: 6/10 I noticed your signature changes every time, but this one's for the "vs Notori" one.

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  On 11/21/2014 at 11:10 PM, Moonlit Flower said:

Avatar: 10/10 She looks very pretty, and I love her hairstyle. Cute.

Signature: 8/10 Cute, but a bit common. (See it on google when I type in "Shinichi Kudo" almost all the time. xD!)

Thank you~

Lucky; That picture never comes up when I Google Shinichi... T-T

Avatar: 8/10 That is one of the best collages I've ever seen! It really gives that nostalgic feeling.

Signature: 5/10 I don't really know where those quotes came from, so I can't really judge.

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